楼主: bypass

[其他] 搭个专楼来聊聊 PC 掌机吧 - SD / ROG / Ayaneo / GPD / OXP / Aokzoe

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-9 08:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bypass 于 2023-8-9 08:17 编辑


TAKI 发了 KUN 的评测了。


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发表于 2023-8-17 09:18 | 显示全部楼层
联想的掌机来了, 这个拆分手柄的设计想了想唯一的好处是开会时候能拆掉手柄假装自己带了台windows小平板

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-8-17 09:22 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-8-17 09:47 | 显示全部楼层
dududa 发表于 2023-7-13 14:21
steamdeck现在体验说得过去纯粹是更新时间长,刚出的时候体验还不如win掌机呢,那时候都是吹steamdeck性能 ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-17 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
这几天在用 ROG 玩神界原罪二,这个屏幕是真的舒服。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-8-18 16:44 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
此次WIN Mini 将分为三个配置版本进行发售,7640U 16GB 512GB(CPU/内存/SSD)版本预售价格3999元,零售价4800元;7840U 32GB 512GB(CPU/内存/SSD)版本预售价格4999元,零售价5999元;7840U 32GB 2TB(CPU/内存/SSD)版本预售价格5999元,零售价6999元。在同配置下,WIN Mini 的预售价格与 WIN 4 2023 的预售价格一致,另外,此次WIN Mini并没有 1TB 版本,并且会标配一个 USB 3.0 的 OTG 转接头。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-18 23:14 | 显示全部楼层
医生狼多 发表于 2023-8-18 16:44
此次WIN Mini 将分为三个配置版本进行发售,7640U 16GB 512GB(CPU/内存/SSD)版本预售价格3999元,零售价4 ...

想起来我的第一台 Win 掌机 —— GPD WIN 2 然后那时候特别期待 Smach Z。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-8-18 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-8-18 23:14
想起来我的第一台 Win 掌机 —— GPD WIN 2  然后那时候特别期待 Smach Z。

这么多年过去了,真 ...

smach Z最后是拖流产了吗?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-18 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bypass 于 2023-8-18 23:27 编辑
脚本水平 发表于 2023-8-18 23:16
smach Z最后是拖流产了吗?

嗯,嗝屁了,我当时还翻译了一下官方的声明文:https://keylol.com/t713085-1-1(我刚才搜了一下,搜到了这个帖子,发现居然是我发的 我自己都忘记这个项目已经跑路了)

Hi everyone,


Today we have tough news to share with you, and we think it’s better for everyone to be as clear as possible from the very first paragraph: we have lost the private inversion that was sustaining this project and, as a consequence, we might soon enter bankruptcy. Before getting into details and stepping into how the future looks for us, we have a few things to say.

今天我们有个艰难的消息想要分享给大家,我们觉得最好还是能在文章第一段就尽可能明确地告知您:我们失去了用于维持项目的 Private Inversion(楼主注:我不清楚 private inversion 具体是什么,从上下文来看似乎是一笔投资),导致我们可能很快就会宣告破产。在说明具体细节以及未来方向之前,我们还有些许话想说。

This project kicked-off thanks to all of you, thanks to your support on platforms like Kickstater and Indiegogo. For that, we will always be grateful, the entire team. We became, literally, the most successful Kickstarter in the history of our country. It is fair to say it has been a pretty surreal journey. With an uncertain future in front of us, we really want to thank all of you: without your support, we couldn’t have started all of this. Again, from the entire team, thank you.

这个项目能够发起需要感谢你们所有人,感谢如 Kickstater 和 Indiegogo 等平台的支持。对此,我们整个团队将永远心怀感恩。不夸张地说,我们成为了这个国家在 Kickstarter 上最为成功的项目。说这是一段难以置信的经历并不为过。前途未知,但我们真的很感谢你们:如果没有你们,这一切就不会发生。来自我们整个团队对你们的感谢。

Even though the funds we collected in Kickstarter, Indiegogo and later on our own website helped us to start the journey, the project was way more ambitious than the budget we were managing. Because of that, the project kept going thanks to the public aid by our government and, mostly and foremost, private inversion. Unfortunately, after a few missteps, the investors felt forced to decide to stop supporting the project. There are a few key reasons we would like to explain to you:

尽管从 Kickstarter,Indiegogo 以及我们网站上众筹得到了资金帮助我们启动了项目,但是项目的花销远比我们的预算要多得多。项目得以维持下去得益于我们政府的公共援助资金,以及更重要的,感谢 Private Inversion。不幸的话,经历了些许失误,投资者们被迫停止继续支持这个项目。我们想要跟您解释项目失败的一些关键原因:

The covid pandemic. We don’t want to blame it as the sole cause, but the timing was extremely bad for our project, to put it blandly. We were just arranging the last details of production when it started, forcing us to change production partners from China to Spain, resetting key production elements. After that, the company felt forced to start an ERTE (a measure from the Spanish Government to help companies survive), meaning we reduced our workforce… considerably. For us, the mentioned ERTE lasted almost for one year and a half, due to the lack of funds. Because of that, since then, we have been moving things forward being 3-5 workers.

