战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2017-7-4
本帖最后由 Existinghomes 于 2020-5-24 21:18 编辑
今天才知道在早期方案中,Tifa和Cloud两人在生命之泉那一幕后被冲上岸,Cloud因为溺水而心跳停止,Tifa开始心脏按压和人工呼吸这里的演出看着要落泪了Expanded map, after the cave-in on the eastern island of Mideel. Cloud and Tifa have nearly drowned. They are rescued by the party. Barret checks on Tifa. Tifa wakes up, but Cloud’s heart has stopped. Everyone is dejected. Tifa gets up.
Tifa: “CLOUD!! Cloud, you idiot! Why, after you finally realised who you are! Everyone’s worried about you! Going off on your own… I’m not going to let you do something so selfish!”
Tifa starts to perform a heart massage and artificial respiration. See the event in Under Junon. But this time it isn’t comical. The party watches over. Cloud’s monologue is overlaid on top of the scene. A sort of out-of-body feel.
Cloud: “… When I came to, I was in… a white room. Bright and…”
(White out. The following is voice only)
Voice: “No: 00048, Type/YM, serial number 397808”
Cloud: “Who’s voice was that. That’s right… Hojo.”
Hojo: “And what about you, then? Hmph… what beautiful Mako eyes. Can you speak?”
“Uh…. a…. ah”
Hojo: “Do you feel something? Can you hear someone calling you? Do you want to go somewhere?”
“…… I want to go…. home….. Mom…. Tifa….”
Hojo: “Hm…. this one’s a failure. Just dump him in the mountains or something.”
– Zack and Cloud escaping from the Shin-Ra mansion
– Zack talking in the back of a truck heading to Midgar
– Just before reaching Midgar their pursuers attack, and Zack runs out of strength. Cloud takes his sword
Cloud: “Tifa, thank you. I’m coming back.”