战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2016-3-16
本帖最后由 Lunamos 于 2020-5-20 11:16 编辑
就是个命名问题。mesh shader也不新了,其实就是把几何分割成meshlet之后利用空间局部性并且给几何分级,这样就不需要在后面的一些阶段每次线性遍历整个网格了,尤其是可以把culling提前,而且动态的情况下不用每次更新一整个index buffer。PS5把对应的功能叫做primitive shader,是延续了AMD的这套命名。贴的这篇文章已经4天了,有啥问题全球同行早就提出来了。比如你提到的的这一段,其实前面DF问的时候已经说得很清楚了:
We were also really curious about exactly how geometry is processed, whether Nanite uses a fully software-based raw compute approach (which would work well across all systems, including PC GPUs that aren't certified with the full DirectX 12 Ultimate) or whether Epic taps [quote] into the power of mesh shaders, or primitive shaders as Sony describes them for PlayStation 5
https://www.anandtech.com/show/1 ... xt-rx-5700-series/2
The one exception to all of this is the primitive shader. Vega’s most infamous feature is back, and better still it’s enabled this time. The primitive shader is compiler controlled, and thanks to some hardware changes to make it more useful, it now makes sense for AMD to turn it on for gaming. Vega’s primitive shader, though fully hardware functional, was difficult to get a real-world performance boost from, and as a result AMD never exposed it on Vega.