gil 发表于 2020-2-28 20:53



茛菪 发表于 2020-2-28 20:58

Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 20:04
永恒之柱2我玩下来都快全自动战斗了,绝大多数时间都在跟编辑AI较劲,本代法师又资源紧缺相比过去近乎残废 ...

法系残废这个完全不能同意。柱子2核心就是buff/debuff攻防,高难度没有法系当所谓的“buff机”就是万年打不中打中不破防。资源改成per ecounter之后法系杂兵战实力其实加强了,高级法术可以随便丢,无耻一点甚至可以场场开局empower麻痹火球反正睡觉不要钱。强敌战爆发力是比1差了点,不过有empower有brilliant也还好,实际上的战斗时间也不够高级角色丢完法术。一些强力法术的特殊效果也是难以取代的。

gil 发表于 2020-2-28 21:02

本帖最后由 gil 于 2020-2-28 21:03 编辑

nukejoker 发表于 2020-2-28 19:09




ReiFukai 发表于 2020-2-28 21:02


Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 21:18

本帖最后由 Hidewhite 于 2020-2-28 21:26 编辑

茛菪 发表于 2020-2-28 20:58
法系残废 ...


精钢魔像 发表于 2020-2-28 21:45

Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 21:18
普通难度。游戏难度调控明显失败了,在已经有前两个简易模式下,普通模式打起来还能这么平淡,显然设计失 ...


茛菪 发表于 2020-2-28 21:49

Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 21:18
普通难度。游戏难度调控明显失败了,在已经有前两个简易模式下,普通模式打起来还能这么平淡,显然设计失 ...


Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 22:08

本帖最后由 Hidewhite 于 2020-2-28 22:19 编辑

精钢魔像 发表于 2020-2-28 21:45

asika 发表于 2020-2-28 22:13

今天凌晨,《博德之门3》公布了最新的试玩,但是游戏却一改前两部的风格变成了回合制RPG,于是很多玩家对此产生了疑问。而作为《博德之门3》的开发商,Larian Studios之前的《神界:原罪》系列可以说是让回合制RPG大热了一把,作为这次《博德之门3》的开发商,Larian Studios一改之前生软的风格,新的回合制引起了玩家的质疑,之后Larian Studios也对此做出了解释。

《博德之门3》的开发人员认为,在如此系统化的战斗中不断暂停动作会很混乱。根据《博德之门3》高级设计师Edouard Imbert的说法,Larian决定采用更清晰,更明确的回合制战斗模式,在这方面他们有着非常多的经验并且也做出过让大家很满意的东西。

《博德之门3》高级设计师Edouard Imbert在接受外媒PCGamer的采访时说:“我对实时暂停持一种批评态度,我认为实时暂停看起来很混乱。这就像是MISS——暂停——发出三个指令——MISS——暂停一样。此外,我不认为坚持使用老旧的游戏模式可以扩大玩家群体。 而像‘你的回合,我的回合’这种回合制逻辑的游戏是每个人都可以理解的。我们也在回合制RPG上拥有丰富的经验,我们在《神界:原罪》的第一部和第二部中都是使用了回合制,并且这种“龙与地下城”风格的游戏都是回合制的。而您的角色是您用来解决难题的工具,如果所有事物同时移动,游戏就会变得更加混乱。”

《博德之门》系列的部分粉丝对《博德之门3》使用回合制战斗这一点不太满意,不仅因为新作在这方面与前两个游戏有很大的偏差,还因为在他们看来,《博德之门3》的《神界:原罪》系列太相似了。 这种说法并非没有道理,但必须指出的是,《神界:原罪》系列两部作品是有史以来最好的两款CRPG——因此,同样的游戏越多越好。再加上Larian Studios无可挑剔的回合制游戏品质,《博德之门3》应该不会让大家失望。

来源:Larian Studios

原来遗老们反复吹的半即时这么麻烦 1v1互砍一刀不中不是要笑死人

jf8350143 发表于 2020-2-28 22:17

本帖最后由 jf8350143 于 2020-2-28 22:23 编辑

很多人都用RTwP 的思维模式去看回合制,然后就得出结论“这打起来得多慢啊……”

但是RTwP 的遭遇战设计和回合制的思路是完全不同的,RTwP 最常见的就是你走在路上前面随便丢几个怪站那里,你上去砍就完事了,一张地图上会有很多这样的野怪,典型的trash mob,为的就是拉长你的游戏时间。



精钢魔像 发表于 2020-2-28 22:23

Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 22:08
简单本身并不一定不行,它是在普通难度下有点无聊了。它要真是简单到摧枯拉朽那也是种快感,但它也不是, ...


nukejoker 发表于 2020-2-28 22:24




精钢魔像 发表于 2020-2-28 22:25

asika 发表于 2020-2-28 22:13
今天凌晨,《博德之门3》公布了最新的试玩,但是游戏却一改前两部的风格变成了回合制RPG,于是很多玩家对此 ...


