楼主: Piano-Forest

[电影] 《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》讨论楼 / 下半新档期待定……

发表于 2023-6-24 00:53 | 显示全部楼层
布鲁大仙 发表于 2023-6-19 14:30
截止23年6月这个时间点,索尼跟漫威在蜘蛛侠这个ip上到底什么关系,看到一堆说法说漫威要把迈尔斯放进漫威 ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

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发表于 2023-6-24 00:53 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 S1Fun

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发表于 2023-6-24 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
5. “第三部取得的唯一进展是在电影被分成两部分之前进行的任何探索或测试。”(意思是第三部压根就还没怎么开始做)

—— 来自 S1Fun

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发表于 2023-6-24 17:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-6-24 17:22 | 显示全部楼层
毒菇 发表于 2023-6-23 17:33

但是这个主要矛盾,因为英雄克服了苦难成就英雄,所以苦难是英雄的充要条件 ...


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发表于 2023-6-24 21:52 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-27 06:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-27 08:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 samsung SM-S9110, Android 13上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

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发表于 2023-6-27 10:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-27 11:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 blackshark SHARK PRS-A0, Android 11上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2-play

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-6-27 11:34 | 显示全部楼层

https://p.sda1.dev/12/1cb87f9edb ... 20230627_011522.jpg


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发表于 2023-6-27 11:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-27 12:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-27 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
Lyzers 发表于 2023-6-27 12:25
说起来这部里还有强调黑化的加菲这个梗,不知道是不是吐槽MCU虫3里那个唐突的超凡黑化设定,还是有别的笑点 ...


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发表于 2023-6-27 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
飞升之后 发表于 2023-6-27 12:28


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发表于 2023-6-27 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
Lyzers 发表于 2023-6-27 12:25
说起来这部里还有强调黑化的加菲这个梗,不知道是不是吐槽MCU虫3里那个唐突的超凡黑化设定,还是有别的笑点 ...


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发表于 2023-6-27 15:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-28 10:21 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-28 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
風卷豹 发表于 2023-6-27 11:29
重刷了一遍,发现斑点和迈尔斯第一次共感看未来的时候除了迈 ...


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发表于 2023-6-29 16:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-6-29 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 remedios010000 于 2023-6-29 20:04 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 16:23 | 显示全部楼层

I’m fckin’ back!In the process of creating my final look we decided to get rid of the more muscular and well defined version to somethin mo neutral&keep closer to the Evan’s designThere on to explore some attitudes and hairstylesBut that will come laterPunk rules!🤟🏾  

Let’s move on! But before posting more Punk or Pav’s things I’m gonna show you some stuff in the order that it came. One of my first assignments was also to explore the new #MilesMorales   

now that he’s 2 yrs older more mature & self confident Now that he’s accepted he’s the new SpiderMan of his world At least he’s trying to

As we were exploring the new Miles obviously we should do the same when he was Spider-Man or learning how to be him finding his place in the world he’s supposed to protect. Things weren’t easy at first though

And some more poses

在新迈尔斯的早期探索中,必须设想他与对手SPOT之间可能的互动/战斗,这部分参考了漫画以及Aymeric Kevin已有的设计作为参考。


(Edited) ✅Along my early explorations of the new Miles I also had to work on his possible interactions/fights with his antagonist The Spot for whom I used as references the comics and previous designs by @AYMRC 👈🏻😍I drew some options of how The Spot could use his powers

before he really understood what he had in his hands. I figured that out not just like black spots but also as black blobs , blotches and gooey spheres and graphic designs of dark energy. Part of that set the path to my later work on The Abyss


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Piano-Forest 于 2023-7-2 15:08 编辑
Piano-Forest 发表于 2023-7-1 16:23

I’m fckin’ back!In the process of creating ...

Maybe you didn’t know me. Nobody did in fact. But you will. Sure you will. I’m The Spot. Just a pale faceless guy ‘though I haven’t been always like this. This I’ll show you later. Something black&evil& strong is in me. Dark as an abyss (👉🏻alt for info)

able to swallow this world itself as you know it. This and every other world you may imagine. Don’t believe me? You think I’m kidding, right? Wait and see. Here some options of how I could have been but y’all dug the goofier one. I hate you!!(👉🏻 pls alt😉)

Ok ok this is me again Well, not exactly but really close I needed some minor fixes to be the handsome, lovely and extremely attractive villain this world needs 3D model made by the outta dis world artist and master Omar Smith So sick man!! Lines&extra noise by me

Io sono Il Avvoltoio, #TheVulture, e questa è la storia di una sconfitta. Perché sì, sono stato sconfitto da Spider-Man ma prima che riuscissi a sconfiggere Jesús Alonso HAHAHA Non poteva essere all'altezza del grande Leonardo che ha immaginato per me queste ali…⬇️⬇️

e tutto questo costume per seminare il terrore nel mio tempo Il suo fallimento è stata la mia vittoria Ma quella squadra!ARGHH!E quel Mauro Belfiore!Solo lui poteva disegnarmi alla maniera del maestro Da Vinci!In ogni caso queste sono le immagini del suo fallimento(I)

