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[PS4/5] Bloodborne/血源诅咒 剧情脑洞讨论帖(更新剧情2.0版)

发表于 2015-4-8 00:22 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-8 01:09 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-4-8 02:12 | 显示全部楼层
rubicon 发表于 2015-4-8 01:09


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发表于 2015-4-8 11:13 | 显示全部楼层
hellgate11 发表于 2015-4-7 12:35



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发表于 2015-4-8 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-8 18:14 编辑
猫执事 发表于 2015-4-8 11:13

亚楠的上空难道就一直悬浮着一个隐形的孕育着外星怪物 ...


1、亚丹小教堂地下书库的笔记,“蜘蛛隐藏了各种仪式,包括无形的我主(見えぬ我らの主/our lost master)”。


教学大楼里的笔记说:“威廉大师说的对,懦弱的进化是种族的堕落”(情けない進化は人の堕落だ/Evolution without courage will be the ruin of our race.)

教学大楼二楼的笔记显示,“罗伦斯和同伴们召唤了月之精灵。‘苍白之血’”。(ローレンスたちの月の魔物。「青ざめた血」/The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Paleblood.)
守护着或许是罗伦斯遗骨的阿梅利亚主教,在悼词中反复提到:“追寻古老的血液吧” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NEtZJSn1sg,小心最后几秒的精神污染)








使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-8 20:49 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-9 01:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-9 02:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-4-9 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-9 17:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-9 17:55 编辑
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-9 10:13

蜘蛛和威廉大师为了防止通过血来激进地进化没错,但如果这样的话,教会为什么要封 ...










1、旧雅南的笔记证实了,红月在过去也曾经出现过。造成的结果是整个旧雅南的狂化不可逆转,教会选择了焚城+封锁。(赤い月は近く、この街は獣ばかりだ。きりがない。もう何もかも手遅れ、すべてを焼くしかないのか/The red moon hangs low, and beasts rule the streets. Are we left no other choice, than to burn it all to cinders?)这一导致部分猎人和教会的分裂的事件,是否也是威廉大师和他的门徒分道扬镳的契机,我们不得而知。
2、教学大楼的笔记也证明,拜耳金沃斯的部分学者知道红月的意义:“人(与兽)的界限变得暧昧,古神降临,而我等将获得婴儿(神子)”(人の境は曖昧となり。偉大なる上位者が現れる。そして我ら赤子を抱かん/the line between man and beast is blurred. And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with child.)






Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm...
Do you hear our prayers?
As you once did for the vacuous Rom,
Grant us eyes, grant us eyes.
**t eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy.
The grand lake of mud, hidden now, from sight.
The cosmos, of course!
Let us sit about, and speak feverishly.
Chatting into the wee hours of...
New ideas, of the higher p|ane!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-9 20:34 | 显示全部楼层


但日文原文用的是“上位者”,英文用的是“Great One”,这都跟时间没有关系。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 05:29 | 显示全部楼层
https://docs.google.com/document ... ErA3Q4SQ7WqVPDwihcw


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发表于 2015-4-10 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 10:17


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发表于 2015-4-10 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 11:41 | 显示全部楼层

ABoxOfSpiders on Reddit made a Lore post that inspired quite a few ideas in this one. See here for his post.

drunktriviaguy’s post on Reddit also influenced this. See his post here.

As with all lore posts, these are my own thoughts assembled from myplaythrough, Reddit, forums, and other conversations. This is just how I think the story went in Bloodborne.

Before the game starts

Who are Great Ones?

I believe Great Ones are not gods, but merely beings that have gained so much power they can see across **es (they can live in dreams) and influence the world around them, but are not immortal by any means. Great Ones are just creatures that have "evolved" to a greater form of life past the Humans/Beasts of the world. Nothing more, but they do live a very very very long time and are immensely powerful. They are not gods or anything like that, just creatures of amazingly high power and presence. This explains a lot of why the game works out like it does if you break away from the thought that they are gods and are instead just incredibly powerful mortal creatures. The oldest and most powerful of these is the Moon Presence, who is the main influence on the player through a proxy. Others are Odeon, Rom, Baby Mergo, Amygdala, Celestial Emissary, Mother Brain, and Ebrietas.

