战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2018-1-2
本帖最后由 qappip 于 2024-8-10 11:43 编辑
2024年8月6日 游戏登录ps5和xbox ps5港币268. 等待黑猴无聊时间可以试试这款游戏, 老登们之前玩过的话现在可以回来重新玩了,因为你会发现这个和你记忆游戏完全变了,全新战斗系统新增弹刀和蓄力攻击,完全改变了游戏战斗,加个人话就是黑魂3变成只狼了。敌人配置改了 新了不少新敌人,为了适配全新战斗系统所有boss 和敌人攻击模式都改了,部分造型也改了。全新的ui适配手柄和操作逻辑。 物品栏 传送节目 装备栏 技能栏全改。 武器新加一堆还有老防具造型修改不少更加贴合世界观。新加着色器滤镜修改,还多个类似扫描雷达差不多是巫师3徽章那种。还有一堆杂七杂八比如游泳操作更加方便 地图远景为了对称一体化感觉修改不少。 感觉除了美术场景素材还沿用几乎就是新游戏。 没有中文
截至3月25 30%折扣 75元人民币考虑到部分朋友因为语言问题而且放弃 我机翻一下 steam 社区 指南 大致介绍一下游戏系统 部分因为更新作废 我会标注一下
你好。如果你在这里,这意味着你可能想知道如何在游戏中“git gud”,或者至少,让“git gud”的门指向你。这太好了,如果我正在编写一款可以真正“git gud”的游戏,我会鼓励这样做。
Bleak Faith: Forsaken 是一款比实际游戏制作技能更具天赋和激情的游戏。这是一件值得称赞的事情,但最终结果仍然是玩家必须与之搏斗才能玩的游戏。
试着掠夺一切。虽然 85% 的时间你得到的只是为游戏中的无数药水制作组件,但另外 15% 可以来自武器和盔甲,以及实际重要的任务物品,如 Handler Echoes。如果你在受苦后掠夺了一些东西,那就不要太难了,结果证明它是深红的春花。至少,现在你知道;)
现在,如果你不专心,你可能会错过中心之外的所有分支路径,所以要寻找那些。自 6 月更新以来,电梯和梯子现在会警告加载屏幕,因此您会知道何时要去新地方。通常,那里有一个 homunculus 来保存您的进度等等,但有时并非如此。如果没有放置海市蜃楼(之前的青色家伙:只需按住使用按钮站在任何地方,它就会放置一个便携式检查站)。如果你进入一个区域时没有人形,这意味着你是“从出口”进入的。所有区域都很大,但它们有明确的入口和出口点。黄色的 homunculus 总是在“正确”的入口处。
该游戏使用了一个有点类似于暗黑破坏神的层套接字系统。物品有 Mk. 级别,可由您的处理者升级,从而增加它们的属性和您可以在其中插入的水晶数量以赚取奖励。驯兽师是中央枢纽(Bloc 6314)的红衣女孩,顺便说一句,在人形旁边。她只能将东西升级到她的等级,所以如果你想要最大 Mk. 升级,你需要找到前面提到的处理者回声,以及一些 I-III Mk 的升级碎片,以及超越的升级模块。
请注意,更换水晶会破坏之前开槽的水晶,所以要小心。新版本和传统类魂差不多 可以加点了
顺便说一句,如果你觉得游戏太简单了(哈哈),忠实天赋会让你的属性降低 20%。你可以通过游戏玩法升级它以在某种程度上扭转它的效果,但我真的认为它适用于“困难模式”。
关于这个游戏的唯一基本规则:不要乱按攻击键。真的,不要。游戏使用基于准确攻击的连击系统,与武器挥舞动画相关联。时间不是很严格,但它会惩罚乱按攻击键。如何?体力消耗严重,攻击速度较慢,伤害降低。此条已经作废因为最新调整 删除了惩罚机制 乱按攻击键不会再有降低攻速 消耗精力增加的duff ,正确连击会提供暴击和伤害buff
护甲有三个属性,分别是钝器、锐器和科技防御。显然,每种防御类型都是为了防止相应的伤害类型。它会根据你拥有的数量减少一定比例的伤害,所以如果你有 2000 的抗性,预计会减少 20%。
较重的盔甲往往在技术保护方面较弱,但魔法敌人并不多,所以没关系。当然,你会移动得很慢(直到你找到旅行之环)。在 40 STR 左右,您将否定 malus。
射程构建之所以可行,只是因为爆头会造成难以置信的伤害。如果你是一个好射手,你可能会从中获得很多里程。箭袋大小随着弓的升级而增加,你可以在不同类型的箭之间切换(我故意避免说要按什么按钮,因为在 6 月底,控制器控制方案得到了改进,你可以随心所欲地自定义它,所以是的)。箭袋在离开战斗后重新装满。 最新更新砍弓箭一半伤害但是 可以盲射和拉弓速度加快40% 携带箭数量翻倍实际上更强。
- 在击败 4 个世界首领(或 3 个和一个重新校准)后,游戏将变得更加困难。如果您想探索,请记住这一点。
- 只有当游戏变得更加困难时,才能“获得”熵。
- 有几个结局。
