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注册时间 2016-8-15
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把游戏里面都动作说明复制黏贴出来了。好熟悉一下图标(其实只要多大自然会熟悉? 一共 24 个动作
Step-ln Jab Basic Stance
Left Uppercut Left Hook Jab Front-Back Step Straight Right Hook Right Uppercut
Left Body Uppercut Left Body Hook Body Jab Left-Right Step Body Straight Right Body Hook Right Body Uppercut
Left Weave Left Duck Center Duck Right Duck Right Weave
Left Block Sway Back Right Block
踏步刺拳 基本姿势
左上勾拳 左勾拳 刺拳 前后踏步 直拳 右勾拳 右上勾拳
腹部左上勾拳 腹部左勾拳 腹部刺拳 左右踏步 腹部直拳 腹部右勾拳 腹部右上勾拳
左U型迂回闪身 左下潜躲避 下潜躲避 右下潜躲避 右U型迂回闪身
左格挡 后仰躲闪 右格挡
踏步刺拳 踏步刺拳,向前踏步的同时笔直向前击出左拳。踏到前方后,后脚拉拢到前脚。保持右拳置于下巴旁。
Step-ln Jab
The step-in jab is a straight punch thrown with your left hand at the same time as you step forward. As you step forward with your lead foot, be sure to pull your rear foot along too. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
踏步刺拳.jpgStep-ln Jab.jpg
基本姿势 可以进行快速攻击、防御的基本姿势。每次出拳后,一定要回到基本姿势。摆好姿势前后摇晃身体,要注意节奏。
Basic Stance
Your basic boxing stance allows you to quickly throw punches and defend yourself. Once you’re established in either an Orthodox or a Southpaw stance, you’ll gently move back and forth to the rhythm. Remember to return to your basic stance after throwing a punch or performing a defensive move.
基本姿势.jpgBasic Stance.jpg
左上勾拳 左上勾拳,用左拳从下往上击打。身体向左扭一下,恢复原位后向右扭的同时,左拳放下,从下往上,手背朝前击打。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Left Uppercut
The left uppercut is a punch that curves upward with your left fist. To begin, twist left, push off with your left foot and rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you drive your fist upward with the back of your hand facing forward. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
左上勾拳.jpgLeft Uppercut.jpg
左勾拳 左勾拳,用左拳从外向内击打。身体向左扭一下,恢复原位后向右扭的同时,手背朝正上方,将拳头、手肘与肩膀保持同高,从外作包揽状向内击出。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Left Hook
The left hook is a punch that hooks from outside to inside with your left fist. To begin, twist your body to the left, and then swing back to the right as you throw the punch. Keep your left elbow and fist at shoulder height and punch inward from the outside. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
左勾拳.jpgLeft Hook.jpg
刺拳 刺拳,用左拳笔直地向前击出。左手腕要从手肘处笔直伸出,最后手背朝正上方向前击出。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
The jab is a straight punch with your left fist. As you extend your arm, turn your fist so that your knuckles face up at full extension. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
前后踏步 向前踏步,左脚先向前踏出一步,然后右脚迅速拉拢。向后踏步,右脚先向后后退一步,然后左脚迅速拉拢。
Front-Back Step
To perform a forward step, step forward with your left foot, and then pull your right foot quickly behind. The reverse is a back step, in which you step backward with your right foot and then quickly pull your left foot along.
