战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2015-12-28
Canceling system speculation update
The following explanation is concluded from all the preview/gameplay videos. May be wrong since there's a few combination I haven't found example, but I don't expect Monolith Soft to explain this in detail in the game anyway. No reason to embargo this in the preview.
Canceling is a system to charge your special gauge faster by input battle actions at the right timing. The timing is when the prior movement just finished. You'll see a blue circle if success.
Special (element attack) have 4 levels, for the first 3 levels the gauge are eight-fold, you can build them up by using driver arts. After level 3, special gauge will auto charge to level 4 when the link between driver and blade are glowing and drivers stand close enough to the blade. Will drop back to level 3 if the link break or the blade is switched.
Normally every art add +2 to special gauge, but with canceling you can add much more. In demo Nintendo said multiple times you can use arts after canceling auto attacks, and there's much more they haven't told us:
(auto attacks, arts, blade switching)
(arts, blade switching, special)
Some canceling may require driver affinity skills:
Based on the wording I suppose the bonus gauge you get is based on the prior action you canceled, not the action after.
Use driver arts: +2
Topple enemy: +1
Launch enemy: +2
Smash enemy: +3
Special QTE good: +1
Special QTE cool: +2
Special QTE excellent: +4
The bonus you'll get by canceling
Canceling 1st hit of auto attack: +1
Canceling 2nd hit of auto attack: +2
Canceling 3rd hit of auto attack: +3
Canceling driver arts:+2
Canceling blade switch: +2
So, theoretically, if all your blades are done CD and party members break the enemy for you.
3rd hit of auto attack, cancel, topple art(2+3+1), cancel, switch blade(+2), cancel, launch art(2+2+2), cancel, switching blade(+2), cancel, smash art(2+2+3) = +23
That's only 3 arts, you can even activate fusion combos by other members during this process. Without canceling the process only gives +12.
Right now I'm not sure about blade switching after canceling auto attack, and blade switching after canceling blade switching (lol). You can also use special after canceling but I don't see the point to do this, unless canceling can raise affinity between driver and blade during battles, which is another unexplained system.