战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2013-11-22
发表于 2024-2-5 04:00
本帖最后由 日日日日日野 于 2024-2-5 04:02 编辑
Jez: FOR CLARITY. I'm saying multiplatform stuff for Xbox is happening, not the "Sarah Bond will announce it." It would be awful to let Sarah take the heat for this, since it's failure of Xbox projects Sarah wasn't even vaguely involved in, since 2012, that has led to this. Microsoft has essentially decided they aren't going to make enough money with the current strategy. They want to build healthier margins and cash flow using Sony's install base, to then reinvest in growing the Xbox ecosystem using that money.不会是萨拉出面说,但多平台策略只是时间问题。