战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2019-7-26
打6分的媒体——digitaltrends。扣大分原因摘选:What’s often lacking is a diversity of thought, and that’s something that’s even reflected in its characters. In the lead-up to the game’s launch, reporters pressed the game’s creative team about the fact that Valisthea seemed to only be populated by white people. Producer Naoki Yoshida explained the decision, noting that despite being a fictional nation, it was very much based on European history. That reasoning doesn’t entirely add up in the final project considering that one of its kingdoms draws from Africa for design inspiration. But even if you buy that as a sensible explanation, it doesn’t explain why nearly every character I meet has the same body type and speaks in the same monotone, English droll. There’s little personality to the game’s cast, which makes it hard to differentiate its flat characters from one another.通常缺乏的是思想的多样性,这一点甚至反映在它的角色中。在游戏发布前夕,记者向游戏的创意团队施压,说 Valisthea 似乎只有白人居住。制片人吉田直树解释了这一决定,并指出尽管是一个虚构的国家,但它很大程度上是基于欧洲历史。考虑到其中一个王国来自非洲,这一推理在最终项目中并不完全成立为设计灵感。但即使你认为这是一个合理的解释,它也不能解释为什么我遇到的几乎每个角色都有相同的体型,并且说着同样单调、滑稽的英语。游戏演员缺乏个性,因此很难将扁平化角色彼此区分开来。