Odeon is a Great One who has transcended to the point he doesn't have a physical body but instead is just whispers in the minds of mortals. He is very powerful and has become sort of "timeless", thus potentially making him the most powerful, yet the most indirect. He is the most "lovecraftian" Great One in that he can influence people easily and is “above” them.

Amygdala is a “Dreamed” Great One of nightmares, lives only in nightmares, and is "fear, anger, and nightmares personified”. Amygdala-like creatures usually live only in Nightmares but can be brought to the real world when the boundaries between dream and reality blur.

Ebrietas is an ancient Great One that lived in the labyrinth for a long time and then came into working with the Church to create a surrogate for himself.

Rom, Mergo, Celestial Emissary, and Mother Brain are "new" Great Ones, young and not developed in power. They are developed enough to have the magical Pale Blood, but their power is still limited. They were created by Humans through messing around with the blood of a dead Great One and Ebrietas.

All of the Great Ones are always looking to create offspring of themselves, like any living creature. They want surrogates when their offspring fail, which they always do. And then the surrogates fail. This is probably due to how much power it takes to be a Great One, a child is just overwhelmed by it and corrupted into nothing but a mass of goo.

On this note - The Great Ones do NOT work together. They will when it helps each other, but generally they are all selfish beings that want to make sure that their lineage is passed on while the others are now. This is important for the dynamic between the Moon Presence and the other Great Ones.


A blood borne disease is one that spreads through contact with blood. This the whole plot device of this game. Blood. Pale Blood - the Blood of a Great One. This blood is infused with such power it can cure illness, get you drunk on power, and in the end the weaker men succum to “the unwelcome instinct deep within the hearts of men”. The blood gives these men “an alluring invitation to accept this very nature." This changes weak men into the beasts that they are in the deepest parts of their hearts and strong men are driven insane by the pull.

Any man who gives in to the beast in his heart, which is heavily amplified from the blood, will change into a ravenous beast. Keep this in mind, as it is important for the story.

The Blood is also where Great Ones come from! If someone is able to be infused with enough power they can somehow "evolve” to the next life form: a Great One. They are still a young and weak Great One, but they are one none-the-less. This does not happen naturally but instead many long rituals must be done and a lot of Blood consumed to get someone there - usually with drastically negative results.

But to the average person, the blood of a Great One - even in small doses - is enough to drive you mad and eventually turn you into a beast if you keep taking it. That bit of the Great One’s blood in you stays around and eats away at you.

These are the Blood Echoes ingame. The echoes of the Blood of the Great Ones resonating inside of anyone who is poisoned by this Blood. The power of Great Ones stays alive in the blood of people and you can absorb it when you kill them, using it to evolve yourself (level up).


Pthumerians were ancient leaderless peaceful civilization that carved out the labyrinth. They were guardians of the Great One that they worshiped (Ebrietas), but did not let him control them since they didn't drink his blood. Ebrietas was imprisioned down there, unable to find a way out since the Pthumerians had watchers over him.

This lasted for a long time and slowly Ebrietas corrupted them to electing a leader and got them to be more violent. Eventually he got the leader, and then the rest of them, to partake in his blood. They descended into madness and beasthood ov**ook their hearts, changing them - just as Yharnam is today.

All that is left is Yharnam, the queen of the Pthumerians, and some of her old guard to protect her. She eventually succeeds at getting pregnant with a child from the blood of Ebrietas - but not before the Great Ones were found by the scholars of Byrgenw**h.


These scholars were studying the labyrinth under the city and stumbled upon Great One parts and slugs and blood. The slugs were clearly part of a greater being and this drove them to discover more. These scholars included Willem, Lawrence, Gherman, Rom, and Micolash. They worked together to figure out what was going on with these slimy creatures and are not afraid to play around with them and experiment with blood. This ends up fracturing the group, as they have differing outlooks on what to do with this new power they discover.