新冠疫情的流行。我们不想把它归咎为唯一原因,但平心而论,(疫情的爆发)极大影响了我们的项目计划安排。疫情开始的时候我们才刚刚确定产品的最后一些细节,导致被迫将生产合作伙伴从中国换到西班牙,并重新设计了产品的一些关键元素。在这之后,公司就被迫启动了 ERTE 项目(西班牙政府用于帮助公司生存的一项措施),这意味着我们得大幅削减员工…以我们现在的状况,由于资金的缺乏 ERTE 将持续将近一年半,也因为此我们只能以 3 - 5 名员工的规模继续前进。

Before starting production, we were proceeding with a final testing in a CE certification laboratory, and an emissions test failed, driven from the charger even though the manufacturer had certified it. The defect in question was never resolved by them. It was another unexpected issue that halted production once again, meaning more funds were needed until it was fixed. It was not too serious or difficult to resolve, but again it was a new problem at a critical moment.

在产品开始生产之前,我们一直在 CE 认证实验室进行一项最终测试,其中一项充电器排放测试没有通过认证,尽管之前生产厂商之前已经做了认证。这个问题他们一直没法解决。这是另一个导致项目再次被中断的意外因素,这意味着在问题被解决之前我们需要更多的资金。它解决起来可能不会太难,但的确也是在这关键时刻挡在我们面前的一个新问题。

During the assembling and testing of the first 200 units, problems related to the final batteries were found; we have not been able to determine or solve them and, therefore, an analysis by an external technical expert team is required. When the device has a load of less than 10% and the charger is plugged, a heating occurs in the batteries. This increase of heat activates automatically the system protection, which stops the batteries to avoid degradation, leading to a shut down of the system. Even if we turned off this automatic protection, the batteries would degrade sooner than expected, reducing their full charge in a matter of months, so that was not something acceptable for final units.

在组装和测试前 200 个产品之后,电池的问题也暴露出来:我们无法解决这个问题,导致我们非常需要一个外部的技术专家团队。当设备电量低于 10% 时进行充电,电池会过热。这会导致系统进行过热保护来防止电池退化,从而系统停止运作。尽管我们尝试过关闭这个自动保护,但电池电量也会超出预期衰减,在之后的几个月里电量会大幅度降低,所以最后的产品我们也是无法接受的。

After all, more than a specific cause, the continuous delays of a project that had still not caused clear revenue, along with the pandemic landscape, made the investors decide they didn’t want to keep supporting the project. They are on their right to do so, and we want to make something very clear: we don't want to blame anyone in this update. We are glad for their support all this time, as well as we are to all of you.


Does this mean your device will never come out? As hard as it is to say it, we think the chances are low. We have a few months to look for new investors until declaring bankruptcy; if we are able to find them, we might have the necessary funds to, at least, produce your devices. And from there, whatever comes next. However, we want to be clear about our current situation: the future looks tough for us, even more in the current economic landscape. Being at the current time a team of 3, we are doing our best to focus all our strengths into looking for a way to make this happen.

这是否意味着产品永远都不会发售了呢。虽然不会直接说死,但我们觉得机会已经很渺茫了。在宣告破产之前我们只有短短几个月时间去寻找新的投资者。如果我们成功了,并且得到了必要的资金,至少是生产设备的资金。在那时候才有继续的可能。然而我们希望能够明确告知我们的现状:前路极其坎坷,在当前的经济形势下更是如此。对于当前一个只有 3 人的团队而言,我们在尽我们最大的努力来让它能够发生。

What about refunds? If we finally declare bankruptcy, then all the resources obtained by selling our remaining assets will move towards your refunds. Please understand that there are priorities to follow; for example, direct customers from our website will be refunded first, and so on. We have been refunding for a very long time, but those refunds were emitted thanks to the private inversion. As you know we haven’t been able to keep refunding these last months for the same reason, and as we hope you understand, right now we are not able to keep refunding you either.

