战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-11-19
本帖最后由 FLZB 于 2024-5-9 04:52 编辑
Alexis killed hello neighbor 2 now on to kill HD2. Look, I am sweaty player myself when I say that they are nerfing every damn weapon that is fun and effective to use and it has to stop for me to keep spending money and time in the game. Why is Johan allowing this to happen? What is he doing about it? What the hell is this game even supposed to be now? Just a reminder that Alexus was the guy who "fine tuned" Hello Neighbor 2 into the ground and is now in charge of balancing HD2 isnt that Alexus Kravchenko, the same guy who killed Hello Neighbors 2
Bro.. don't fucking kill this game like you did Hello Neighbor 2. Nobody and I do mean NOBODY wants you working on our beloved game. You have already RUINED some of our core guns and continue to do shitty ass updates that decrease the quality of life. Just fuck off
Hello Neighbor Wiki里关于此人的介绍:
Alexus Kravchenko was the former lead game designer of Hello Neighbor 2. Working his way up from level designer of the unreleased Alpha 2, to the lead designer of the Beta and full release, he left the team right before the game came out. He removed the game's open world aspects as he said "No one would want to walk around an open world", and instead used a map labelled as a 'testmap' in the files for the full game. Alexus said that this map was in a twitch leak from tinyBuild community manager Ira, but he lied, claiming that this was not the final map. He actively removed features from the game, such as hiding under beds and certain AI tricks, as he didn't like "One-Time Gimmicks" which was a big part of the first game. When asked about the Neural Network advertised in the 2021 AI Trailer for the game, he said it was coming and then left the team, possibly to avoid further questions.