From drunktriviaguy:

Willem, the provost of Byrgenw**h, spent his career exploring the knowledge gained from the [slugs and blood] but eventually came to the somber conclusion that the human mind simply couldn't handle the stress of their knowledge. "We are thinking on the basest of **es. What we need, are more eyes - Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity. - Eyes symbolize the truth Master Willem sought in his research. Disillusioned by the limits of human intellect. Master Willem looked to beings from higher **es for guidance, and sought to line his brain with eyes in order to elevate his thoughts". Willem wasn't content with the fact that the human mind couldn't comprehend the knowledge of the Great Ones and began to experiment with ways to artificially expand our abilities.

Starting with the materials they had on hand, blood ministration was created by Willem as a means of testing human/phantasm hybrids. For better or worse, his experiments succeeded and the recipients of the phantasm's blood were made more aware of the other worlds near our own. Some communication with other beings might have occurred at this point but it was clear to Willem that more advances could still be made.

Willem is determined that they need more knowledge and they need to expand their ability to think to get more. To accomplish this, they end up transforming Rom into an infant Great One. He has done it! Become more than Human! Gained his eyes! But in the process he becomes vacuous - as in he knows nothing at all. He is a shell of his former self. Just a mindless body that has a lot more raw power now.

Willem is distraught and just wants to gain more knowledge to understand it all. His drive consumes him, but doesn't want to partake in the blood rituals **e given what happened to Rom (And thus is proud of another researcher - Caryll - to not use blood for the inscription of runes). He uses his communication with Rom to open up his mind, closing him off to the rest of the world as a result. He becomes nearly non-responsive to anyone else, making people believe that the “spider in the lake is holding [Willem] hostage”.

Around this time, their blood ministration has spread to being used outside of Byrgenw**h and the overuse of this new blood has started to cause problems in the city above.

The Church of Healing

This is where some of the scholars disagree with Willem’s desire to not use the blood and instead pursue pure knowledge.

Lawrence and Gherman leave Willem and want to continue to use the blood, but control it's use heavily. You can see them leave in a flashback during the game, where both Lawrence and Willem agree that you have to “Fear the Old Blood”.

These two go back to Yharnam and Lawrence founds the Church of Healing with the Choir, White Garbed healers, and Black Garbed killers. Gherman was one of these killers, but called himself a Hunter and wore different clothes. Due to the efficiency of his kills, eventually the black garb was phased out in favor of the Gherman-style garb and weapons. This is around the time Ludwig and Archibald were experimenting and creating things, becoming Hunters themselves.

Gherman takes pupils and begins to train them in the Church Workshop, bringing up Hunters for when people crazy from the blood get out of control. Weapons and Armor are crafted based on his designs.

The White Garbed were in charge of disseminating blood healing to the masses under a controlled setting. They promised to cure any ailment and in the process got many people addicted to using the blood, as it got them ‘drunk’ and let them ‘see things the real way they were’. Sort of like being on modern day drugs. This gave the Church incredible power over the city of Yharnam and its surrounding areas, since everyone wanted to be in their favor to get Healing Blood.

After the Church got so much power, they blocked off access to Byrgenw**h. Maybe due to the split? Maybe to just control the source of the blood? Either way, they get political power through their Blood Healing and use the influence to block off access to someone else stopping them from ruling the city.

During all of this, the Choir was doing private research at the top of the cathedral and eventually - and accidentally - realized that the Great Ones (whom they thought were cosmic beings) were much closer than they thought. They just had to reach out and talk to them. This led to them doing many rituals that failed, but created several powerful magical artifacts instead.

Eventually they got the Great Isz Chalice from the labyrinth and used it with their now refined rituals to commune with Ebrietas. He instructed them in many ways to empower them and eventually led to him being freed from the labyrinth - now to reside in Yharnam at the core of the Church of Healing. He helps the entire choir “ascend” to alien-looking moon beings, with one of them getting strong enough to become a Great One itself. The entire Choir descends into madness and the research basically stops.

Eventually, Lawrence succums to the beast within his heart and transforms into a great beast, but was killed. He is worshiped still in the church and his skull is put on display at the head of the cathedral, resulting in the leadership of the Church passing to his Vicar: Amelia.

