fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 23:48

FTC向Xbox CFO询问2022年4月起的主机市场份额情况。一份机密文件展示了不包含NS、X1、PS4的市场份额情况(意思应该是只包含PS5和XSX|S),这份文件仅包含美国市场
Xbox CFO被问及日本市场,他认为对于其他市场来说,数据并不是十分可靠

Xbox console market share time.The FTC is questioning Tim Stuart about console market share from April 2022. A confidential document share excludes Nintendo Switch and Xbox One / PS4 consoles. It also measures just the US alone. Tim Stuart is asked about Japanese markets, as the data doesn’t include these markets. “The data is not that reliable,” for other markets, argues Stuart.
(the verge)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 23:51

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 23:53 编辑


FTC在质询Xbox CFO关于微软在游戏内容上花费大量资金的问题时,用到了"倾倒一卡车的钱”这样的词汇

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 23:59

插播一条,Xbox副总裁发了条推 背景里面有SEGA的楼,底下的评论开始过度解读了

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:02

FTC引用了Xbox CFO和微软CFO3月份的一封电子邮件,里面讨论了PSPlus的定价,并与XGP进行了比较,里面讨论了XGP与PS Plus关键的差异化因素是day and date games(应该是说首发加入?)

Xbox Game Pass pricing vs. Sony.We’re now talking about the pricing of subscriptions. The FTC references a March email between Tim Stuart, Xbox CFO, and Amy Hood, Microsoft CFO. The email discusses Sony’s subscription pricing, a “Game Pass compe**” after its announcement last year.
The email also includes a table of information and Stuart comparing Game Pass and Sony’s subscription. It’s not clear exactly what the figures are without seeing the table, but Stuart apparently says day and date games are a key differentiator for Game Pass.

(the verge)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:06

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-30 00:11 编辑

FTC和Xbox CFO讨论收购B社和收购动视暴雪的财务模型
Xbox CFO认为对于这两者,平台战略不会发生重大变化


Financial models for Bethesda and Activision Blizzard.The FTC and Tim Stuart are now discussing financial models for the Bethesda acquisition and Activision Blizzard. For both, Tim Stuart assumed no major changes in platform strategy.
The model for the Bethesda deal assumed there would be “non-Xbox platform revenue.” The FTC lawyer then says Activision required a financial revision, but Stuart doesn’t remember. The FTC brings up an updated forecast from Activision in January 2022, arguing it’s not a small revision. Not clear what triggered the updated forecast, but perhaps a game cancelation or delay. Stuart says it’s “relatively small” in the grand scheme of a 10-year model.

- -


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:19


2020年11月的投资会议上,Xbox CFO谈到不会在PS上撤下Bethesda游戏,FTC宣读了他的言论:从长远来看,我们希望这些内容(在我们的平台上)成为第一、更好或最好,并在我们的平台上选择您的差异化体验。 我们希望贝塞斯达的内容能够在我们的平台上展示最好的内容。

FTC希望Xbox CFO解释什么是“优先,更好,最好”,回答是Starfield
Xbox CFO认为,这里更好的体验也可能指出现在XGP中

这一质疑显然倾向于联邦贸易委员会和索尼的担忧,即《使命召唤》可能会在 PlayStation 上“降级”,或者游戏可能会在竞争对手平台上受到阻碍。

Bethesda content first, better, or best on Xbox?

We’re now hearing about a Jefferies investment meeting in November 2020 where Tim Stuart talks about not pulling Bethesda games. But the FTC reads out what he said:
We want that content, in the long run, to be either first, or better, or best, and pick your differentiated experience on our platforms. We will want Bethesda content to show up the best on our platforms.

The FTC wants Stuart to explain first, better, and best. He says first could be like Starfield, and FTC says better could mean better resolution? “Resolution is one thing, frame rate one thing. I was being pretty vague.”

Stuart argues that showing up in Game Pass could be a better experience. But Stuart also said previously that “better could be showing up in resolution.” He also said “I suspect you’ll continue to see us push for a first, better, or best approach on our platforms.”

This questioning clearly leans into the FTC and Sony’s concerns that Call of Duty could be “degraded” on PlayStation, or that games could be held back from compe** platforms.

