战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2018-6-28
半夜睡不着整理了下,把英文版的曲目名和官网的对上了。(虽然数字版明后天就出来,马上就用不上了 )
Disk 1:
01. Off-Seer
02. Battlefield - The Scramble for Life
03. Tactical Action (Dynamic)
04. Tactical Action
05. The Exhausted Victorious, The Speechless Defeated
06. Young Warriors
07. Lost Days of Warmth
08. Shining Aspiration - Inherited Melody
09. Yzana Plains
10. Yzana PlainsNight
11. Keves Battle
12. Soldiers' Paean
13. Indescribable Unease
14. Iris Network
Disk 2:
01. Alfeto Valley
02. Alfeto ValleyNight
03. Nearing the Enemy
04. Impending Crisis
05. Immediate Threat
06. The Two Off-Seers
07. Suffocating Reverberation
08. Ouroboros Awakening
09. Moebius Battle
10. Against the World
11. A Life Woven Together
12. A Life Sent On
13. Quiet Intrigue
14. Hostile Colony (Dynamic)
15. Hostile Colony
16. Everyday Life
17. The Bereaved and Those Left Behind
18. Off-Seer - Noah
Disk 3:
01. Millick Meadows
02. Millick MeadowsNight
03. A Formidable Enemy
04. Eagus Wilderness
05. Eagus WildernessNight
06. Suspicion
07. Sun-Dappled Glade
08. Blade - Those Who Know Fear
09. Moebius
10. Those Who Devour Life
11. Remorse
12. Keves Colony
13. Keves ColonyNight
14. Encroaching Malice
15. Ribbi Flats
16. Ribbi FlatsNight
17. You Will Know Our Names - Finale
Disk 4:
01. Dannagh Desert
02. Dannagh DesertNight
03. Rae-Bel Tableland
04. Rae-Bel TablelandNight
05. Urayan Tunnels
06. Ferronis
07. Confronting Our Past
08. Chain Attack
09. Off-Seer - Mio
10. Great Cotte Falls
11. Great Cotte FallsNight
12. Mysterious Land
13. Maktha Wildwood
14. Maktha WildwoodNight
15. Light of the Moon - Hope
Disk 5:
01. Agnus Colony
02. Agnus ColonyNight
03. Agnus Battle
04. A Life Become Distant
05. In the Morning Mist
06. Life's Fading Flame - Holding These Thoughts
07. Carrying the Weight of Life
08. Rest Spot
09. Syra Hovering Reefs
10. Syra Hovering ReefsNight
11. Keves Castle
12. Keves Castle (Battle)
13. The False Queens
14. Great Sword's Base
15. Great Sword's BaseNight
Disk 6:
01. City
02. CityNight
03. Sailing the Seas
04. Erythia Sea
05. Erythia SeaNight
06. Battle on the Seas
07. Malevolent Hollow
08. Li Garte Prison Camp
09. Moebius BattleM
10. That To Which The Defeated Cling
11. A Step Away
12. A Life Overflowing
13. Homecoming
14. Words That Never Reached You
Disk 7:
01. Agnus Castle
02. Agnus CastleNight
03. Captocorn Peak
04. Captocorn PeakNight
05. Off-Seer - Miyabi
06. Feelings Risen to the Sky
07. Cloudkeep
08. Converging Emotions
09. Saffronia Village
10. Off-Seer - Crys
11. Feelings Upon This Melody
12. Fort O'Virbus
13. Fort O'VirbusNight
14. Elaice Highway
15. Elaice HighwayNight
16. The Great Sea Stirs
17. Ultimate Enemy
18. Brilliant Wings
19. Kaleidoscopic Core
Disk 8:
01. Origin Ascending
02. Origin
03. Origin Battle
04. Noah and N
05. Grand Theater of Life
06. Z - Harbinger of the End
07. The Two Queens of Aionios
08. Congregating Lives
09. Showdown with Z
10. How the Future Endures
11. Something's Beginning to Move
12. Where We Belong
13. Melia - Ancient Memories
14. Nia - Toward the Heavens
15. Hope for the Future
16. Noah and Mio - Our Melody
Disk 9:
01. At Our Life's End
02. New Battle!!!
03. Cent-Omnia Region
04. Cent-Omnia RegionNight
05. Yesterdale - Colony 9
06. Yesterdale - Colony 9Night
07. Black Mountains - Valak Mountain
08. Black Mountains - Valak MountainNight
09. Black Mountains - Prison Island
10. Black Mountains - Prison IslandNight
11. Redeem the Future
12. Redeem the Future – Finale
13. Two Worlds and Two Hearts
14. Future Awaits