战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-4-19
楼主 |
发表于 2024-1-1 22:18
今年も“DS2”と“OD”という2ライン同時製作の年になります。DS2にはまだADRが残っています。日本語音声の収録も始めていきます。ゲーム創りに集中したいので、出張は抑えたいところですが、ODの撮影やアべンジャーズとのコラボ創作、DSの映画化、他映像案件などがある為、ゼロには出来ません。製作以外ではanan だけではなく、執筆連載をもう1つ増やす予定でもいます。放置している“ヒデチュー”も試しに特番をやる計画です。また“ヒデラジ”も、もしかすると復活するかもしれません。という感じで、かなりキツイ年になりそうですが、なんとかこの辰の年を楽しみたいと思っています。今年も宜しくお願いします🙇🏻🙏👍🫶🐉🐲
Happy New Year, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, so I asked Yoji and RYU to design a "Ryu (dragon) Dense (LUDENS)" for us.
This year will be another year of simultaneous production of "DS2" and "OD". DS2 still has some ADR left, and we will start recording Japanese voice overs. I want to concentrate on creating games, so I would like to limit my business trips, but I can't do nothing because I have to shoot for OD, collaborate with Avengers, make DS into a movie, and work on other video projects. In addition to production, I am also planning to add another writing series, not only for anan but also for other projects. We are also planning to run a special program on "HideTube" which we have been neglecting, as a trial. We may also revive "Hide Radio" in the future. So, it is going to be a tough year, but I hope to enjoy this Year of the Dragon. Thank you again for your support this year.🙇🏻🙏👍🫶🐉🐲
![](https://p.sda1.dev/15/181a2c81c9139242db314851368ad3e2/20240101_221511.jpg) |