战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2016-9-12
本帖最后由 Arccueid 于 2020-6-21 05:41 编辑
"This game is honestly fu*king trash dude."
"It's so fu*king stupid."
"So insane man."
"I thought you wanted to kill her?"(读弹幕)
"Yeah, I meant, I did."
"The game.. this game is just.. they want to make you feel one way, and then they reverse it, and then they make you feel another way, and then they reverse it again. They just sh*t over you, constantly. It's just so fu*king stupid."
"This game is so fu*king stupid dude."(开始复读自己)
"It's un-fu*king-believable."
"Who's the fu*king capable of making this garbage."
"You dislike the story because it's challenging."(读弹幕,并且笑出了声)
"It's just everything is so pointless, it's all so fu*king pointless man."
"But man that ending was... say something... I don't even... look, I can't believe... look, I just don't understand what's devs trying to accomplish with this game by just make... like, were they Just trying to make the players just hate the game like I just... I don't understand!"
"I just don't understand what they were thinking when they made this game."
"But man, the game was like uhh.. It just can't go on and on and on... like that whole ending section, like honestly I think if they just end it on the farm with Ellie and Dina, they would've been so much better... That whole part after the farm was so fu*king pointless... so fu*king pointless, man."
"And even the stuff before that was still like... not good by any means. But, oh my god, holy fu*k man. "
"Dude, That was actually like... That was unreal. I am not even joking, I've never... I've never played a game with more fu*king stupid story than this one... That was just unbelievable, it's just actually fu*king unbelievable.""Giving an honestly rating? I would say the gameplay and the arts... its probably like a seven... six-seven-eight out of ten, maybe. The story, two out of ten, I don't know, three out of ten."
"I am not joking, the story was so fu*king stupid, it's so fu*king stupid! They are not even like teaching you anything... Not they need to teach you something but like there's no... there's not even like a lesson to be learnt here with this story... it's just garbage man."
"Honestly, at this point this game is good for just watching streamers get mad... and get disappointed. That's all this game good for."
接着自嘲了一下现在在这里的观众很可能是在别的地方看了这个bullsh*t ending之后想来看一下他是怎么对这个结局反应的。然后闲聊了几句接着说
"I just... I just don't understand what they are trying to go with this game... I honestly have no idea how credits gave it to 9.5 out of 10. It's unbelievable, it's actually unbelievable."
"It's just depressing to see like...this game had a lot of production value, there were some really cool parts of the game, but then the story just sh*ts all over that and just makes you not even fu*king care."
"If this game gets GOTY(疯狂摇头), I... I just haven't... my faith in the humanity is lost."
"Scrap this entire idea, completely. Because it's trash, that's what they should've done. There is no way to make this... this plotline work. There's no way they could make this plotline work and not have the player fu*king hate it."
"This game I finished it, and I don't have any... the only redeeming... like there's literaly nothing good about the story. Like I don't think there... can you guys think of a single point of this story that was satisfying... like that made you feel good?"
"The museum, I guess, That's it."
"It's like... like if there's good and bad, they can balance out. And this game is just all bad, it's just all fu*king bad. There's no good. It's un-fu*king-real!"
"Oh, new game plus. Yeah, let's start a new game plus playthrough! let's go, DUD! Can't wait to play AGAN."(dude和again故意用yygq方式发音)
"You guys ready for stream tomorrow? NG+? NG+ depression run? *laugh*"
"Seriously though, I've... I've never played the game that has made me dispise it more than this game!"
"Seriously it's just... I have no words for it. I've never played the game that's been so brutally just negative and just sh*t on the player, constantly. Like they just... they just keep doing one-eightys... just to piss off the player or something, I just don't get it. I just don't fu*king get it man."
"I am never gonna touch that game again."
接着笑着说他自己觉得这60美元买了不亏,因为他是一个streamer,给自己直播还是做了不少好的贡献。但是如果你不要直播而且花了60元买了这个游戏,他非常诚恳的为你感到伤心。同时谈到这游戏做的如何跟它做了多久无关,单纯是某个writer把这个游戏推到了玩家的对立面,毁了这个游戏。自己也很庆幸直播2天就结束了这个游戏,然后又轱辘话自己开始对游戏的期望和怎么让自己失望,最后说了句"What the fu*king messed, that game was."就下播休息了。
看了dist四年,第一次看到他在一个游戏的first playthrough表现的这么愤怒和情绪失控,还有给出这么低的评价
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