School of Mensis

Shortly after Lawrence and Gherman leave, Micolash goes off to found the School of Mensis in Yahar'Gul with the goal of embracing the Great Ones directly and worshiping them, as the Pthumerians did before.

Through study and a lot of time with the slugs in the labrinyth, he ends up going completely insane and taking his whole school with him. When he reaches the peak of his insanity, he is able to create a “Dream world” that other people from Mensis are able to join him in. The downside is that once they join, they are trapped inside forever. This leads to a ton of people joining his dream while sitting in chairs around him, only for them to starve to death and waste away.

Think of it like an "open server" that anyone could join. And Margo joined.

Mergo is the child of Yharnam (the person who got pregnant at the start of this backstory) but is already so very powerful since it's the first child that was not aborted or a failure that was conceived from the Great One’s blood. Mergo is evil at the core, even if just a child. And so very powerful. Even though the child is not born yet, it is able to move through the dream worlds and latches onto Micolash’s dream, turning it into a true Nightmare. Micolash, while this was against his will at first, is so far gone into insanity that he embraces it totally as a Great One communicating with him on the deepest level and welcomes her.

He is obsessed with getting ‘sight’ just like how back when he was a scholar - Rom got ‘sight’ through eyes. He doesn't understand that it made Rom just an empty shell and still desires the same treatment. From the dark depths of the now warped Nightmare that he is trapped in, a great brain covered in eyes is discovered. He pulls the Mother Brain up into his fortress and is so happy that it exists, even if it is rotten to the core with evil. The brain drives everyone that it sees to Insanity. You can see the other people from the School of Mensis laying dead anywhere that you can see the Mother Brain - it just killed everyone in the dream it could - a true nightmare.


After a while of hunting monsters, Gherman's wife gets pregnant with a Great One from blood use. She dies while giving birth to the deformed monster and Gherman slays the small beast in response. Gherman retreats to his workshop within the church's workshop and mourns, eventually creating the doll - a mimic of his wife that is so perfect it's borderline insanity to make. He leaves the Third of Umbilical Cord that he got from the monster child in the old workshop when he leaves finally.

He is distraught and turns to the Moon for answers as he is giving up on life. The Great Ones are drawn to helping those who truly call to them (says so in an item), so the Moon Presence descends from the cosmos to grant him "peace". This Peace is actually a curse - it conv**s him into its personal assistant and slave, injecting it's blood directly into him. The Moon Presence is threatened by Mergo and is looking for a way to deal with it before it matures. Gherman gives him the way to do it.

Gherman dies in the process and passes into his dream world. (See Dream Worlds below)

Gherman's role becomes a teacher to new Hunters who are able to get into the dream how to fight and kill the monsters, hoping to push them towards killing Mergo since it is a direct threat against the Moon Presence.

Rom and Willem

Around the time of Mergo taking over the dream of Micolash and creating a VERY powerful Nightmare, Willem figures out how to get the ‘eyes’ he wants through a bond with Rom. He sees the reality of the situation and how Mergo is going to unleash a Nightmare that will consume the world. He knows that the baby will be born when a blood moon rises, unleashing it’s full power.

He knows he can’t stop it, but he can delay it as long as possible. He uses Rom as a keystone in a way. He is able to stop the Blood Moon’s rising under the lake through a Secret Ritual with Rom as the guardian. This stops Mergo from becoming powerful and locks the Mensis Nightmare in the Nightmare realm, unable to bleed over into reality too much. There are still small crossing over now and then with creatures causing problems, but overall it is a huge success for Willem.


Around the time when Gherman goes insane... Yharnam, without Gherman leading the hunters, goes to crap very quickly. Lawrence dies and the other hunters get killed or flee.

The draw of the Hunt and the promise of Blood that can cure any ailment still draw people to the city as outsiders, but they generally either go mad quickly or die. At this point Old Yharman is lost to the beasts and the Ashen Curse, so it is sealed and burned.

Eventually, Mergo takes over the Dream of Mensis and Willem locks the moon’s rising under Rom - this causes an endless night. And endless Hunt. The start of the game.

