hysjmr 发表于 2022-3-3 20:07


田中龙之介 发表于 2022-3-3 20:07

秋月孝三 发表于 2022-3-3 21:32

Slyvan 发表于 2022-3-3 15:16



空集 发表于 2022-3-4 01:34


恶意之刃 发表于 2022-3-4 01:44

hysjmr 发表于 2022-3-3 20:07
不是,别的也就罢了抓喝药也要批判是不是有点离谱,哪个喝药有硬直的游戏你当着自由态的敌人面喝药不是喝多 ...


Redis 发表于 2022-3-4 01:46

migros 发表于 2022-3-4 02:36

读指令是做的很糙导致体验很差 存在性其实没什么问题

举例来说 辉石biu和丢石头两个魔法

如果boss有闪避逻辑那么都是释放时闪避 然后biu就脱锁定 石头会因为锁定延迟全中


boss看到丢魔法立即100触发闪避但是大石头飞到脸上了不知道闪这个做出来 说这个boss的读指令做得好 我不是很信服

就 装一下行吗。

—— 来自 ZTE A2322, Android 11上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2-play

Senbascira 发表于 2022-3-4 05:11

hotshotgg 发表于 2022-3-3 16:19


yueyut 发表于 2022-3-4 07:30

屑猫猫 发表于 2022-3-4 07:34

久保由利香 发表于 2022-3-3 15:27


—— 来自 HUAWEI TEL-AN00a, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2

fjfyla 发表于 2022-3-4 08:30

本帖最后由 fjfyla 于 2022-3-4 08:32 编辑

读了指令 游戏性质就变了 一方面容错低了 错误的规避会带来巨大的危险而不只是单次博弈里的失误 另一方面 不太好见招拆招 少了很多乐趣 熔炉骑士这种跟你持盾二人转只会等你攻击的瞬间攻击 不然能一直架着好久 你残血他狂追 喝药动作还没出来他就用突进技 最后只能砍盾骗盾击慢慢蹭死

治丧委 发表于 2022-3-4 09:03

hcho 发表于 2022-3-4 09:28



白猫MKII 发表于 2022-3-4 09:30

fjfyla 发表于 2022-3-4 08:30
读了指令 游戏性质就变了 一方面容错低了 错误的规避会带来巨大的危险而不只是单次博弈里的失误 另一方面 ...


Kylaier 发表于 2022-3-4 12:35


小止 发表于 2022-3-4 14:01

我听说陨石术打红灵有奇效, 兴冲冲去制裁红灵, 结果他愣是一刻不停的滚全滚过去了
我思考了一下, 原来是我狂按R1连发陨石术, 你每按一次R1他就滚一下, 所以就全滚过去了
改成一发一发的扔, 果然一发不落的全吃了

顾子苓 发表于 2022-3-4 14:13

本帖最后由 顾子苓 于 2022-3-4 16:11 编辑


—— 来自 HUAWEI POT-AL00, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.4.3

mj240608414 发表于 2022-3-4 15:47

久保由利香 发表于 2022-3-3 17:09


mj240608414 发表于 2022-3-4 15:48


astrayveller 发表于 2022-3-4 15:58

黑骑士个jb 剑盾/大斧/巨剑骑士我能翻滚二人转背刺循环到死 熔炉骑士可以?弹反更不要说了 黑骑士会跺脚啊还是会修正离谱的斩击还是喝药必突刺

— from Xiaomi M2007J1SC, Android 11 of S1 Next Goose v2.5.2

刘震云 发表于 2022-3-4 16:11

etdgcb 发表于 2022-3-3 19:09
读可以,但读完不能反应太快,否则就会给玩家一种ai作弊的感觉,尤其魂系和传统act、ftg对比本来战斗节奏就 ...


ChrisSnake 发表于 2022-3-4 16:24

不觉得有多大问题 毕竟不是每个怪都这样 熔炉骑士实在打不赢也不是不能逃课

szrxs 发表于 2022-3-4 16:37

本帖最后由 szrxs 于 2022-3-4 16:53 编辑



赤井稻妻 发表于 2022-3-4 16:41


popchong 发表于 2022-3-4 21:45

本帖最后由 popchong 于 2022-3-4 21:46 编辑


The bosses are camera eating monstrosities with infinite stamina that blatantly read your inputs, cancel their recovery animations, and have nonsensical tracking and have only gotten more "shounen anime" with each game

Doesn't matter, Fromdrones have their brains melted to the degree that they will blindly defend anything with Miyazaki's name on it regardless of its actual quality. Let's even put on the table how at this point Miyazaki has admitted he is just making the games hard now because that's what the meme is, "LE SOULS GAMES LE HARDEST GAMES IN LE WORLD!" rather than it being a deliberate artistic choice of sucking you into the world of the game like in Demon's/Dark Souls. And yet, the games still aren't more challenging than most dedicated action games on their highest difficulty settings. The false and undeserved sense of elitism Fromdrones get from beating these games will trump any notion of genuine discussion about anything. You could literally beat the game with a Lvl 1 character on stream, air your criticisms about the boss design and 99% will just respond with "filtered".

They aren't interested in discussion, they just want their circle jerk bubble.

We have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Souls games, but here it is: the combat is nothing remarkable.

In terms of actual complexity there's not much going on. There's not much depth, and that wouldn't be a problem, except the series has increasingly leaned on its action elements more and more as time has gone by.

