战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2011-6-10
Bucho. Literally, “club leader", this is the highest level elected student position within the ensemble, typically a student in his or her final year of middle school. The Bucho assists the Buraban Sensei with numerous tasks during full band rehearsals and is responsible for maintaining discipline within the organization and ensuring that the Buraban Sensei is informed of any problems that cannot be adequately resolved at the student level. The Bucho holds private meetings with student groups in order to discuss concerns and resolve minor disputes before they become significant enough to require the intervention of the Buraban Sensei. In this respect, the role of Bucho is more powerful than is typical of student leaders in the school ensembles of Western nations, particularly at the middle school level. However, many parallels may be seen with the organizational structure of athletic organizations, including martial arts.
再多问一句,圣部长在cannot be adequately resolved at the student level的问题出现的时候及时上报了吗,一年生被“恶毒女配”搞得好像要退部一样的时候上报了吗,亲卫队在出警练soli的路边水母的时候上报了吗,“恶毒女配”组织党卫军动摇军心的时候上报了吗,部员和干部在顾问不在的时候从教室吵到走廊的时候上报了吗,哦这个上报了,不过是上报的列祖列宗。还是说这些问题都是minor disputes,洒洒水了?