战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-8-26
Improved and added several quest status updates in the Journal - 增加更多任务链节点
Fixed several quests not closing properly or when expected - 修复那堆导致无法正常完成任务的任务链漏洞,但估计还是有遗漏吧
Spider legs now correctly prevent player from getting Webbed - 蛛足状态不会被网住,终于修复了
Fleeing from combat now pops up the waypoint menu instead of moving you to nearest waypoint - 逃跑时让玩家直接选择地点。其实意义不大?
Removed camera shake from poison damage over time - 终于不毒震了,虽然适应后还挺带感的
Smoke now blocks Attack Of Opportunity - 烟雾可以防止“趁机攻击”,说实在没用过这战术……
Lowered Persuasion difficulty in Arx - Arx地图的说服难度下降,好,可以加点其它的了
Pressing the right mouse button now stops all characters’ movement chained to the current character - 右键让其他角色停止当前的移动并链接至当前角色上,挺实用的小功能
Optimised performance on certain AI actions - 优化AI响应
Filter states on inventory are now saved - 保留物品栏的序列状态
Made the surfaces created by intersection temporary, but long-lived, instead of infinite (also fixes some surface puzzles) - 混合类地面从永久变成长期存在?
Reactive Shot now uses equipped weapon stats to calculate damage - 什么意思,也就是说原来完全不受武器数值影响?
Reduced survivability and base damage of Bone Widow - 楼上说的削骨蜘蛛
Reduced Chicken form running distance to 6 meters - 楼上说的削跑死鸡
Small reduction in XP gain in Reaper’s Coast and Council of Seven areas - 压级
Made several changes to Captive Deep-dweller in the third round of the Arena in Reaper’s Coast - 这是说竞技场那只Voidwoken吧?为啥要专门提对它的变更……
Voidwoken chicken should not be able to absorb source points - 什么,原来可以吸虚空鸡的么
There is now a button to immediately go to the Recipe window (H by default) - 增加跳转至合成蓝图列表的快捷键
In the rune screen, you can now see all runes in all your party members’ inventories - 选符石时直接显示所有角色身上的符石,这样确实方便很多
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash if you choose to sleep again with lizard after you put on all equipment and the thieves were already killed -
Fixed a Story Patching issue. This prevented certain previous storyline fixes to not be applied correctly. - 你以为打补丁就有用吗?没有的!
Fixed a blocking issue with characters playing dead during the Kraken combat - 装死这技能果然也是bug制造机
Fixed a blocking issue with the Pilgrim Door not opening in Arx - 受害者,终于修复了
Fixed issue where Gwydian could end up being non-interactable (kill magisters without triggered Gwydian and voidwoken) - 受害者,终于修复了
Fixed an issue where some companions would not be recruitable after the attack on the Lady Vengeance - 受害者,终于修复了
Fixed desync when using Enrage which could cause lack of crits - 终于修复了
Fixed Reactive Shot being triggered by invisible characters - 居然修复了妈蛋!
Fixed Dome of Protection ignoring vision blockers - 居然修复了妈蛋!
Fixed several issues with nodes in dialogs not playing voice file - 所以有些对话时录音了但没播而已么
Fixed being able to teleport into the Magic Mirror room - 神TM可以直接传进去……
Fixed not getting up after being knocked down or teleported after using Play Dead skill - 你看看你看看,摸鱼摸爆了吧
Fixed pipe exit to escape Fort Joy being easily destructible - 管道塌了,你们坐船走吧
Fixed an issue with skills disappearing from Skillbars or being un-memorised when dragging them around in the skillbar - 受害者,终于修复了
Fixed Arx Death room having puppets that endlessly spawn and die instantly during combat - 还以为是故意的……
Fixed mirror image of a hero character sometimes being wrong - 受害者,终于修复了……?
Fixed Tarquin not telling you about Godslayer and not showing up at the Graveyard - 也是个困扰许多人的BUG了,虽然我没遇到
When Malady mentions Tarquin, now set map marker on Tarquin instead of Graveyard cause Tarquin could be at 3 spots - 同上
Fixed resurrecting sometimes not adding you to combat - 这Bug触发时十分好用……
Fixed being able to cast Swap Ground out of sight - 原来可以的吗……
Fixed being able to use fast targeting to find invisible characters - 原来可以的吗!
Smoke cloud after using laser ray is now blocking vision - 激光产生的烟雾会挡视线了,说不准是好是坏