茛菪 发表于 2020-2-28 22:26

本帖最后由 茛菪 于 2020-2-28 22:34 编辑

asika 发表于 2020-2-28 22:13
今天凌晨,《博德之门3》公布了最新的试玩,但是游戏却一改前两部的风格变成了回合制RPG,于是很多玩家对此 ...

e.f.s.f 发表于 2020-2-28 22:29

《博德之门3》高级设计师Edouard Imbert在接受外媒PCGamer的采访时说:“我对实时暂停持一种批评态度,我认为实时暂停看起来很混乱。这就像是MISS——暂停——发出三个指令——MISS——暂停一样。此外,我不认为坚持使用老旧的游戏模式可以扩大玩家群体。 而像‘你的回合,我的回合’这种回合制逻辑的游戏是每个人都可以理解的。我们也在回合制RPG上拥有丰富的经验,我们在《神界:原罪》的第一部和第二部中都是使用了回合制,并且这种“龙与地下城”风格的游戏都是回合制的。而您的角色是您用来解决难题的工具,如果所有事物同时移动,游戏就会变得更加混乱。”


pgain2004 发表于 2020-2-28 22:42

本帖最后由 pgain2004 于 2020-2-28 22:43 编辑

Baldur's Gate 3 looks great even when everything is going wrongByFraser Brown 18 hours agoOur first big look at Larian's Forgotten Realms misadventure full of mind flayers and dice rolls.
"Jesus Christ," mutters Larian CEO Swen Vincke as another arrow hits his unconscious wizard. We've barely started our journey to Baldur's Gate and we're close to a second party wipe. Vincke gets creative. He takes off his boot and throws it at a bandit, dealing a small amount of damage. Five minutes later, unrelated to his missing footwear, he slips on some stairs and dies.
Like a classic tabletop campaign, Baldur's Gate 3 promises an epic yarn full of cosmic invaders, trap-filled dungeons and more characters with a mysterious past than an Agatha Christie mystery. And just like its tabletop progenitor, a few unlucky rolls and some interesting decisions can transform it into a brilliant comedy of errors.
Details were slim when we first spoke to Larian about its next big RPG, but this time the developer has opened the gate—though lamentably not to the point where I've been able to take it for a spin myself. The illithids, the grotesque alien tyrants more commonly known as mind flayers, have rediscovered the secret of flying nautiloids, their weird crustacean ships, and have decided to invade the Forgotten Realms. They've abducted people and stuck parasitic tadpoles in their heads, but before the show can really get started, another alien race appears, the githyanki, on top of red dragons no less, and blows them out of the sky.
This is good news for you, as it turns out. As one of the unfortunate abductees, you're now free. Unfortunately, you still have a parasite in your head. It's not a great thing to have stuck in your noggin, as it's how mind flayers procreate.
"So I have a central problem," Vincke says. "I need to get rid of this tadpole or I'm going to become a mind flayer. So I'm looking for somebody that can help me with that, and that too turns out to be quite a problem, but I can go in many directions."

Origin story
Between the extremely flashy cinematics, you'll make your character. Here you've got to decide what race you are, what your background is and then pick a class. All custom characters hail from Baldur's Gate, but you might be an dwarven noble or a crooked drow. Chances are, however, that you'll make an origin character. Yes, Divinity: Original Sin 2's origin system is returning, letting you pick named characters with more elaborate backstories, special hooks and unique dialogue options. Vincke picks Astarion, a vampire spawn who now finds himself free from his master's clutches and somehow able to walk in the sunlight—a 'gift' from the tadpole. This time, they're also locked into a class.
"The stories are very much tied to class at times," says senior writer Adam Smith. "Class is such a part of identity in D&D, in a way that it wasn't in DOS2." But those initial decisions will eventually be overshadowed by the choices you make as you play.
"A Rogue is always going to be able to do certain things that other people can't do, and an elf is going to be reacted to by some characters in a certain way. There will always be things that are specific to you because of the person you are, but the really interesting things are the things that are specific to you because of what you did. And then what gets even more interesting is how your companions remember the things that you did, and the way that you treated them and other people. And that becomes very complicated."
At camp, Vincke starts feeding on one of his companions. He's made a few friends, including one of the aforementioned githyanki, Lae'zel, all of whom can also be chosen as an origin character at the start of the game. They're as complex as the player character, and in the case of the multiplayer mode they are all player characters, the heroes or villains of their own story—but for the time being the half-elf cleric known as Shadowheart is a light evening snack.
As Vincke drinks, he's able to give into his craving, or he can pull back before sucking her dry, leading to a D20 being rolled at the centre of the screen. Luckily he passes the roll, as failure would have ended Shadowheart's story prematurely. Even with the roll, however, he's not out of the woods. The party could discover his secret, which seems pretty plausible given that tadpoles give their victims a psychic connection.
He likens the parasite to the Bhaalspawn legacy from the earlier games. It's a power that can be tapped, but it comes from a dangerous source. "Every single time that you use it, you give into it," Vincke warns. "And as you give into it, things start happening when you encounter other people with tadpoles, and you might not be so resistant. Eventually you'll find mind flayers, and if you use the tadpole, you might find that it's really hard."
Conflict in Baldur's Gate 3 stems from conversations just as much as combat. The game is constantly rolling skill checks and dialogue checks, pitting your arcane knowledge or religious know-how against a D20. During one chat, Vincke tries to pilfer a toe ring from a goblin, which he's able to do by gingerly kissing the gobbo's feet while employing some sleight of hand. Thanks to the close-up conversations and mo-capped animation, you can get a real good look at the makeout session, made even steamier by the detailed description. Vincke leaves the encounter with some new jewellery, while the goblin leaves with a smile.