那么退款又是怎么进行的?如果我们最后宣告破产,那么所有变卖的资产都被用于推动退款。但还请理解退款会有优先级。例如,直接从网站购买设备的客户会最先获得退款,诸如此类。实际上我们已经进行很长时间的退款工作了,但是这些退款很多是 Private Inversion 出资。所以出于相同的原因,在过去几个月里面我们没法继续退款工作,以及我们希望你们能够理解,现在我们无法为你们提供退款。

This is our current situation. We have tried to be as clear as possible. We are attaching a form for all of you to track all the refunds inquiries, please take a look and feel free to fill it out, considering that at this point we can not promise you any specific date or amount refunded:


We are all well aware that the scope of the project was too ambitious for us, way more than we anticipated. The project started off on the wrong foot, as we were scammed by ImasD (the lawsuit is still ongoing), forcing us to raplan everything from scratch and assume command of the project, with the handicap of having 200K less that was in ImasD’s bank. It has not been easy to deal with the different providers and this project required a lot of external work. We often found issues, delays and overcosts. The most remarkable has been the plastic molds that have passed by 3 different molding companies until bringing them from China to Spain. The electronic design and BIOS development have not been easy either. With very little exceptions, the external providers have to focus on their own interests, requiring a huge amount of time, effort and fights to move tasks forward.

我们现在都知道项目当时的野心有些过大庞大了,远超我们的预期。项目从初期就摔了跟头,我们被 ImasD 给欺骗了(诉讼官司现在还在进行中),一切不得不从头开始并承担起项目的指挥权。跟不同的供货商打交道真的不容易,这个项目需要大量的外部工作。我们经常发生各种问题、延期以及预算超支。在将生产公司从中国移到西班牙之前,我们已经更换了三家不同的模具公司。电子元件设计和 BIOS 开发一样很不容易。除了少数情况,这些外部供货商必须重视自己的利润,这需要大量的时间精力和努力来慢慢推进。

This high dependency of external providers, dued to our lack of experience in the industrial sector, together with the very limited resources that we had and a big component of bad luck in key moments, have definitely brought the project to this situation.


We know we have failed, over and over, to commit to the communication goals we were stating. We are very sorry for that. We can say we have tried our best, and we are still glad we started this journey with all of you, for real. We have learned and grown. And as we have mentioned before, we are still doing everything we can to move this forward. There is still a hope that the project can continue somehow, but it’s a possibility that we can’t trust at this point. In any case, if that possibility finally arrives we will fight for it and tell you.


We understand that from your point of view you will be angry with us, we can only say that we did all we can with the best intention and efforts. We can guarantee that all the money raised has been dedicated exclusively to cover the project costs. The company has been audited by an external entity and we can show the certification. Also, as you can imagine, in order to get financial support from the government, we have passed strong controls and requirements. Our investors have lost much more money than the money raised in the crowdfunding campaign. So there is nothing weird or dishonest, just a project that has failed, we’re very sorry for that but we hope that you can understand it.


We will continue to inform you about all the process, evolution of this situation and possible solutions. Please, feel free to send proposals or ideas that you may have to save the project. We really hope that, along the way, we have achieved to share some of our passion and joy with all of you.


Even more than ever: thank you all for your support, your trust and your patience.



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-19 00:09 | 显示全部楼层
Taki 出 DeckHD 的评测了 【一项巨大的Steam Deck升级 - DeckHD 深入评测-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/cqrAWbS

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-2 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
尾巴最近真的是腹泻式更新,虽说都是很久之前宣布的机型了,但最近半个多月发布会不断 Pocket Air,Kun,接下来是 Slide。

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发表于 2023-9-2 12:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-9-2 10:38
尾巴最近真的是腹泻式更新,虽说都是很久之前宣布的机型了,但最近半个多月发布会不断  Pocket Air ...


—— 来自 Xiaomi M2007J3SC, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-2 13:37 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-2 13:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-9-5 11:23 | 显示全部楼层
snarc1 发表于 2023-9-2 13:37

还有个问题,屏幕分辨率太高了,200% 缩放刚好
但 Z1(7840U改) 的驱动在内屏时不会开启整数缩放功能(AMD笔电都这样)
好在还有 RSR 可以用,但不如给块 1280×800 的屏幕

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-5 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
暗示我7酱 发表于 2023-9-2 12:59
kun想搞差异化大尺寸产品线,但是联想也新出了8寸的win掌 ...

slide 和 flip 也开始宣发了


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-5 11:44 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2023-9-5 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
今天有人去预定gpd win mini吗,搞了个7640版

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发表于 2023-9-5 13:11 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-8-19 00:09
Taki 出 DeckHD 的评测了 【一项巨大的Steam Deck升级 - DeckHD 深入评测-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/cqrAW ...