If you're a staunch defender of the series this is where you might be tempted to rattle off all the attack animations your favorite weapons has... It's true that there are differences in range and damage, but the effect on the enemy is usually identical. They lose some health, possibly suffer some hitstun which either lasts long enough to get another attack in or it doesn't, in which case you go back on the defensive until your next opening. Positioning is important, but that's about the extent of it.

In terms of defensive options the series is a lot better, with the ability to block, parry, or dodge most regular attacks...Unfortunately, against bosses, parrying is often completely impossible and blocking is often ill-advised, which leaves you with rolling as your one and only defensive action. So prepare to roll again and again, and again and again and again. When you're not rolling you'll generally be getting 1-2 hits in with whatever weapon you choose, hits that usually provoke no response from the boss whatsoever making every weapon basically the same thing apart from whatever damage types and numbers it has.

You go in, you learn the moveset. maybe you die a few times along the way, until you know the boss's moves like the back of your hand. Then you dodge past them, punish at the right times, and win the battle. It's perfectly serviceable gameplay but doing it 20x in one game is just excessive.

I'm not saying you should be able to juggle Hollows or anything, but if the game is going to be so relentlessly focused on action then I have fewer reasons not to just play a better action game.

Once you realise the AI is reading prompts it makes it so much easier

Dont mash or spam, just do one button press at a time. The difference is insane in terms of difficulty because the AI is clearly designed to wait on your next move.

For example if you mash your light attack most enemies will dodge/block/counter or just attack to stop you, but if you do literally nothing but press, wait, press, wait, they cant respond against it.

oniwarud 发表于 2022-3-4 22:59


wzh5555 发表于 2022-3-4 23:06

本帖最后由 wzh5555 于 2022-3-4 23:14 编辑

oniwarud 发表于 2022-3-4 22:59
索尔城双狮子每次我放法术都是特别整齐地侧身横跳,喜感得就跟马戏团一样。我还是那个观点,老头环的这次的 ...
其实我觉得倒不是放弃AI,过去的AI更加简陋(过去的招式复杂度、变招这些都不如只狼和环),也更加怜悯玩家(AI的指令间隔设计较长),现在跟着潮流把AI强度简单粗暴的拉上来了,招式密集度明显增加,脚本之间切换奇快,要说AI和招式设计进步还是有的,但是没考虑到玩家一侧的性能(全职业)是否都能适应这种粗暴的强度,敌我的体系有问题。 强读指令的游戏往往会给玩家很多动作取消的手段,至少喝药动作可以临时取消,结果环这个大环境下很多精英和boss的招式强度、起手速度、读指令程度我觉得都超过战神4了,但却居然不让用格挡和翻滚来取消攻击施法/道具动作

病娇图兰朵 发表于 2022-3-4 23:22

wzh5555 发表于 2022-3-4 23:06
其实我觉得倒不是放弃AI,过去的AI更加简陋(过去的招式复杂度、变招这些都不如只狼和环),也更加怜悯玩 ...


oniwarud 发表于 2022-3-4 23:24

wzh5555 发表于 2022-3-4 23:06
其实我觉得倒不是放弃AI,过去的AI更加简陋(过去的招式复杂度、变招这些都不如只狼和环),也更加怜悯玩 ...


wzh5555 发表于 2022-3-4 23:34

本帖最后由 wzh5555 于 2022-3-4 23:42 编辑

oniwarud 发表于 2022-3-4 23:24
但是感觉拉起来的也不是ai的强度,单纯就是把敌人招式的强度给拉起来了,很多敌人招式依旧是寥寥几招,但 ...
有几个换皮常见精英还算是认真做了,我自己头铁纯近战翻滚弹反流和黑骑士、灵珠猎人这些人形试招了很久,发现这座虽然招式随机性并不是很大(和仁王、战神的随机性比),但招式切割(变招节点)用的比以往的魂都多,同样的起手都有多种转换变招(配合读指令和读距离的脚本),这几个人形AI的应变能力确实明显提高(例如对于绕屁股的应对)。 虽然最后都找到了稳定的骗招确反安定套路,但是玩家真要撒开了和他打,他展现的招式组合的多样性还是历代最多的。

最后大量的光速出手,不说别的,就说野外烂大街的巨熊,这飞扑起手几乎和玩家翻滚起手一样快 也就是巨熊没有大量实装读指令AI,否则怎么玩


574802531 发表于 2022-3-5 02:44

574802531 发表于 2022-3-5 02:49

ffmzsj 发表于 2022-3-8 08:16

Xerxes_2 发表于 2022-3-8 08:18

ffmzsj 发表于 2022-3-8 08:16


popchong 发表于 2022-3-8 08:59


瓦格雷 发表于 2022-3-8 10:06

屑猫猫 发表于 2022-3-4 07:34

—— 来自 HUAWEI TEL-AN00a, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5 ...

不管怎么说 打飞机的设计难度是如何在无法必杀的情况下给正义的味方惹更多的麻烦否则就太简单了

久安aster 发表于 2022-3-8 12:59


kemyes 发表于 2022-3-8 16:45

久安aster 发表于 2022-3-8 12:59
我放魔法辉剑的时候人形怪开始滚,然后我后退人形怪追,再然后它背后射过来的法术全吃,这么蠢的东西也能洗 ...


久安aster 发表于 2022-3-8 17:34

kemyes 发表于 2022-3-8 16:45


uswhzh 发表于 2022-3-8 19:08

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查看完整版本: 老头环boss/敌人读指令到底哪里不好了