战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2014-3-21
8 月 28 日消息,日前消失已久的米哈游联合创始人之一 ,前董事长蔡浩宇在领英上发帖子称,AIGC 已经彻底变革了游戏行业,未来只需要时间。 他还表示未来游戏行业只会有两种开发者:前 0.0001%的天才带领精英团队创造出前所未有的东西,以及 99%的业余爱好者开发满足自己想法的游戏。而至于从普通到专业的游戏开发者,他建议考虑转行。事实上,早在去年 8 月份便有消息称,蔡浩宇将调动北美更多的资源,并投入更多精力亲自研究 AI 。 值得一提的是,这也是蔡浩宇自 2016 年知乎以后,时隔 8 年再度以个人账号的身份在社媒进行发言。而这次的发言依旧是非常符合蔡浩宇过往性格的“爆典”,不过这或许也意味着米哈游在 AIGC 方面有什么新的突破。
AIGC has already revolutionized game development
AIGC has already revolutionized game development; it just needs time for this phenomenon to fully unfold. In the future, only two types of people will logically make sense when it comes to creating games:
1. The top 0.0001%—the most insightful geniuses with the deepest understanding and exceptional design skills, forming elite teams to create something that has never existed before.
2. The 99% of hobbyists who can create a game on a whim just to satisfy their own ideas.
As for game developers ranging from average to professional, we might as well consider switching careers.
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