战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-2-13
发表于 2023-7-7 01:31
[TIOJ twitter](https://twitter.com/TIOJ_official)
[More sizes (Bocchi)](https://www.tioj.or.jp/activity/index.html)
[More sizes (others - follow TIOJ account first)](https://cam-cloudtools.com/win/?ev=2l0lqgoj798g8ow8c8kck4k8k8kok0oc&g=1a96be07)
TIOJ is a tobacco commercial association with major tobacco indstry players (British American Tobacco, Phillip Morris and JIT) as their members.
This is another campaign material by TIOJ for this month campaign. Bocchi the Rock is the first anime ever that collaborates with the body for their non-smoking campaign.
This campaign aimed to remind underages in Japan (below 20) that smoking at their age is against the law.
……原来是这么一回事。但是cute anime girl为什么能起到控烟宣传效果,我想不明白。而且用的还是那一套动画人设绘,也太摆烂了吧。
—— 来自 HUAWEI NOH-AN00, Android 12上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2 |