战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-8-18
原文:www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_King ... ators_full_version/
1. 确认了正在同时开发多款游戏(We have several new games in development)
以后的游戏所有对话都会带配音(currently working to make full VO applicable to all future titles)
正在用虚幻5开发游戏(At least one of the new projects is done with Unreal Engine 5)同时还反复提到了这个虚幻5项目,应该是目前主推的项目
但是同时会继续用Unity开发类似开拓者两作等距视角游戏(you'll definitely see more traditional isometric games from us)
2. 间接确认了目前所有正在开发的游戏都不是自有IP
(Q: Would you consider creating your own IP for a game? A: We already have multiple ideas inside the studio and while we haven't established any specific plans yet, we will certainly move forward with this sooner or later. )
(还有之前好像有另一个新闻说他们在做4个项目,但是这个访谈本身没有提到具体多少个 “We have several new games in development”,“There are multiple projects in development right now”,)
3. 关于目前在做哪些授权IP
开拓者和寻星者(开拓者科幻版本):明确回答没有在做(there's no Pathfinder or Starfinder game in development right now)。不过如果以后再做开拓者的话会优先考虑2版(leaning towards PF2E because it's more up-to-date)
黑暗世界(就是吸血鬼避世救赎的那个桌游):没有在做(we aren't working on such a game right now)
战锤:暗示了除了两个行商浪人DLC之外还有更多内容(For now we already have two DLCs planned, and we'll see what comes next! )
星战,DND,Rifts,中古战锤:没确认,但也没把话说死(These all sound interesting and have their dedicated fanbase among the team. Choosing one would be hard though! )
冰风谷续作:没有在做,而且以后也不太可能(don't see such opportunities for us, at least in foreseeable future.)
正义之怒的新DLC:不会再做了(it is rather unlikely we will be doing any more paid DLCs for Wrath of the Righteous)不过可能会继续修BUG(we continue the support of existing two projects - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader)
重制现有的游戏:没有计划,目前不考虑(it's too early and currently we are too focused on new projects to even consider that.)
4. 其他
目前不打算上XGP(currently we don't have any such agreements)
行商浪人后续DLC或补丁可能会把一些初版删掉的内容加回来(Sometimes these chunks return in later DLCs or free updates)
行商浪人会继续发补丁但不会出增强版(In Rogue Trader, so far we're leaning towards multiple big updates over the lifetime of the game, rather than an Enhanced Edition. )
行商浪人不会加入完全洗点(应该是指洗初始职业和出身)因为一开始就是这么设计的(Unlikely, as this is a deliberate design decision)但是可能会加入自动升级模板(automatic levelling templates)
行商浪人不会加入半即时模式(No. The game is not built with RtwP in mind)
行商浪人目前没有计划出PS5实体版(No plans at the moment)
正义之怒增强版曾经考虑过加入一键buff,但是优先级不够放弃了,以后也不太可能加入(We've considered implementing an analogue of buffing mod...but other features took precedence back then...at this point it's unlikely something this big will be added)
目前没有计划邀请克里斯阿瓦隆合作(there are no existing plans to collaborate on that matter)
新的虚幻5游戏会有更多电影化过场(a way more cinematic experience than our previous games),流程中会有队友加入(the story always involves many different characters, some of which may choose to join the protagonist as companions. This game is not an exception)
至于似乎是目前最高优先级的虚幻5项目,之前似乎有传言说是原创IP,没想都居然不是……这样看估计也是40K的可能性比较大 |