战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2014-4-30
本帖最后由 lxx4869 于 2023-2-25 00:11 编辑
Discarding Reference: Start=0s, End=0s
Discarding Comparison: Start=0s, End=0s
Initial peak values Reference: -3.251dB Comparison: -3.212dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -12.081dB Comparison: -12.036dB
Null Depth=10.492dB
Trimming 2 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
X-Correlation offset: 2141 samples
Trimming 3 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
Drift computation quality, #1: Excellent (0.49μs)
Trimmed 77610 samples ( 1759.863946ms) front, 30987 samples ( 702.653061ms end)
Final peak values Reference: -3.251dB Comparison: -3.231dB
Final RMS values Reference: -11.996dB Comparison: -11.996dB
Gain= -0.0001dB (1x) DC=0 Phase offset=48.54811ms (2140.972 samples)
Difference (rms) = -57.2dB [-57.73dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=71.86dB [64.1dBA]
Clock drift: 0 ppm
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=1.12%) at 16 bits
Files match @ 49.9515% when reduced to 9.33 bits
---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 2.20770212626518°
0-10kHz: 1.03°
0-20kHz: 2.03°
0-24kHz: 2.21°
Timing error (rms jitter): 65.7ns
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):
99%: -100.34
75%: -101.66
50%: -102.3
25%: -102.97
1%: -104.54
gn=1.0000115962601, dc=-8.21212110690357E-10, dr=0, of=2140.9716536134
Signature: 8623218b517e670c050d43f78f99fa6c
RMS of the difference of spectra: -96.1233323522087dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=-43.2dB Min=-69.1dB
1% > -67.29dB
10% > -53.76dB
25% > -50.65dB
50% > -48.68dB
75% > -46.79dB
90% > -45.8dB
99% > -43.62dB
Linearity 20.9bits @ 0.5dB error
Initial peak values Reference: -3.176dB Comparison: -3.276dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -12.024dB Comparison: -12.083dB
Null Depth=9.566dB
Trimming 1 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
X-Correlation offset: -23238 samples
Trimming 2 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
Drift computation quality, #1: Excellent (0.19μs)
Trimmed 73649 samples ( 1670.045351ms) front, 36557 samples ( 828.956916ms end)
Final peak values Reference: -3.176dB Comparison: -3.182dB
Final RMS values Reference: -11.982dB Comparison: -11.982dB
Gain= 0dB (1x) DC=0 Phase offset=-526.948573ms (-23238.432 samples)
Difference (rms) = -65.22dB [-65.82dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=80.3dB [72.76dBA]
Clock drift: 0.01 ppm
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=2.34%) at 16 bits
Files match @ 49.9973% when reduced to 10.72 bits
---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 0.892249949956308°
0-10kHz: 0.41°
0-20kHz: 0.85°
0-24kHz: 0.89°
Timing error (rms jitter): 11.1ns
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):
99%: -99.97
75%: -101.78
50%: -102.31
25%: -102.93
1%: -104.44
gn=1.00000103765755, dc=-1.00233398397335E-08, dr=8.79231683158571E-09, of=-23238.4320758479
Signature: bc24087f1c984fd01fa3376cba6ee180
RMS of the difference of spectra: -104.211541028241dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=-49.8dB Min=-79.9dB
1% > -75.44dB
10% > -62.44dB
25% > -59.23dB
50% > -57.1dB
75% > -55.15dB
90% > -53.28dB
99% > -50.35dB
Linearity 25.1bits @ 0.5dB error
点play delta,用显示器自带的喇叭都能听出来....
Initial peak values Reference: -3.885dB Comparison: -3.83dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -25.46dB Comparison: -25.493dB
Null Depth=6.177dB
Trimming 1 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
X-Correlation offset: -82782 samples
Trimming 0 samples at start and 0 samples at the end that are below -90.31dB level
Drift computation quality, #1: Excellent (0μs)
Trimmed 159800 samples ( 3623.582766ms) front, 70 samples ( 1.587302ms end)
Final peak values Reference: -3.885dB Comparison: -3.88dB
Final RMS values Reference: -25.282dB Comparison: -25.282dB
Gain= 0.05dB (1.0058x) DC=0 Phase offset=-1877.14286ms (-82782 samples)
Difference (rms) = -88.08dB [-91.08dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=80.93dB [78.91dBA]
Clock drift: 0 ppm
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=18.08%) at 16 bits
Files match @ 49.9917% when reduced to 14.24 bits
---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 0.592085036721125°
0-10kHz: 0.85°
0-20kHz: 0.62°
0-24kHz: 0.59°
Timing error (rms jitter): 174.3ns
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):
99%: -73.14
75%: -81.53
50%: -86.66
25%: -95.61
1%: -103.2
gn=0.994255321648669, dc=0, dr=0, of=-82782.0001226505
Signature: 516ef113c309ad52b84dc2d8ea4c2aec
RMS of the difference of spectra: -125.948608435036dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=-31.2dB Min=-78.2dB
1% > -75.32dB
10% > -72.35dB
25% > -70.07dB
50% > -64.98dB
75% > -59.57dB
90% > -51.08dB
99% > -31.45dB
Linearity 26.2bits @ 0.5dB error
又试了下把mogami 2549换成gotham 11520,还是hilo,其他不变,歌曲一开始区别挺大的...
最后对比了下hilo的雷电接pc 和 节奏xmos同轴连hilo的区别,这个区别小多了,音量再开大才能听出来曲调,还混杂着噪音...
听出来区别的时候都是高频部分多,Vitalization -水树奈々这种几乎全程都很明显;克莱采 其次,只有小提琴部分能听出来区别;underground army的区别只有噪声...