Turn it up
Fights are bound to happen, of course, and unlike the earlier games, Baldur's Gate 3's brawls are all turn-based. Exploration happens in real-time, while players or characters not in the brawl can continue to move normally, but when the swords are unsheathed things get tactical.
"I'm critical of real-time-with-pause because I think that it looks messy. It's like a miss, pause, give three orders, a miss, pause," says senior designer Edouard Imbert. "Also, I don't believe that sticking to the old system can expand to a greater audience. The thing with turn-based logic is that everybody understands it. It's my turn, it's your turn. And we have this experience with it—it worked for us with DOS1, it worked for us with DOS2, and D&D is turn-based. Your characters are the tools you'll use to solve a puzzle, and the puzzle is a lot more messy if everything is moving at the same time."
To tackle one of the criticisms of the turn-based model—that it's slow or laborious—Larian's made some tweaks. Instead of characters going in order and getting an attack or an action, you can swap between them, using attacks and bonus actions to create a combo. Your party effectively moves simultaneously. If you love the turn-based combat so much you want it on even when you're out of battle, however, you can force turn-based mode. This should make it easier to sneak around, since you won't have to avoid guards in real-time.
All of the spells, abilities and values are as they would be in a regular game of D&D, but just as important are all the open-ended roleplaying and combat opportunities. D&D is largely fuelled by imagination, and while Baldur's Gate 3 has to impose a few more limits (sorry, no Wish spell), it still promises to be more interactive and experimental—and just as free to exploit and abuse—than the already liberating Original Sin 2.
In one fight, Vincke places some crates to give him more elevation and a combat advantage, and he could have alternatively used them to create a barricade. Before another, he sneaks around removing weapons from suspicious-looking skeletons, so when the trap is sprung, they have to use their fists. The plan is to eventually make the AI find a new weapon, comparing their values to find the most effective one, but they'd still have to spend precious time looking around. In a pinch, you can fling some of your inventory at your foes, just like Vincke did with his boot. That means Larian needs to figure out how much damage, along with what kind of damage, all these objects do. Then there are the environmental factors, like elemental surface effects, loose boulders, or floors that can be destroyed, splitting the battle across multiple levels.

High ground
Original Sin 2 had elevated areas, but the fights really took place on an invisible 2D grid. In Baldur's Gate 3, it's fully 3D. This means you could have your ranger hanging out in the rafters, your rogue finding an alternate below the ground, and your fighter rushing in, sword swinging. There are lots of ways to prepare for a battle to give you an advantage, but some of them will just be there to make you feel like a badass.
"We don't want all the fights to be complicated," says Imbert. "Some of the fights have to be easy, like three goblins standing next to an explosive barrel. So we have this concept of popcorn fights, which are designed to make you feel good about yourself."
With more complex level design comes a more flexible camera. The isometric view is helpful in combat, but as you're wandering around, you might fancy zooming in and playing it more like a third-person affair, watching your character's rear and, for the first time, admiring skyboxes and distant vistas.
Aesthetically, it's not that far removed from Original Sin 2, but character models, animation, magical effects, lighting—they've all clearly benefited from a bigger budget and more designers. Even though the alpha build is rough around the edges and the mo-cap has yet to be finalised, when you get up close the difference between the two games becomes very apparent.