搜了下价格只要99刀, 惊人的便宜

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-5 13:36 | 显示全部楼层
泰坦失足 发表于 2023-9-5 13:11
搜了下价格只要99刀, 惊人的便宜


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发表于 2023-9-5 14:26 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-7-17 16:00
Slide 也要开始宣发了。


—— 来自 HUAWEI ELS-AN00, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.2.1

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-5 17:39 | 显示全部楼层
飞侠小黑 发表于 2023-9-5 14:26

—— 来自 HUAWEI ELS-AN00, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.2. ...


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发表于 2023-9-5 17:46 | 显示全部楼层
Midnight.Coup 发表于 2023-9-5 11:23
还有个问题,屏幕分辨率太高了,200% 缩放刚好
但 Z1(7840U改) 的驱动在内屏时不会开启整数缩放功能(AMD笔 ...

艹,AMD out,没用过AMD核显本都不知道这个

—— 来自 S1Fun

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发表于 2023-9-5 17:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-9-5 11:25
slide 和 flip 也开始宣发了


—— 来自 Xiaomi M2007J3SC, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-5 18:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-5 18:03 | 显示全部楼层
rog ally有没有坛友说说体验,看了一圈貌似这个屏幕最好,但就不知道windows体验如何,比sd差在哪

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-5 18:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Midnight.Coup 于 2023-9-5 18:07 编辑
snarc1 发表于 2023-9-5 17:46
艹,AMD out,没用过AMD核显本都不知道这个

—— 来自 S1Fun

AMD 没必要 out,低功率最强核显除了 M2 就是这个了
是联想这个产品经理怕不是没有用过这玩意打游戏,WQXGA 屏 RSR 后相当于别人 1280×800+FSR基础缩放锐化的水平,然而别人 800P 屏幕直接用 FSR2.0 去了

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-5 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
fancykid 发表于 2023-9-5 18:03
rog ally有没有坛友说说体验,看了一圈貌似这个屏幕最好,但就不知道windows体验如何,比sd差在哪 ...

屏幕好,音响超好,性能好,续航烂(25w 玩地平线 4 最高画质能 1080p 稳 60 帧,续航嘛,一个小时不到),Windows 的体验蛋疼(不是为手柄设置,也没有触摸板,使用过程经常就得空出一只手用触屏点点点,或者频繁切换手柄为桌面模式当鼠标用。睡眠问题我倒是觉得还好,玩的几个游戏唤醒之后依旧正常运行。),握把手感不如 Deck,噪音比我用过的所有 PC 掌机都要小。



Deck 玩老游戏很舒服:


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发表于 2023-9-5 18:24 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-9-5 18:12
屏幕好,音响超好,性能好,续航烂(25w 玩地平线 4 最高画质能 1080p 稳 60 帧,续航嘛,一个小时不到) ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-5 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
fancykid 发表于 2023-9-5 18:24
发热严重吗,我看网上说有烧卡的风险,还有能不能接线或者充电宝长时间玩 ...

我不插 SD 卡,机身本身拿着不热,其他地方热反正烫不到我我也无所谓了 长时间玩没啥问题吧。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-5 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
想问一下,如果想买一个方便出门玩steam上本地双人合作游戏的掌机,现在选什么比较好。steamdeck连多个蓝牙手柄方便吗?还是说干脆就等legion go

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发表于 2023-9-5 20:22 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
サリシノハラ 发表于 2023-9-5 20:14
想问一下,如果想买一个方便出门玩steam上本地双人合作游戏的掌机,现在选什么比较好。steamdeck连多个蓝牙 ...



参与人数 1战斗力 +1 收起 理由
サリシノハラ + 1 好评加鹅



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发表于 2023-9-6 10:12 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-7 09:21 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2023-9-10 21:49 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
bypass 发表于 2023-9-7 09:21


—— 来自 Xiaomi M2007J3SC, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-10 22:44 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
gpd win mini预售了,可惜不支持2280硬盘

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-13 08:37 | 显示全部楼层

打了整整一年半终于通关了仙剑四,这种分辨率低,不支持手柄,支持键鼠但是不能完全用键盘,迷宫中不支持随时存档的老游戏,很适合 Steam Deck。


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-16 15:16 | 显示全部楼层
用 Pocket Air 的注意一下:


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-18 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 筒井彩芽 于 2023-9-18 14:14 编辑



使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-18 14:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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