战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-3-31
话要对比着看,比如也是这两天一直在闹抓马的 CA 也发表了新的言论:
www.totalwar.com/blog/message-from-total-war-leadership-dec-2023 A Message from Total War’s Leadership Team - Total War
> We cannot fix our issues overnight ... Total War is a big and complex ship to steer ...
但是这篇文章从头到尾就主打一个 全方位滑跪 ,从道歉,到主动背锅,全面退款,降价,取消 DLC 付费,强调未来更新计划 ...
> We cannot fix our issues overnight, but we will work towards a more transparent, and consistent relationship with you all.
> One plan that we’ve always had since the early stages of development on PHARAOH is to expand the size of our campaign map as a free update, and to introduce even more factions and cultures to the game.
> we’re going to talk about how we can include more of your voices in what we do. We want to expose more of what we do behind the scenes. Our goal is to invest more in our player channels moving forward, introducing more voices from the studio who can speak to you directly about their work and how that relates to what you want from our titles, ...
你觉得做事情难,那不妨把具体难在哪儿发出来,困扰你们的问题是什么,你们是如何解决的或者打算如何解决,工作过程中有哪些有代表性的故事,不要设置门槛,不要有embargo,撕比的邮件,平常开会扯皮的胶片,都发出来,让大家了解你们是如何工作的,把你们的遗老培养成大儒替你们汴京,你们只需要扮演人畜无害的小白兔就行了,而不是一句"lots of moving parts"就了事
某御三家旗下工作室还能嘴硬,大概只是因为还有继续下滑的空间,大概是需要一次法老级别的真·褒姒。 |