Hi and Welcome to the 19th development diary for Imperator! This time we delve deeper into the concept of Loyalty. 大家好欢迎来到罗马的第19篇开发日志!这次我们要深入介绍忠诚度的概念。
Unrest 动荡
So, let’s recap what we mentioned talked briefly about unrest in the 16th development diary, and how unrest in cities affected the loyalty of provinces. Unrest also have two other direct impact, the first is the reduction of commerce, tax, manpower and research from the city, while when it reaches the threshold of 10 unrest, you can no longer recruit regiments in the city, build buildings,or interact with the population. 让我们首先回顾一下第16篇开发日志中提到的动荡系统,以及城市动荡影响省份忠诚。动荡还有两个直接效果,第一是减少城市的商贸,税收,人力和科研产出,当动荡达到10时,你将无法在城市中招募军队,建造建筑,以及与人口互动。
Unrest is generated through unhappy pops, low stability in your country, war-exhaustion, governors policies and corruption. It can also be reduced by various laws, positive stability and by assigning armies to the local governor. 不够幸福的人口,国家稳定度低,厌战度,总督政策和腐败会产生动荡度。玩家可以用各种法律,正稳定和给总督军队的办法来降低动荡。
The happiness of a pop depends on its culture and its religion compared to the country’s religion and culture. Different pop-types also want different civilization levels to be happy, while a tribesman want it as low as possible, the citizens want it rather high. Different laws makes different types of pops more or less happy as well. Access to different goods in the city will also make pops happier. 人口的幸福度主要取决于它的宗教文化是否与国家的宗教文化一致。不同的人口类型还会需求不同的文明水平,文明水平越低部落民越幸福,文明水平越高公民越幸福。不同的法律也会让不同类型的人口幸福度增减。城市与提供不同类型商品的商路连接也能让人口更加幸福。
If a pop has less than 50% happiness, they will contribute to the unrest of the province. 如果一个pop的幸福度低于50%,他们就会开始增加行省的动荡。
Now let’s talk about loyalty. There is three types of loyalty we’ll talk about today, as the loyalty of subjects is a subject for another diary. (And I just wanted to type that sentence..) 是时候谈谈忠诚度了。今天我们要介绍三种忠诚度,臣民的忠诚度则会是另一篇日志的主题。(我就是要写这句话...)
Province Loyalty 行省忠诚度
Each province have a loyalty value to the country. If it goes down to 0, then that province is basically 100% autonomous and provide nothing to you. They will cancel all trade to other parts of your country and every city will be acting as it had at least 10 unrest. 每个行省对国家都有忠诚值。如果行省忠诚掉到0,这个行省就基本上100%自治,不给你提供任何产出,切断和你的国家其他部分的所有贸易,其所有城市都具有10动荡时候的效果(前述不可建造,招募等)。
If enough provinces are disloyal, they will either start an independence war, if the dominant culture is not your primary culture-group, or a civil war if they are of your culture-group. 如果不忠诚且主流文化不属于你的国家主流文化组的行省数量够多,他们就会发动一场独立战争。如果不忠诚的是属于你的文化组的行省,则会爆发内战。
There are alerts if your provinces are disloyal, or if you risk a civil war or major revolt. 当你的行省不忠诚,或者内战与大规模叛乱迫在眉睫时,屏幕上会出现警告。
Cohorts Loyalty 部队忠诚度
Each cohort in an army can become loyal to a single person. This depends on the charisma of the commander during a battle or a siege. 陆军的每个大队都有可能对某个人物效忠。这取决于在战斗或攻城中领导他们的将领的魅力值。
When a cohort is loyal to a character the country pays less maintenance for it, as the commander of the unit it is loyal to, starts paying the unit him or herself. 当某个大队对个人效忠时,得到效忠的个人会开始支付它的一部分维护费,对于国家来说这支部队的维护成本降低了。
There is a slight drawback or two to having cohorts loyal to a character instead of the country, like for example, a cohort that is personally loyal to a character will not allow it to be transferred away from the unit in any way. Also, a character with cohorts loyal to him tend to become more disloyal over time. 拥有对个人而非国家效忠的大队有几个方面上会带来负面效果。比如说,效忠于个人的大队不允许那个角色被调离这支部队。拥有私兵的角色也会变得越来越不忠诚。
Character Loyalty 角色忠诚度
Characters loyalty to the Country is one of the more interesting aspects to manage, as disloyal characters is a huge risk, as disloyal characters will refuse to abandon their armies or provinces, and if enough are disloyal they will form a block together to form a civil war. 管理角色对国家的忠诚度是本作游戏中比较有趣的方面。不忠诚的角色会带来很大的风险,不忠诚的角色拒绝放弃任命给他们领导的军队和行省,如果有足够的角色不忠诚,他们会联合起来策划内战。
Some forms of government, a few inventions and some ideas increase loyalty of all characters. Giving people titles and offices will increase their loyalty, but removing them decrease their loyalty. Characters of the same faction as the ruler tends to become more loyal over time, while friends and rivals of the ruler will see their loyalty go up and down as well. 一些政府类型,少数几个发明和一些理念能增加所有角色的忠诚度。给予角色头衔和职务增加他们的忠诚度,将他们解职降低忠诚度。与统治者同一派系的角色随时间变得更加忠诚,统治者的朋友与敌人的忠诚度也会随时间升降。
When the loyalty of a character is below 33%, that character is considered disloyal. 当某角色的忠诚度低于33%时,将被视为不忠诚。
Civil Wars! 内战!
While a major revolt is not different from having a large nation revolt from you in other games, civil wars are dramatically different. 虽然大型叛乱和P社其他游戏中大型民族叛乱没什么区别,内战就是全然不同的新机制了。
The threat of a Civil Wars will start as soon as either 33% of the army is controlled by a character that is disloyal OR 33% of all provinces are disloyal to the country. 内战威胁将在33%的军队被不忠诚角色控制,或者33%的行省不忠诚时开始累积。
During the threat of a civil war, a small timer ticks up each month, where the civil war will break out after a year. During this time you have an alert so you can see that you have a risk of it. Of course, there are alerts as soon as a single province is disloyal or a general is. 内战威胁出现后,每月的倒计时确保一年后内战将会爆发。在这段时间内你的屏幕上有一个内战警报确保你明白灾难将致。当然,只要一个将军或行省不忠诚,你就会开始得到警告。
When the Civil War starts, all disloyal characters and provinces will join them.. And possible friends and families as well. 当内战开始时,所有不忠诚的角色和行省都会加入....他们的朋友和家人也有几率加入。
A civil war is a war-to-the-death, where provinces automatically switch owners when you occupy them, and if you lose the civil war, it is basically game over. 内战是一场你死我活的战争,所有行省在被一方占领时自动切换所有者,如果你输掉内战,基本上就是游戏结束。
And always remember.. Tyranny is not a help when it comes to get loyalty. Sic Semper Tyrannis! 请记住....暴政不会帮助你得到忠诚度。这就是暴君的下场!