战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2016-6-20
本帖最后由 Mark233 于 2017-2-3 00:45 编辑
1.passing through a hole to have adventures in another world
2.the protagonists are two girls
3.we would try as much as possible to have each episode have sort of a happy ending
4.producer side requested adding things like “making the girls transform,” “having them fight using big weapons,” “having them transform once every two episodes,”
5.I felt like using the multifaceted nature of human thoughts and perception to add some variation to the story would be something a lot of people would find interesting.
6.we focused less on the story and more on creating appealing characters, included yuri aspects, etc.
7.At the start, it was mostly us asking tanu to “draw us an illustration of this Pure Illusion world,” in parallel with the progress of the script writing.
8.For the first half, I would decide on the core things to have happen each episode, and the script writers would add whatever they wanted on top of that.
Oshiyama: I’m fond of all of them really, but if I had to say, probably Papika and Yayaka. Yayaka feels very human and also suffers from bad luck (laughs), so I get a painful feeling like I’m sort of watching myself that makes her very relatable. On the flip side, Papika is in some ways an ideal figure. The magnificence of innocence maybe you’d call it? A girl with her genuineness, honesty, purity, it’s just nice. I don’t want to forget that authenticity even after becoming an adult, I want to think there’s value in that, so I admire that part of her. Also she’s got great survival skills, so she can go out adventuring whenever she feels like it. She’s got something modern people have lost, an important something that we used to have as animals, that’s the kind of character she is. Though, since she lost her memories once before she has fewer experiences than her visible age would suggest, so her vocabulary is sometimes lacking and her personality is childish in some ways. She was basically the same even before the incident though, so it might be hard to tell (laughs), but she’s by no means dumb.
押山你……说好的ppk和yyk都最喜欢了,这评价的篇幅差距,会不会有种钦定的感觉。 哎,不也挺好吗……
仔细分析的话,既然故事的核心是两个女孩在pi的冒险,那么她们一起冒险的动机是很重要的。押山描述的自己喜欢ppk的理由,其实很大程度上也可以理解为ccn喜欢ppk的理由——冒险的动机。ccn:学生这个角色扮演的可以算是相当优秀,但进路问题却很迷茫——努力的动机大概只在于周围人(adult、modern people)对她的期待,并不是自己想要的。
ppk:She’s got something modern people have lost, an important something that we used to have as animals, that’s the kind of character she is. 这是ccn最无法抗拒要素。ccn对ppk十动然拒到再不放手也只是时间问题,冒险成了必然。