前后踏步.jpgFront-Back Step.jpg
直拳 直拳,用右拳笔直地向前击出。右脚用力蹬地板,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,右拳手背朝正上方向前击出。保持左拳置下巴旁的状态。
The straight is a straight punch with your right fist. When throwing a straight, you want to twist your legs, hips, and shoulders to put your weight and power behind the punch. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
直拳.jpg Straight.jpg
右勾拳 右勾拳,用右拳从外向内击打。右脚用力蹬地板,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,手背朝正上方,将拳头、手肘与肩膀保持同高,从外作包揽状向内击出。保持左拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Right Hook
The right hook is a punch that hooks from outside to inside with your right fist. To begin, push off with your right foot and rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you punch inwards as if rolling inward from the outside. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
右勾拳.jpgRight Hook.jpg
右上勾拳 右上勾拳,用右拳从下往上击打。右脚用力蹬地板,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,右拳放下,从下往上,手背朝前击打。保持左拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Right Uppercut
The right uppercut is a punch that curves upward with your right fist. To begin, push off with your right foot and rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you drive your fist upward with the back of your hand facing forward. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
右上勾拳.jpgRight Uppercut.jpg
腹部左上勾拳 腹部左上勾拳,用左拳朝着对方腹部从下击出。向左侧回转的同时低下点腰并稳住后,左拳放下,手背朝下向前击出。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Left Body Uppercut
The left body uppercut is a punch that curves upward with your left fist. To begin, twist left, push off with your left foot and rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you drive your fist upward with the back of your hand facing forward. Aim for your opponent’s core. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
腹部左上勾拳.jpgLeft Body Uppercut.jpg
腹部左勾拳 腹部左勾拳,用左拳朝着对方腹部从外向内击出。向左侧回转的同时稳住腰部,从外作包揽状向内击出。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Left Body Hook
The left body hook is a punch that hooks from outside to inside with your left fist. To begin, twist your body to the left, and then swing back to the right as you throw the punch. Drop your hips a little and punch inward toward your opponent’s core. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
腹部左勾拳.jpgLeft Body Hook.jpg
腹部刺拳 腹部刺拳,用左拳朝着对方腹部笔直向前击出。稍稍低下点腰,左拳手背朝正上方向前击出。保持右拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Body Jab
The body jab is a quick, straight punch aimed at your opponent’s core using your left hand. To begin, drop your hips slightly, and then punch forward quickly with your left while keeping the back of your hand facing upward. Meanwhile, keep your right fist steady in front of your face.
腹部刺拳.jpgBody Jab.jpg
左右踏步 向右踏步,右脚先向外侧踏出一步然后左脚迅速拉拢。向左踏步,左脚先向外侧踏出一步然后右脚迅速拉拢。
Left-Right Step
To perform a right step, step to the right with your right foot, and then pull your left foot quickly along. The reverse is a left step, where you step to the left with your left foot and then quickly pull your right foot along.
左右踏步.jpgLeft-Right Step.jpg
腹部直拳 腹部直拳,用右拳朝着对方腹部笔直向前击出。稍稍低下点腰稳住之后,右脚用力蹬地板,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,右拳的手背朝正上方向前击出。保持左拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Body Straight
The body straight is a powerful straight punch aimed at your opponent’s core using your right hand. When throwing a straight, you want to twist your legs, hips, and shoulders to put your weight and power behind the punch. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
腹部直拳.jpgBody Straight.jpg
腹部右勾拳 腹部右勾拳,用右拳朝着对方腹部从外向内击出。稍稍低下点腰稳住之后,右脚用力蹬地板,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,从外作包揽状向内击出。保持左拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Right Body Hook
The right body hook is a punch that hooks from outside to inside with your right fist. To begin, drop your hips and push off with your right foot as you rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you punch inwards as if rolling inward from the outside. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
腹部右勾拳.jpgRight Body Hook.jpg
腹部右上勾拳 腹部右上勾拳,用右拳朝着对方腹部从下击出。稍稍低下点腰稳住之后,右脚用力蹬地板,右拳放下,扭转脚、腰、肩的同时,手背朝下向前击出。保持左拳置于下巴旁的状态。
Right Body Uppercut
The right body uppercut is a punch that curves upward with your right fist. To begin, push off with your right foot and rotate your legs, hips, and shoulders as you drive your fist upward with the back of your hand facing forward. Aim for your opponent’s core. Meanwhile, keep your left fist steady in front of your face.