You are one of those people. You are sick and looking for the Paleblood to cure you. You are injected directly with the “Yharnam blood”, a mix of human blood and Moon Presence Pale Blood at the start of the game. It tests you to see if you can survive or succum to the beastial desires within man’s heart. You pass the test (beast burns) and end up as a Hunter.

This means you share the same fate as Gherman in a way - when you die you do not die, you instead show up in the Hunter's Dream. The Moon Presence blood in your veins calls you back to the Nightmare that the Moon Presence is inhabiting. You are locked in the cycle of the Dream and directed by Gherman to kill Mergo to bring the endless night to a close.

Or go mad trying...

SIDENOTE: How Dream Worlds Work

There are three ‘worlds’ in this game that you must understand for it to make sense. The edges between them have become quite blurred, so creatures from one can pass into the other sometimes. The Hunter's Dream, the real world of Yharnam, and the Nightmare Frontier/Nightmare of Mensis are the three worlds.

Dreams worlds in this game are very lovecraftian in how they blur the lines between reality and fantasy quickly, yet no one is directly in control of them. The Great Ones are the closest things to controlling the dreams, but even then they are vulnerable inside of them.

Both dreams have a "Great One", a powerful being that took control of a person's dream and transformed it into a true Nightmare, and a "Host", who dreamed the dream in the first place and created the world that the Great One can live in safely.

Gherman dreamed of his old Workshop when he died, which because the Hunter's Dream. He is the Host of this dream and the Moon Presence is the Great One that possesses it, turning it into a Nightmare that no one can escape from - even in death! Gherman dreams up the doll since he misses his wife and the Messengers as surrogates for his old teammates/fallen hunters in the past. This dream bleeds over into reality in the form of the Lamps and the Messengers - and obviously the Hunters who can move between it.

Nightmare Frontier/Nightmare of Mensis is dreamed up by the College of Mensis with Micolash as the Host. Mergo invades this dream and twists it into the ultimate Nightmare it is. This Nightmare is locked under the protection of Rom and Willem.

What happens during the game

You wake up in Yharnam after being infused with blood, defenseless and helpless. You quickly die to the first beast you come across and wake up in the Hunter’s Dream. The messengers give you weapons and you are told where you are and why - you are a Hunter and meant to go kill the beasts of the world. Only then will you find the Paleblood you want.

You come across Father Gascoigne who is finishing murdering the man who killed his wife. He lets the beastial side of himself consume him and he transforms and is killed by the player.

The Cathedral Ward district is explored and we find the Odeon Cathedral. Inside is the last Vicar of the Healing Church - Vicar Amelia. She transforms into a beast and after killing her, we see a flashback that shows Lawrence betraying Willem and leaving.

We pass through the Forbidden Woods to get to Byrgenw**h, all the while encouraged by Gherman. We end up in Byrgenw**h and see Willem there, now only a shell of his former self. He points us towards the lake, not understanding that we are not here to help him. We instead end up killing Rom, releasing the plug that Willem placed on the Blood Moon.

Once the Blood Moon rises, we hear the child start to cry -- The Nightmare has broken out of it’s cage, spilling out into the world. Just as Willem feared.

Back in the world, the sky is all sorts of messed up and we can clearly see the Nightmare’s effect on the world - huge creatures cling to buildings and the men you fight are completely controlled by the blood within them. Even to the point they resurrect from mere blood pools you leave them in.

We trespass through the Hidden Village where the College of Mensis is located, dodging the horror that has ov**aken this town. It is the Nightmare come to life. We have to fight a creature from the pure Nightmare summoned into the real world from many bellringers - women who can use the power of the bells to summon things across the **es of reality.

We eventually find Micolash in his chair in the College, totally dead but still fueling the Nightmare as the host. We enter the Nightmare to confront him, and we eventually do. We slay him, but it doesn’t close the Nightmare. No. Mergo has become strong enough to not need him as a mortal host **e.

We eventually head up to where Mergo is only to realize that she is still an infant baby. In this world, she is of no real threat since in the real world she is not truly born yet, but still in a bleeding womb. The Wet Nurse shows up to defend Mergo, only to be stuck down and Mergo finally dying in the process.