- 有一个不归路。它超越了篝火(真正的篝火)。去迷宫之前确保所有该做都做了,去了回不来的
- 有可选的老板。它们会产生升级,但不是强制性的。
击**oss会掉技能点 ,几个比较重要的技能翻译
- Tinkerer Mastery – Max Limit +1 Belt 所有恢復消耗品的效率+40%,並且在處理者有機會升級到 Mk1 後額外的 Max Limit Belt +4。 如果您正在努力保持健康,這對早期遊戲來說非常有用。 額外的治療項目和效率將輕鬆幫助您站穩腳跟。
- Dual Wield Mastery – 雙持武器時,你的武器會造成最大的潛在傷害,副手武器現在造成 60% 的傷害而不是 35%。 這對雙持者來說非常有用,因為額外的傷害會很容易幫助你更快地擊落目標。 副手武器的傷害增加很容易讓這個 perk 變得有價值。
- Berserker – 每次你受到傷害時,你都會獲得一個增益,使你的所有傷害增加一個百分比,該百分比等於你損失的健康百分比。 這持續 10 秒,可以重置,也可以疊加以提高效率。 Berserk perk 很容易讓你在遊戲早期造成大量傷害,尤其是當你受到大量傷害時。
- Vampirism – 為所有傷害增加 30% 的固定吸血,並使武器的現有吸血加倍。 非常適合那些受到大量傷害的人。 那些沒有受到太多傷害的人會保持健康,而那些受到傷害的人可以避免經常使用恢復液。
- Combo Brutality – 每個連擊會使你的傷害提高 10%,最後一個連擊點會使傷害提高 60%,總計為 100%。 對於早期遊戲和後期遊戲來說,這是一個很好的好處,如果你連續多次擊中敵人,它可以讓你造成很大的傷害。
基本力量号点这个几个被动就行,剩下就是加力量或者叠暴击了。 注意下轻重甲的区别就行,重甲物防超高,法术不行,轻甲均衡。 最好备两套,重甲打法术类敌人 抗法术超级脆皮,很容易被秒记得换轻甲。
别的没什么需要翻译的 物品技能基本都是 加多少 血量 或者 增伤增暴击这种简单粗暴的字眼。
至于游戏剧情 相信我就算看得懂 也不知道在说什么,游戏开局就是 在无尽超构造体某个区域发生变异导致大量出现活尸失控,还有无尽战争背景下伴随着十字军东征来到这地方清理一个叛徒,而你是政府的得力走狗派到这地区引发的故事。。。。。。。。。。
游戏单人模式已经全部更新完毕,现在这游戏和初版天差地别, 很多经验已经用不上了 ,虽然目前评价还是褒贬不一但是基本都是初版刷出来的,游戏初版确实很垃圾。 画面大修改进 特别是远景建模改动基本可以您在游戏任意地方 大致都能从远景判断自己所处位置 用举例类似黑魂1 你在墓地深处能看到 灰烬湖这种, 贰瓶勉的美术风格 各种巨物巨兽奇观塞爆,体验人类渺小和战栗感。 一体化地图 四通八达大部分都是旷阔的场景。
战斗系统大致修到魂1水平 加魂3战技 。
加了一堆新敌人 新武器模组 防具
部分地图修改 和增加新地区
部分boss大修 招式全改了
完整手柄支持 ui
后续更新多人联机模式 和终局模式
We've passed the half a year mark and the game has been going through a lot of improvements in the meantime!
I'll quickly recap everything that we have done.
Movement and Controller
We have increased the character rotation speed, fixed floaty movement, fixed a ton of jank in the movement animations as well as removed transitional animations between two movement states,
which in turn gave us far more responsive movement. Increased character rotation speed also greatly improved the control over the character for controller users.
Two new settings under General & UI now affect movement greatly and those are an option to disable strafing movement while there is no Lock-On target and for attacks to follow directional input instead of camera input.
