战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-6-25
Just to destroy any myths that 150+mm HE is still ok, in 0.6.7 1 152mm HE to IS-3 frontal armor takes 30-40%, in 0.7 1 152mm HE to IS-3 frontal armor takes 10%, that means you will need 10 shots to kill it, about 2 minutes and 20 seconds in the SU-152 while the IS-3 can kill you in 2-3 shots aka 24-36 seconds. Also E-100 with 150mm is useless now, barely does 300 damage to my IS-7, cannon fodder.
As for 100mm ammo at almost completely flat 160mm armor means it doesn't even explode it fails to penetrate, stops and then gets deflected slightly and that is it, no explosin, no damage. Shot Vk4502 Aus. A 6-7 times in the front turret with HE 100mm from LB-1 and all bounced, none exploded, no damage.
New HE model + new slope armor effectiveness increase is a deadly combo for the low penetration HE round.
不要以為150mm以上大口徑HE就沒問題. 6.7時一發152打IS3正面可以扣三至四成血, 7.0只能扣一成
即是說SU152要花兩分鐘以上打IS3十炮才能打死它, 而同時IS3半分鐘內打三發就能送SU152回廠
E100的150mm HE也成了廢材炮灰, 打IS7一發才扣三百不到.
彈著後打不穿就跳彈了. 用100mm LB-1 HE打4502A炮塔正面六七次, 全都跳彈沒傷害.
新的HE傷害計算方式加上傾斜裝甲的強化令小口徑HE彈完全無用武之地. |