战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-8-18
- Brand new full voiceover for the Prologue and companion chatter across the game; 序章加入更多配音,全流程加入更多队友对话
- New visual effects and icons; 新的特效和图标
- Narrative tweaks and new reactivity options; 调整了文本,增加了对话选项
- Fixes for broken quests and dialogues (including the long-anticipated Price of Humanity quest fix); 修复任务和对话包括海哥最后一个个人任务
- Fixes for incorrect and inconsistent epilogues; 修复终章(或者结局?)问题
- A massive amount of fixes for incorrectly functioning abilities and items, including those that led to silly damage multiplication; 大量技能和物品效果修复
- Balance updates, including survivability and damage buffs to Space Marines, nerfs for Officers, weapon balance, encounter balance, and changes to calculations of many stats, bonuses and difficulty modifiers, resulting in an overall smoother game experience; 平衡性调整,包括星际战士的生存能力和伤害加强,削弱军官,武器、遭遇战调整,数值公式修正,难度修正
- A lot of performance improvements and optimization; 性能优化
- Reputation thresholds for vendors being lowered by about 20%; 商人声望需求降低20%
- Improvements for NPC AI, reducing the cases of friendly fire and unnecessary triggering of Attacks of Opportunity; 临时队友AI修正,降低友伤概率和触发借机攻击的概率
- Co-op desync fixes and possibility to hire mercenaries during multiplayer sessions; 联机修正,联机时可以雇佣佣兵
- QoL UI improvements, including ability sorting, recommended skills and visibility of quests and extractums on the map; UI易用性修正,包括技能排序、推荐技能、任务在地图上可见
- Marazhai and Yrliet gaining access to many previously human-restricted items; 马拉斋和伊利耶特可以使用更多人类装备