Another thing we greatly improved on was controller support. We added several new presets, as well as the option to bind multiple keys to single action if a modifier action is used.
HUD has been reworked to be more controller friendly, and several options under General & UI have been added to modify the player's HUD.
Camera and Lock-On
We took the opportunity to add several QoL to the Camera as well, the most important one is that the camera will now rotate in the characters direction, making it easy to navigate the Omnistructure with only movement input and without camera input.
This new option can be disabled in the settings under Gamepad by simply moving the Auto Camera Sensitivity slider to 0. This camera QoL however is only for the controller users.
Previous Lock-On system was completely scrapped and the new system was written from the ground up. Soft Lock-On can now be enabled in the settings, and the speed at which camera corrects itself can now be adjusted via settings.
We have also added a dynamic Lock-On system which can be disabled in the settings. The Dynamic system will automatically target the closest engaged enemy in range upon losing the current Lock-On target. The distance from the enemy at which Lock-On will stop working can also be adjusted in the settings!
Overhauled AI Behavior
Majority of the stronger enemies have received new attack patterns and abilities. Another thing we added was improvement to their behavior, instead of previously mindlessly chaining attacks they will now be taking minor breaks in between the attacks in order to give the player some breathing room.
We are also aware most players were unhappy with the sudden difficulty spike once Vermillion Knights started appearing as they were late game enemies. They now scale the same way the bosses do. But don't be worried, they are still a menace the first time you encounter them!
But they are no longer killing the player in a single blow and taking 20 hits to kill!
There are also 8 new enemies added in the game spread across all areas!
Illusions and Elementals also benefited greatly from these AI Behavior overhauls. They are now far more aggressive and bosses/stronger enemies will now focus on them instead of the player. It's also possible to somewhat command them now, as they will always prioritize the lock-on target.
Another important overhaul was to all the bosses. I won't go into the details as that would be considered a spoiler but the most noticeable overhaul will be in the final boss encounter. Humanoid bosses are now parryable as their difficulty increased recently as we felt it was necessary to add this feature to them.
We however did not nerf the enemies and bosses but instead gave them more tools to react to the player. As you can read below, the player received several improvements.
Combat Improvements
We went over all the feedback from our community and made some much needed changes in the combat section of the game. Most noticable is the new combo system which now rewards players with increased damage.
Previously, failed combos punished players with slower animations which made combat feel a lot slower then it should be. This has been removed, in favor of rewarding the player for successful combo instead of punishing them for failed combo.
Fluidity of combat has also been improved by allowing players to chain abilities, dashes, dodge rolls, blocks, parry and switching weapons before the current animation finishes.
Another thing we overhauled was the encumbrance system. Players' total weight now affects the stagger chance which made Greatweapons, such as really heavy hammers, viable. The player does not get staggered as often in heavy armor. Stagger animations for Greatweapons have also been sped up.
Most of the weapons received new movesets, which contain more forward momentum, allowing for easier closing of the distance. We made sure to make attack animations feel a lot more weighty by adding some rotation control to them.
Weapon damage and perks have received major balancing after reading all the community feedback, making a lot more builds viable.
New Equipment, Consumables, Abilities and Map Changes
Four new armor sets and four new weapons have been added to the game, and these can mostly be found on the new enemies. With these new weapons also come new abilities.
Along with these we added new consumables, such as regenerative fluids and improved diver's lungs. Most of the concoctions have also been greatly buffed. As the usefulness of consumables have been increased we also unlocked all 4 belt slots from the start of the playthrough.
The belt slot limit however has been increased in the same manner as before.
Most of the maps have also seen some visual touch ups, new shortcuts and more fodder enemies! While we were improving the maps we also closed a lot of out of bounds areas.
Patch Notes
- New Setting under General & UI : Directional Swimming; Default: ON
- Swim toward camera direction.
- New Setting under General & UI : General Slot Position; Default: Consumables Left
- To which side of the screen are Consumables displayed, abilities take the other position.
- HUD now stays on for a minimum of 8 seconds if the Dynamic HUD is enabled.
- Doubled the speed of HUD appearing/disappearing animations.
- Taking any damage will now cause HUD to appear.
- Scrolling in the settings panel now properly displays the next setting as well.
- New Recipe: Improved Diver's Lung Concoction
- 60 seconds extra total oxygen for 600 seconds.
- Some minor map upgrades in Machinarium, Upper Blocks and Deluge.
- Ring of Serpent and Ring of Brilliance loot locations have been moved due to map changes.
- Further improved menu navigations with controller.