腹部右上勾拳.jpgRight Body Uppercut.jpg
左U型迂回闪身 左u型迂回闪身,大幅度施展钻空一般的动作,是躲避对方拳头的防御动作。迅速弯曲膝盖降低腰部位置,向左扭转的同时,自然地抬起上半身。目光向前,想象上半身画U字的动作。
Left Weave
The left weave is a defensive maneuver in which you try to avoid an opponent’s punch by moving your body around it. While bending your knees, drop your hips and twist your body to the left, raising your upper body back up naturally. Try to imagine drawing the shape of a U with your upper body while keeping your line of sight forward.
左U型迂回闪身.jpgLeft Weave.jpg
左下潜躲避 左下潜躲避,在扭转身体的同时可以躲避对方拳头。基本姿势开始向左扭转上半身,头向左偏。此时目光保持向前。通过反作用力可以做出左上勾拳等联动动作。
Left Duck
The left duck is a defensive maneuver in which you try to avoid an opponent’s punch by turning and ducking. To begin, twist your upper body to the left and lower your head while trying to keep your line of sight forward. This move is often naturally linked to a left uppercut to take advantage of your body’s position being ready to wind up.
左下潜躲避.jpgLeft Duck.jpg
下潜躲避 下潜躲避,通过弯曲膝盖躲避对方拳头的防御动作。基本姿势开始,迅速弯曲膝盖降低腰部位置。此时目光尽量保持向前。
Center Duck
The duck is a defensive maneuver in which you try to avoid an opponent’s punch by bending your knees and ducking. To begin, quickly bend your knees and drop your hips while trying to keep your line of sight forward.
下潜躲避.jpgCenter Duck.jpg
右下潜躲避 右下潜躲避,在扭转身体的同时可以躲避对方拳头。基本姿势开始向右扭转上半身头向右偏。此时目光保持向前。通过反作用力可以做出右上勾拳等联动动作。
Right Duck
The right duck is a defensive maneuver in which you try to avoid an opponent’s punch by turning and ducking. To begin, twist your upper body to the right and lower your head while trying to keep your line of sight forward. This move is often naturally linked to a right uppercut to take advantage of your body’s position being ready to wind up.
右下潜躲避.jpgRight Duck.jpg
右U型迂回闪身 右u型迂回闪身,大幅度施展钻空一般的动作,是躲避对方拳头的防御动作。先将腰部向左扭转,然后迅速弯曲膝盖降低腰部位置,向右扭转的同时自然地抬起上身。目光向前,想象上半身画U字的动作。
Right Weave
The right weave is a defensive maneuver in which you try to avoid an opponent’s punch by moving your body around it. While bending your knees, drop your hips and twist your body to the right, raising your upper body back up naturally. Try to imagine drawing the shape of a U with your upper body while keeping your line of sight forward.
右U型迂回闪身.jpgRight Weave.jpg
左格挡 左格挡,是用自己的拳头接下对方的拳击的防御动作。腰部向右扭转的同时将左拳置于太阳穴旁。此时目光尽量向前。
Left Block
The left block is a defensive maneuver in which you use your left fist to block an opponent’s punch. While twisting your hips to the right, keep your left fist near your temple and try to keep your line of sight forward.
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后仰躲闪 后仰躲闪,防止被对手击到,是通过上半身后靠躲避的防御动作。注意身体不要摇晃,重心放在后脚上稳住上半身。此时目光向前,注意保持防御姿势。
Sway Back
The sway back is a defensive maneuver in which you lean your upper body back to avoid an opponent’s punch. Begin by centering your balance over your back foot and bending your upper body slightly backward. Try not to stagger or drop your guard, and keep your line of sight forward.
后仰躲闪.jpgSway Back.jpg
右格挡 右格挡,是用自己的拳头接下对方的拳击的防御动作。腰部向左扭转的同时将右拳置于太阳穴旁。此时目光尽量向前。
Right Block
The right block is a defensive maneuver in which you use your right fist to block an opponent’s punch. While twisting your hips to the left, keep your right fist near your temple and try to keep your line of sight forward.
右格挡.jpgRight Block.jpg