战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2015-9-7
不知道有没有人记得之前花很多钱在deviant上雇人画各种白面包wonder bread插画的那个人?这些画并不是**,但是很明显被用来做类似用途。画面里一对金发母女前凸后翘,或者是一位红发女性,要么走在非常美式的、灯光惨白的超市里,要么坐在被砍伐殆尽的森林里,一边购买或食用美国wonder bread白面包,一边讨论着如何破坏环境、奴役其他人、使用资本主义统治世界。
也不是不能理解这种hate fucking癖好。或者不如说,美国文化在世界上占额如此之大的情况下,不出现这种反弹性的癖好反而奇怪。
几年前这个例子在reddit上作为rule 34例子很有名。今天我正好在cabinet杂志网站上看了一篇十月的文章,讲的是面包以及面包和politics的关系,中间有一段讲到wonder bread白面包,看完让我觉得这插画雇主的品味还挺Tati的。
里面说到wonder bread是1921年被开发出来的,算是第一款流水线大量生产的白面包。它能流行也是由于当时的时代精神(一战期间因为美国食物更多,不光给自己士兵提供每天5000卡,还给英法比利时和其他国家士兵提供食物,所以对内改变了小麦价格,而且Woodrow Wilson成立了大众信息委员会来宣传让平民少吃小麦、吃光盘中餐,保证士兵的面包供应)。wonder bread带来的是一种新的、流水线的黄金标准:白得发光、像奢侈品那样柔软、毫无营养,几乎不是面包。
文中提及,Smithsonian网站上关于wonder bread的部分写道:“这种新的wonder bread并不给人以家与炉火的温馨印象。相反,logo上不自然的鲜艳颜色,与崭新洁白的1.5磅面包完全地唤起了对一个’庞大生产制造体系所支撑的美国未来‘那种如梦似幻的观感。”文章里说如果说德国的面包代表着回溯过去,后来意味着回溯一种传说中的雅利安人主宰的过去,那么美国就是为了一块工业化未来的白面包而投入战斗。
根据文章所说,图8里1950年代wonder bread广告声称它从八个方面帮你获得强健体魄,到了1960年代,就变成了12 ways。
文章里还有一段讲到1941年十月15日nazi日常宣传里,说犹太人不仅要为经济衰退与杀死耶稣负责,还要为白面包的流行负责。“The baking of white bread,” a Nazi broadcaster quoted by the agency had explained, “was promoted by Jews both for speculative reasons and also for the purpose of undermining the health of the German people. Before the Jews settled in Germany, the people generally ate whole wheat bread. For the last century, however, the Jews pushing themselves in between the producer and the consumer, fostered the production of ‘dead flour’ which is deprived of the main nutritive value.”因为人们把全麦面包与民族传统相连,突然流行起来的白面包就变成了对立的角色。虽然听起来非常可笑但是其实想一想现在的现实也并非不可想象。
另外文章中还有一段挺有意思,放一下原文:In his 1948 article entitled “Bread or Freedom?”, historian F. Edward Lund offers an interesting take on the politicization of bread: “The electioneering promise of bread to the poor—‘Pass the biscuits, pappy’—and of property to the rich—‘lower taxes’—is repeatedly successful, particularly if, in return for their votes, the political candidate will also promise to protect each group from the other.”7 Lund’s argument is that at the most basic level, totalitarianism is bread in exchange for freedom. When bread is discussed in totalitarian regimes, it’s not simply bread but bread as a gastropolitical contract: giving up that which defines you as a human being (free will) for that which sustains you (food).8 The state guarantees sustenance in exchange for compliance.
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