战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2016-11-14
本帖最后由 当光停止 于 2024-6-17 14:01 编辑
Final Boss is Prime Radahn
DLC is around 50 hours long
There's multiple Crucible Knight Chief Bosses
That sword chick from promotional material replaces Melina
Melina is Miquella female alter ego
DLC has three endings
Ending One is St Trina Boss fight
Ending Two is Three Fingers Empirean Boss Fight
If you refuse to help Miquella you fight a second bossafter any of the first two, which is the secret and final boss (Primal Radahn)
Primal Radah nis the DLC version of Malenia fight, it's basically the same fight with him from the main game but with two phases and no summons. It's incredible hard.
His name during the boss fight is Starscourge Consort of Miquella>In the second phase the Miquella starts throwing light attacks at you.
Final area of the game is basically a massive dungeon
- dlc时长约50个小时,最终区域是一个大型地牢
- 最终boss是升级版拉塔恩
- 有多个熔炉骑士boss(现在已有大锤熔炉boss战视频偷跑)
- 梅琳娜是米凯拉的女性半身(类似刚子和玛丽卡?)
- 宣传画的saber替代了梅梅(大概是指dlc中的戏份?)
- dlc有三个结局,结局一打托里娜,结局二打癫火之王。如果拒绝帮助米凯拉,会在结局1 or 2后打升级版拉塔恩