- Giants will now interrupt their animation to drop to their knees once their legs have been damaged enough.
- Two new enemies!
- New and improved behavior logic for several stronger enemies.
- All Vermillion Knights are now scaling the same way bosses do, to prevent them one shooting players early on.
- Last visited zone in the "Continue" panel now displays the last visited Homunculus instead of the zone name.
- Updated SFX for the subway transport.
- New short dialogue with one of the sick NPCs in Blok6147.
- New consumables:
- Lesser Regenerative Fluids: Restores 30% of total health over 10 seconds. Non Craftable.
- Regenerative Fluids: Restores 50% of total health over 10 seconds. Non Craftable.
- Greater Regenerative Fluids: Restores 50% of total health over 6 seconds. Non Craftable.
- Character now remembers last used weapon after respawn instead of defaulting to the primary weapon set.
- Concoctions: Aberrant's Blood, Zealot's Tears, Berserker's Tenacity had their description updated to explain that they restore the amount added.
- Several gates in the game received new visuals.
- New additional zone added to Deluge.
- New shortcut added in Blok6147.
- Machinarium boss gate is now openable from the other side as well.
- Reduced maximum health of Ratagan enemies in the Monastery by 20%.
- Reduced Archinquisitor Belisarius' maximum health by 20%.
- Given more weight to attack animations of Aberrant Knight.
- Aberrant Knights stomps now cause shockwaves, requiring players to jump over them.
- Aberrant Knights' weapons now glow yellow to indicate these attacks.
- Aberrant Knights weak points now have a steeper scaling curve.
- All regular enemies had their stagger resistance tweaked.
- Reduced the spam of Vermillion Knights abilities.
- Greatly increased drop rate of gear improvement items from stronger enemies.
- Greatly increased drop rate of Concoctions from stronger enemies.
- Halved the duration of players stagger while having Greatweapons equipped.
- Increased the speed at which a player can switch weapons after an attack.
- Doubled the speed of Titan Slayer/Divine Greataxe perfect parry animation.
- All weapon leech effects had their values tweaked to be similar to Vampirism perk.
- These values as well as benefits from Vampirism perk can now be seen in the details panel.
- Ring of Lifesteal now adds an additional 3 agility.
- The Amulet of Fluxleech now adds an additional 3 intelligence.
- It's no longer possible to block while crouching.
- Archery and Technomancy remain unchanged.
- All 4 belt slots are now unlocked from the start of the game. Belt carry limit is still based on game progression.
- Concoction: Stamina Recovery renamed to Concoction: Vitality
- New Stat: Doubles your stamina recovery rate and reduces delay before stamina regen by half a second.
- Concoction: Mighty Regen now also has the effect of Concoction: Vitality.
- Attribute Concoctions (Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intelligence) now add an additional 10% of said total attribute on top of regular +5 bonus.
- Dash forward now has increased range.
- Fixed incorrect sway of certain weapons while holstered.
- Fixed incorrect hald position during certain parry/block animations.
- Oxygen bar no longer disappears while diving.
- Fixed losing control of your character while certain swimming animations are being played.
- Fixed being able to use abilities of the weapons that previously got unequipped.
- It's no longer possible to soft lock giants if more than one of their weak spots are destroyed at same time.
- Fixed incorrect movement of character if one of the movement inputs are being spammed instead of held.
- Fixed odd arm movement during left dodge animation.
- Fixed incorrect icon for Marrow weapon.
- Fixed enemies being able to heal dead enemies.
- Fixed Homunculus not playing stabilised animation on game load.
- Fixed autosave not remembering last visited Homunculus after fast travel.
- Fixed having control of your character before the game properly fades in.
- Fixed sometimes missing FX of Restorative Fluids.
- Character is no longer stuck in repeatable animation if the switch weapon keybind is being spammed.
- Distanced camera during sprint no longer happens until character has reached full sprint speed.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes an attack animation wouldn't be the first in the moveset.
- Fixed an issue where dodge/roll would only be possible in cardinal directions during certain attacks.
- Fixed an issue where the character would stop mid air for a few frames if previously rolled off the ledge.
- Fixed an issue where quickslots wouldn't be properly set after respawn.
- Removed "floaty" movement while weapons are holstered.
- Fixed incorrect movement speed while weapons are holstered that was caused by playing above 60 FPS.
- Fixed an issue where sprinting while holstered sometimes cost stamina.
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to attack until the weapon is un-holstered manually.
- Fixed climbing animation issue if climb input was pressed while jumping on Giants.
- Crouching will no longer interrupt aiming with ranged weapons.
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