The Nightmare ends with Mergo’s death. The Great Ones no longer have a viable child in the world, ending the Blood Moon and collapsing the Nightmare.

We end up back in the Hunter’s Dream, where the Workshop is on fire and Gherman waits for us in a field behind it. When we go see him, he gives us a choice: Let him kill you and break you free of the Nightmare that you are in right now. You can be free of the Hunter’s Dream, able to wake up in the real world and live normally.


You can refuse to let him kill you in the Dream and he will fight you, saying it is time for the helper to clean up the mess. The First Hunter returns to the Hunt.

When you kill him, the Nightmare that the Moon Presence is in no longer has a host and Gherman is released finally. The Moon Presence descends into the Hunter’s Dream and injects you with pure Paleblood from the source, totally consuming your being and leaving you as Gherman was - a slave to the Moon Presence.

The doll wheels you up to the restored Workshop (since you are now the Host, the dream starts anew and that’s how you remember it). She says the hunt starts anew as the moon rises. You are now in charge of training new Hunters to slay beasts and Great Ones alike. You are now controlled by the Moon Presence. Forever.

More to come!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Laie 于 2015-4-10 11:56 编辑
火烧夹云 发表于 2015-4-10 11:41

ABoxOfSpiders on Reddit made a Lore post that inspired quite a few ideas in this  ...

后半提到关于噩梦中宿主和上位者的关系,我觉得很好地解释了为何不同于一贯的prey slaughtered,唯独奶妈(那一段异常的停顿实际是指梅高本身死去)和月魔被击败后显示的是nightmare slain

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 12:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Laie 于 2015-4-10 12:44 编辑

像油管上魂系lore老职人Vaalti新出的视频说桥上的cleric beast就是Ludwig,偏偏地牢里还有个用Ludwig标志性的剑和枪且带着用Kirkhammer扈从的forgotten madman,
我的理解是按cleric beast掉落的徽章和解锁的队长纹章,他前身确实是教会猎人的队长(尤其教会猎人最早都是牧师出身),但不是Ludwig而是他的后继者,


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 12:26 | 显示全部楼层
Laie 发表于 2015-4-10 05:29

有人综合英文社区讨 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-10 12:36 编辑
火烧夹云 发表于 2015-4-9 20:34
因为打死他后,他连同摇椅一起消失了,这在杀死其他NPC时是没有 ...













刀斧手阿尔弗雷德说:“血之救赎,其源泉之圣体,据说被祭祀于大圣堂之中。”(血の救い、その源となる聖体は、大聖堂に祀られていると聞いています/But I have heard that the holy medium of blood healing is venerated in the main cathedral.)



使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-10 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 12:31
这文章有些细节上脑洞成分比较大,比如书人偶是老猎人的妻子在生神之子的时候死了之类都是完完全全的猜测 ...




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发表于 2015-4-10 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 12:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 13:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 13:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Laie 于 2015-4-10 13:13 编辑
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 12:54
还有就是森林门后的守卫早就死了和该隐城堡的马早就死了这两个细节到底怎么理解 ...

"The bone of an old hunter whose name is lost.

It is said that he was an apprentice to old Gehrman, and a practitioner of the art of Quickening, a technique particular to the first hunters.

It is most appropriate that hunters, carriers of the torch who are sustained by the dream, would tease an old art from his remains. "

"Mask/Robe/Manchettes/Kilt of Dores, graveguard of the Forbidden Woods.

His pale countenance mimics the labyrinth watchers. Willem kept two loyal servants back at Byrgenw**h. When they were sent into the labyrinth, they encountered the eldritch Truth, and went mad. One became the password gatekeeper, while Dores became a graveguard of the forest.

Both remained loyal, even in madness."


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发表于 2015-4-10 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 13:20
所以说如果墓碑和骨头都是老猎人徒弟的话,人偶们跪在墓碑前这个细节和人偶妹是老猎人妻子这个推测就很难 ...