Out of alignment
While mind flayers and tadpoles loom over this early part of Baldur's Gate 3, there's also the threat of monsters and traditionally 'evil' races teaming up. "Suddenly, all of these forces, the goblin, the drow, gnolls, and all kinds of different evil are gathering together and working together," says Smith. "The Sword Coast is a really dangerous place, but one of the things that makes it a place of opportunity rather than a place of incredible danger is the fact that these guys don't work together normally. Right now they are, and they have a new god, the Absolute. It's uniting them, and it's saying 'You are the future, the world is going to be yours.'"
There's likely a bit more to this coalition of villains than meets the eye, particularly because Wizards of the Coast asked Larian not to get too hung up on the traditional alignment system, which the tabletop game also leans on less these days. This matters for your character, too. You can be good, evil, lawful and chaotic, but that's purely up to you, not an arbitrary alignment you pick at character creation, and doesn't come with restrictions or penalties.
The slimy cosmic monsters, on the other hand, seem more like cut and dry bastards. Meeting a mind flayer probably means you're about to become dinner or a host. Even dying, they're a menace. After the nautiloid crash, you can find the mind flayer who infected you, and just like the tadpole, he will try to make you give into him. If you have some unlucky rolls or give in, he'll suck your brain out of your skull, which probably wouldn't bode well for the rest of the adventure.
Baldur's Gate itself hasn't yet had its big unveiling. The first map, which Larian calls the Act One A map, is massive, and from above you're only seeing the surface details, not all the caves and dungeons and hidden places. To end the demo, Vincke jumped to a later save, around ten hours in, but it was still on the same map. Depending on the route the party takes, it could take anywhere between 10 to 20 hours to hit that point. While Larian's keeping schtum about the city, it seems like it's making the journey to get there meaty enough for some good anecdotes for the tavern.
Despite delving into someone else's toy box, there's no evidence so far that Larian has toned down its style or identity. My biggest concern was that Baldur's Gate 3 would be too beholden to the old games and their magical nostalgia powers, but while it's shaping up to be an authentic D&D game, the same design philosophy that gave us Divinity: Original Sin 2 still seems very much at the centre of it. Especially when everything is on fire.
"Your characters are the tools you'll use to solve a puzzle, and the puzzle is a lot more messy if everything is moving at the same time."

历史之 发表于 2020-2-28 22:44

e.f.s.f 发表于 2020-2-28 22:29
《博德之门3》高级设计师Edouard Imbert在接受外媒PCGamer的采访时说:“我对实时暂停持一种批评态度,我认 ...


Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 22:49

本帖最后由 Hidewhite 于 2020-2-28 22:55 编辑

精钢魔像 发表于 2020-2-28 22:23
诅咒之路不开等级向上调整只相当于博德的核心规则,最高难度都不是 ...

e.f.s.f 发表于 2020-2-28 22:51

历史之 发表于 2020-2-28 22:44
要标红也要顺便强 ...


茛菪 发表于 2020-2-28 22:59

e.f.s.f 发表于 2020-2-28 22:51
不论跑团还是玩RPG都是很强调“代入感”的,很多玩家对自己操作的角色也是有感情的。解决难题固然让人开 ...


Hidewhite 发表于 2020-2-28 23:00

本帖最后由 Hidewhite 于 2020-2-28 23:11 编辑


历史之 发表于 2020-2-28 23:04

e.f.s.f 发表于 2020-2-28 22:51
不论跑团还是玩RPG都是很强调“代入感”的,很多玩家对自己操作的角色也是有感情的。解决难题固然让人开 ...


yolu 发表于 2020-2-28 23:38


Algie 发表于 2020-2-28 23:56


-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端

ebox 发表于 2020-2-29 01:08


—— 来自 HUAWEI BKL-AL20, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2

bluebirdy. 发表于 2020-2-29 01:14


bwsusaga 发表于 2020-2-29 01:21



AIOS 发表于 2020-2-29 01:23


九十九忍 发表于 2020-2-29 01:39


shiroamada 发表于 2020-2-29 02:29

shiroamada 发表于 2020-2-29 02:31

传说中的天才 发表于 2020-2-29 02:38

ebox 发表于 2020-2-29 01:08
楼里一口一个遗老的简直臭傻逼,希望博德之门系列的续作延续至少能保留部分特色怎么了?拉瑞安粉就这么高贵 ...


johan·liebert 发表于 2020-2-29 02:39

lostneverland 发表于 2020-2-29 07:01


洗刷刷 发表于 2020-2-29 07:12

sepcorvus 发表于 2020-2-29 07:45


—— 来自 HUAWEI EVR-AL00, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.0.1

jf8350143 发表于 2020-2-29 07:51


-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端

shiroamada 发表于 2020-2-29 08:00

医生狼多 发表于 2020-2-29 08:09

Algie 发表于 2020-2-28 23:56


—— 来自 Xiaomi Redmi K20, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.0.1

shiroamada 发表于 2020-2-29 08:10

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