战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-10-1
本帖最后由 cools 于 2018-4-27 10:01 编辑
再给你康个好玩的:群星发售后pds和黑曜石合作出rpg Tyranny,本地化支持这块是PDS在搞,有人在论坛上问会不会有葡语支持,p社员工用和顶楼帖子里一摸一样的理由拒绝掉了,tyranny至今也没有葡语化
https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/f ... -portuguese.965896/
Spending thousands of Euros (possibly tens of thousands as Tyranny has several thousand lines of dialogue!) on translating a game to a language that, statistically, a very small percentage of the players come from doesn't make sense from a business perspective. This is why you don't see our games translated to all languages but a select number.
It's very nice of you to offer and I don't doubt that we could get the community involved, however, if we'd decided to translate the game into another language it would be done by an agency. There are several reasons for this but mainly because we'd then be able to control the quality of the work in a better way than we would if several different volunteers did it.