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发表于 2015-4-10 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
那篇文章比较全面,不过我认为Rom是比较强的Great One
2:Paleblood应该就是红月(当然不是真的月亮),一方面颜色对应,一方面是未见村猪的位置(红月后晃动的马车前)有个地上的lore内容是paleblood sky

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发表于 2015-4-10 13:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 13:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 14:03 | 显示全部楼层
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 13:55
那个笔记如果之前提前被抓去监狱的话,地上也有。所以我还是比较同意那篇英文分析里的说法,苍白之血就是 ...


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发表于 2015-4-10 15:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-10 15:36 编辑
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 13:55
那个笔记如果之前提前被抓去监狱的话,地上也有。所以我还是比较同意那篇英文分析里的说法,苍白之血就是 ...

1、诊所二楼,游戏开始的房间。“追寻苍白之血,完成狩猎”(青ざめた血を求めよ。狩りを全うするために/Handwritten scrawl: Seek paleblood to transcend the hunt.)在干掉月之精灵之前,游戏的主线剧情都不算完结。
2、教学大楼2层尾端房间。“劳伦斯和他的同伴召唤了月之精灵。‘苍白之血’”(ローレンスたちの月の魔物。「青ざめた血」/The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Paleblood.)明确的将月之精灵与苍白之血相联系。
3、亚哈革监狱楼外广场。“看啊!苍白之血的天空”(見たまえ!青ざめた血の空だ!/Behold! A Paleblood sky!)我第一次看到这个笔记时的理解是:“洒满月光的天空”,无论如何苍白之血与月亮肯定是有联系的




(故にこれは青ざめた月との邂逅をもたらし。それが狩人と、狩人の夢のはじまりとなったのだ。/The Third Umbilical Cord precipitated the encounter with the pale moon, which beckoned the hunters and conceived the hunter's dream.)



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发表于 2015-4-10 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-4-10 16:44 | 显示全部楼层
rinkzea 发表于 2015-4-10 15:31
提 ...


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发表于 2015-4-10 17:22 | 显示全部楼层
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 16:26
按照这个思路的话,那月兽究竟想要干嘛?如果说红月一直存在,蜘蛛只是掩盖红月的话,那主角杀掉蜘蛛只能 ...


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发表于 2015-4-10 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-10 18:40 编辑
兔吊木糸色 发表于 2015-4-10 16:44



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发表于 2015-4-10 20:16 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
引用第301楼Laie于2015-04-10 12:41发表的  :
引用:cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 12:31这文章有些细节上脑洞成分比较大,......




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发表于 2015-4-10 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rinkzea 于 2015-4-10 21:53 编辑
cys_pitaten 发表于 2015-4-10 16:26
按照这个思路的话,那月兽究竟想要干嘛?如果说红月一直存在,蜘蛛只是掩盖红月的话,那主角杀掉蜘蛛只能 ...



“无形亚丹”与“亚丹蠕动”符文的文本:“流出的血液是顶级的触媒,也是亚丹的本质。亚丹和他无意的信徒,都在暗地里追求着血液。”(...人であるなしに関わらず、滲む血は上質の触媒であり。それこそが、姿なき上位者オドンの本質である。故にオドンは、その自覚なき信徒は、秘してそれを求めるのだ/...Human or no, the oozing blood is a medium of the highest grade, and the essence of the formless Great One, Oedon. Both Oedon, and his inadv**ent worshippers, surreptitiously seek the precious blood.)

“野兽”符文的文本指出“发现了血之后,就发现了不受欢迎的野兽”(血の発見とは、すなわち望まれぬ獣の発見であったのだ/The discovery of blood entailed the discovery of undesirable beasts.)

“爆炸性的(不可名状的)声音却是施法者自身的声带发出。在人的表皮下,究竟隐藏着什么?”(つんざくその悲鳴は、しかし使用者の声帯が出しているものだ。人の内に、いったい何者が潜むのだろうか。/The indescribable sound is broadcast with the caster's own vocal cords, which begs the question, what terrible things lurk deep within the frames of men?)



正如作中罗姆、梅高、第三脐带的描述,以及结局3的主角本身所提示的:“古神”(上位者/Great Ones)并不一定是原本就存在的生命,仅仅因获得足够的“眼睛”就足够获得“神格”。废弃旧工厂的脐带,或许就是月兽降生时当年留下的遗物。


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