Sono tornato! E come puoi vedere, non è facile essere all'altezza del maestro Leonardo, eh, Gesù? Come hai potuto essere così stupido e pensare che ce l'avresti fatta? Che audacia! Che mancanza di umiltà! @shinypinkbottle ti ha indicato la strada e tu... ti sei perso hahaha

Spero che ti sia almeno divertito quel viaggio caotico, artista! hahaha Hai anche costruito un'ala di carta imitando il genio! Quanto sei patetico! Meno male che Mauro! Arghhh, maledetto Mauro!!


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
角色设计·kris anka—角色设定稿




My man #MilesMorales   
MIles was probably one of the hardest assignments conceptually for me. I struggled greatly finding something new with the costume but also holding on to what worked about the ITSV costume. these were done over the course of 5 months.

None of these were really successful, they always felt like something we had seen before. The ITSV costume had at his point become so iconic for this Miles that I just couldn't see how to separate from it and do something fresh.

So #spidergwen   
We knew we didn’t really want to change the formula for her, we wanted a costume that felt different, but the same.
One of my goals was to see if I could get an actual spider logo on her.

Ultimately Gwen came together pretty easily, we ended up pretty close to the original with some minor alterations (I liked the gloves cause it gives a pop punk/emo vibe).
I always enjoy being asked to draw directly on the model.

#PeniParker and Sp//dr
Spent a little time on her, pitched an idea for her to have a plug suit, but mostly worked on the new mech. Just tried my hand at adapting the design from the comic by @/ JakeWyatt and no one said no

For something a little different, here is Gayatri
One of the last designs I did on the movie, an absolute blast. Had a lot of fun working in little hints to classic Gwen color schemes.

How about some #SpiderCat
A very fun assignment, I based her on one of my friends cats.
I even tried a few version more accurate to the comic character.

#WebSlinger was one of the most fun assignments I had. Spent months exploring all kinds of different cowboys and cowgirls until we settled on something a bit more classic. This is one of the characters I spent a lot of time getting the details right.

With #Widow the details were really important. I spent a ton of time doing research, and asking several friends who had been riding for their whole lives so i could understand everything I could about saddle construction. A lot of of job is highlighting details so it translates.

This is honestly kind of a good time to mention  that a lot of my time was spent doing drawing overs, or that designs are just based on tweaking previous models.
But regarding Webslinger, I added a little Pedro Pascal to a Peter model


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
Piano-Forest 发表于 2023-7-1 16:46
角色设计·kris anka—角色设定稿


#SunSpider was absolutely one of my favorite assignments on the film.
I poured over @dayn_does_comix original designs to include as many design markers as I could, while trying to see if I could plus up the design.
Had to make the wheelchair a mech that could follow her around.

A few more pieces showing some detail breakdowns.
Dayn’s very original concept for the character had collapsible crutches so I really wanted to bring that back.

The idea was to always give her a hijab, so I took a wide look at different ways to wear it, but especially athletic versions. Swimmers uniforms was a big inspiration for me, but I also needed to consult hijab wearers on correct construction

For #SpiderCanada I worked pretty heavily with @okeefe_artist who had a very clear direction and wanted the suit based on the 1972 Team Canada Summit Series jersey

Some of my #Spiderbyte work
Was really fun to figure out how to show a digital character that didn’t look like Miguel or Lyla.

Spent a little time with #Araña
Exploring making her a body builder and rock climber.
I came back at the end after Mauro Belfiore’s incredible design to land the logo and tattoo on her

The #MangaverseSpiderman
Got to push the design a little bit, which was fun.
Included the model draw overs I did because for a lot of the characters, that’s where they really find their final form


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
Piano-Forest 发表于 2023-7-1 16:54
#SunSpider was absolutely one of my favorite assignments on the film.
I poured over @dayn_does_co ...

The #Rhino!
After quite a few adaptations of him being mechanical, I really pushed for something more classic and just a guy stuck in a suit. The fun was to find ways to make it seem like he was in it for a long time

A little bonus, but honestly my fav part of the production are when the models come back and I get to do draw overs on it.
This is a super important step that really helps establish what the actual final design is.

I actively asked to do as many draw overs as I could haha

We joked that every designer had to take a turn on the #Vulture
Here are some of the first sketches from my time. It’s all a collaborative process, and the only ideas of mine that really stuck were the “notes” that would draw in the air

These were my last pass on #Vulture
It was a fantastic process of building on what designs came before me and then from here it went off to Mauro Bellfiore who landed this design perfectly

My cover for #MilesMorales    for #AcrossTheSpiderVerse   


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 17:47 | 显示全部楼层
As a visdev artist, I focused on character paint for #acrossthespiderverse    My second assignment was to paint the main dude, Miles. This was my crash course on the Spiderverse style, while trying to keep it graphic and fresh. We went lots of rounds for a couple months on this.

