战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2003-3-19
I think the main thing that keeps this series from being 100% realistic is how little characters talk about what they intended to do or how they really feel until the final moment of their corresponding plot arcs. Oftentimes what\'s said only gave a slight hint (and rather ambiguous at that) of what action the character will take next. Yes, from screenwriting point of view, it makes sense to build suspense and save the revelation for later episodes, but damn, it\'s so irritating. To me, if the characters have been a little more communicative, and sending less mixed signal in their behaviors, then it wouldn\'t really stir up so much irritations in audiences as can be seen now in this thread. For example, by the end of this episode, if Shin just want to break up with Noe and go for Hiromi, realistically he should have reassured her before running off to Noe. Likewise, if he chooses to be with Noe, he can make Hiromi knows of his intention by saying just a couple of short sentences before taking off. Doing either of those would take only a few seconds, so he wouldn\'t really waste any time if he did so. Yet all he did was a little blushing, stayed quiet and said \"I need to go now.\" Yes, from what we\'ve seen so far, we always know who he really loves, so there\'s no question about that. But still...
我現在比較同意這個觀點,後三集的劇本的確是非常優秀的,但是導演的表現方式有點過分做作了,用一個成語來形容一下,就是“嘩眾取寵”。 |