战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2007-4-27
u/gergination, the person responsible for the amazing post from 2 months ago analyzing how patrols work, has posted a new video showcasing that patrol spawn rates are the same regardless of group size.
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... mp;ab_channel=Luchs
Previous post on how patrols work: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldiv ... _depth_analysis_of/
TLDR: The recent change to patrols made it so that they currently spawn as if their were four players in the game regardless of group size.
Seeing this video was amazing validation. As a solo diver, games have felt significantly more frustrating following the changes to patrol spawn rates Arrowhead made a couple patches ago. u/gergination's new video perfectly shows why this is the case. Prior to this stupid update, patrol spawn rates would scale with the amount of players in the game. Arrowhead claimed that solo players had patrols spawning at 1/6th the rate as they would against a full group. Following the patch, they CLAIMED to change this to 1/4th, 1/2 (2/4th), and 3/4th for solo, duos, and trios respectively.
Except this isn't what they did at all. Instead, they just took the spawn rates for four players and applied it to every group size across all the difficulties. So a solo player playing helldive difficulty will experience the same amount of patrols as a full team playing helldive. This is so unfathomably stupid and is no doubt responsible for the plethora of complaints people have had regarding patrol spawn rates for solo players. I hope this is just yet another example of Arrowhead not implementing a change correctly, I sincerely hope this is brought to their attention soon. I doubt they are even aware of it.
Massive props to u/gergination and his team for the invaluable work they did in analyzing patrol spawns. Without them we would have no data to counter Arrowhead's completely false claims.
视频链接: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... mp;ab_channel=Luchs
之前关于巡逻机制分析的贴文: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldiv ... _depth_analysis_of/
由衷感谢u/gergination和他的团队对巡逻机制做出的宝贵分析工作。没有他们的数据,我们就无法驳斥Arrowhead关于巡逻出现率的完全虚假的说法。 |