战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2013-6-12
Act 1, Scene 1 Hunting game
Savanna, Daytime
Tree. Enters Serval.
Grasses. Enters Kaban.
Hunting game.
Act 1, Scene 2 First contact
Introduction of Serval
Not-knowing of Kaban
Name given
Promise of Library
Act 2, Scene 1 Beginning of journey
埃涅阿斯就是“最终考验”,没问题。在Goddess/Temptress之前,踏上Road of Trails的hero面对的都是肉体上的挑战,在Goddess/Temptress时面对的必然是精神上的、发自于内面的挑战,这才是hero's journey的必然“形式”,这才是Goddess/Temptress环节在整个hero's journey“结构”中起的核心作用,为下一步的Atonement升华作铺垫。假使真的有女神在兽娘故事的这个阶段登场,但只要她没有在整体结构中起到这个作用,也无法该情节fit in到hero's journey结构中。从这种那种细节里论证薮猫或未来是Goddess,在我看来不过是在刮掉肉的骨上拼命抠出一点点碎肉,并宣称那就是骨头。
最后,英雄传说中的quest是很具体的。The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest. It is what the person went on the journey to get. All the previous steps serve to prepare and purify the person for this step, since in many myths the boon is something transcendent like the elixir of life itself, or a **t that supplies immortality, or the holy grail.
This is the miraculous energy of the thunderbolts of Zeus, Yahweh, and the Supreme Buddha, the fertility of the rain of Viracocha, the virtue announced by the bell rung in the Mass at the consecration, and the light of the ultimate illumination of the saint and sage.
而且,quest之后return在hero's journey结构里也是必须的(不能像“得知真相”之后就没下文了,不能是属于个人的,必须是具有辐射性影响力的):The full round, the norm of the monomyth, requires that the hero shall now begin the labor of bringing the runes of wisdom, the Golden Fleece, or his sleeping princess, back into the kingdom of humanity, where the boon may redound to the renewing of the community, the nation, the **et or the ten thousand worlds.
quest物品必须带回凡间。但这也是兽娘动画脱出hero's journey结构的最明显的问题:凡间的缺失,动画从头到尾都在异界。开头还能辩称稀树草原是凡间,进入丛林才进入异界,但到了结尾,完成quest后回到稀树草原还有任何意义吗?