战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2013-6-12
说什么局不局限……hero's journey和comparative mythology本来就是结构主义approach吧……
the call rings up the curtain, always, on a mystery of transfiguration —a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and a birth.
这句话分解下来是1. the call rings up the curtain (on a mystery),2. this mystery is a rite of passage,3. when this mystery (or this rite of passage) is completed, it amounts to a dying and a birth
所以我前面说了,这里的a dying and a birth与你想表达的故事开端call的virgin birth不是一回事
如果你认为被天黑怪吞噬之后才完成atonement,那这又跟你之前说的“boon=从未来那里得到的guide身份”矛盾了。The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest. It is what the person went on the journey to get. All the previous steps serve to prepare and purify the person for this step, since in many myths the boon is something transcendent like the elixir of life itself, or a **t that supplies immortality, or the holy grail. boon必然发生在atonement之后
我都不知道还能怎么说了,hero's journey的一个个步骤的逻辑顺序直接套在兽娘上的话不少地方问题都是很明显的,比如goddess/temptress的定位(即对hero的作用)和她与前后步骤的逻辑关系,一看就跟薮猫不同吧,刚好反过来了吧!temptress阻挠hero完成quest,而小包恰恰是为了(救)薮猫而牺牲自我,完成atonement