Miles' character paint for his suit. Similar textures from the first film, carbon fiber etc. The logo and red stripes are new also, have more intentionality but still hand painted.

The logo needed to feel updated and more mature, like Miles, but still fresh and hand painted like the iconic first film. (No pressure)

Several (of many) glitch takes on the new spider logo, that would ultimately be used to create the cover art for the soundtrack and various other glitch graphics.

Another early assignment was the character paint for Vulture. He was supposed to be a Da Vinci parchment drawing come to life. I used a lot of hand drawn inks to get texture on the line work to avoid it feeling too digital

I got to work on the new Across the Spiderverse movie a while back, only for a very short time. I got to work of some of the visual features of Miguel O'Hara, it was amazing experience, and honor to have participated in the project :)


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-1 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
Piano-Forest 发表于 2023-6-11 12:20
Throwback Thursday to some vehicles designs.

Happy Thursday everyone

Spider HQ walkways/rest areas

Spider Drones

Door Options

Clean Up Crew Vehicles

Miguel's Injection Gun

Nueva York Skyline

Nueva York building designs

Nueva York


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发表于 2023-7-5 00:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 OnePlus PGKM10, Android 13上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

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发表于 2023-7-5 05:40 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2023-7-5 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
佛剑分说 发表于 2023-7-5 05:40



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发表于 2023-7-5 14:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-7-5 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
仲可怀 发表于 2023-7-5 14:48
这部结尾 ...


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发表于 2023-7-5 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
佛剑分说 发表于 2023-7-5 05:40



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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 13:35 | 显示全部楼层
The set design I’m most proud of from my time on Across the @SpiderVerse . This is an early version of what became the india/mumbattan collider. Originally spot was looking for a Dark matter Container.

Super early development I did for the Guggenheim fight at with DaVinci vulture in Across the @SpiderVerse

Four buildings I designed in 50101 Mumbattan for  Across the @SpiderVerse . The ink linework was based on classic Indian Indrajal comics. These buildings are also Modular using a system designed by @AYMRC

Various props and vehicles I did for Mumbattan in Across the @SpiderVerse !

A bunch of contact sheets of designs I did for the background vehicles and props if Mumbattan in Across the @SpiderVerse

Options, props, details and logos from my time designing the interior of the Mumbattan Alchemax dark matter container, which eventually morphed into the Mumbattan Collider.

Spiderpunk stuff i worked on that got cut from Across the Spiderverse! Such a fun assignment.

A bunch of designs I did of the exterior of Mumbattan Alchemax for Across the @SpiderVerse . Did a ton of iterations for this, after rewrites they went a different direction. Love the final version in the movie!


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 13:41 | 显示全部楼层
Early design of Pavitr Prabhakar

Pavitr Prabhakar expression sheet I did for AcrossTheSpiderVerse

Here's some design of Pavitr Prabhakar's mask in AcrossTheSpiderVerse

Him. A design I did for AcrossTheSpiderVerse

Spider Byte expression sheet I did for AcrossTheSpiderVerse

Here's some expression design of Ben Reilly, referenced from @AYMRC 's perfect design!

George Stacy expression sheet I did for AcrossTheSpiderVerse

I had a lot of fun working with the team in figuring out the expression design for Miguel.
We added some brush lines to bring out his facial structure. I hope it worked!


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 13:51 | 显示全部楼层
India concept

color keys


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
color keys


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 14:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
#color #design  #lighting  ideas for opening sequence

colorscript for Gwen as she returns home from band practice. The goal is to always try to find a palette that supports the emotional part of the story at that moment in the film.

colorscript image for Gwen vs #vulture battle in #guggenheim Def look at IG @chuwenjie & @pixelpchan & @deangordonart #color & #lighting keys. They took it to the another level!

colorscript images of #GwenStacy & #MiguelOHara vs #vulture in the guggenheim

Early lighting keys of George & #GwenStacy in the Guggenheim

colorscript R&D Using loc scout imgs, @okeefe_artist , Dean Gordan & I tried to dev a realized naturalistic #lighting & #color palette that supported #MilesMorales Earth1610 . #cinematographer Bradford Young-huge influence.

colorscript images of #MilesMorales at BBQ & Grounded.

color key BBQ "Whatever".  As a collaborative group, sometimes we do a #paint over on top of first-pass renders to support the #vfx #lighting teams.  Then they make it awesome.

colorscript images #MilesMorales & Jefferson vs The Spot.

MilesMorales vs The Spot color design development.

Mumbattan colorscript panel.

The Spot vs MilesMorales Mumbattan - Alchemax colorscript image.

colorscript image NuevaYork Headquarters lobby. Layout by @okeefe_artist


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-7-7 14:43 | 显示全部楼层

SPOT 以及演化

Miles VS Spot visual madness


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