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:27

FTC展示了Xbox CFO(Tim)与Phil Spencer之间的电子邮件

Tim与Matty Booty(XGS老大)的另一封电子邮件讨论了B社游戏独占的财务权衡,邮件中提到了XGP订阅用户增长,Xbox装机量,以及抵销独占带来的损失等。

The FTC has just presented an email between Xbox CFO Tim Stuart and Xbox chief Phil Spencer, where Spencer says Stuart’s investor talk about Bethesda “sure did stir up a lot of stuff. Stuart responds:
Wish we could come out and say we’re taking all exclusive at this point.
Spencer responds: “we can’t say that.”
Another email between Stuart and Matty Booty, Xbox Game Studios chief, discusses making Bethesda’s games exclusives and the financial tradeoffs and concerns about valuation. The email mentions Xbox Game Pass subscriber growth, Xbox units, and offsetting these against the losses of taking games exclusive.

ナルバレック 发表于 2023-6-30 00:30

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 23:59
插播一条,Xbox副总裁发了条推 背景里面有SEGA的楼,底下的评论开始过度解读了


陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-30 00:32


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:32

FTC想明确表示,微软愿意承受财务打击,以促进 Xbox Game Pass 用户增长、销售更多游戏机,并最终吸引更多消费者使用其 Xbox 平台。

The FTC wants to make it clear that Microsoft would be willing to take a financial hit to boost Xbox Game Pass subscriber growth, sell more consoles, and ultimately bring more consumers to its Xbox platform.

D-JoeII 发表于 2023-6-30 00:36


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:39

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-30 00:40 编辑

Xbox CMO(首席营销官)表示,完全独占会严重影响交易价值,而且B社高层也承认,看到游戏从PS上被砍掉,他们不会高兴

Microsoft had five scenarios to pick for Bethesda.Xbox CFO Tim Stuart is now discussing five strategy scenarios that Microsoft was weighing up for Bethesda in February 2021, just ahead of the deal closing. They range from number one being fully cross-platform and number five being full Xbox exclusivity.
Full exclusivity would impact the deal valuation and when discussing these options Jerret West, Xbox CMO, said there would be “significant upset” to full exclusivity and there’s an admission that some leaders at Bethesda won’t be happy seeing games being cut from PlayStation.

The FTC is clearly trying to show that Microsoft’s deal models are flexible where they can potentially offset losses.

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:45


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:50

草 加拿大监管机构参战了,致函法官,说微软/动视的法庭文件事实不准确

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 00:51

Canada's Competition Bureau has just intervened in the FTC v. Microsoft case to correct “factual inaccuracies." It says it told Microsoft last month that the deal was "likely to result in a substantial prevention and / or lessening of competition"


—— 来自 S1Fun

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 00:54


—— 来自 S1Fun

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 00:54


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:54

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 00:51
Canada's Competition Bureau has just intervened in the FTC v. Microsoft case to correct “factual in ...

boss喵 发表于 2023-6-30 00:56


D-JoeII 发表于 2023-6-30 01:00

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 00:54


ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-30 01:01


ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-30 01:03


zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 01:08

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 00:54


—— 来自 S1Fun

Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-30 06:24


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 07:52

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-30 07:56 编辑

Judge Corley: "It's not the harm to Sony that we care about. Its the harm to consumers we care about"

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 08:00


D-JoeII 发表于 2023-6-30 08:03

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 08:00
微软的律师口误把上古卷轴6说成了上古卷轴16,并称其将于2026年发布(不太可能吧) ...


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 08:03

Microsoft has just responded to Canada's competition regulator, pointing out that "the formal waiting period preventing the deal" has already closed

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 08:23

day5结束了 应该要过几天才能看到结果了

ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-30 08:24

ID@Xbox在巴西的游戏展Big Festival上演示用的图片



zris 发表于 2023-6-30 09:16


—— 来自 S1Fun

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-30 09:35

说的是target to release
星空原本的target to release是2021来着

—— 来自 S1Fun

aruruu 发表于 2023-6-30 09:38

爱护动物抓根宝 发表于 2023-6-30 09:45


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 10:25


陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-30 10:27


—— 来自 S1Fun

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-30 10:28

本帖最后由 陈词与芍药 于 2023-6-29 22:30 编辑


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-30 10:35

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-30 10:27

—— 来自 S1Fun

感觉MS赢面还是大 但是可不敢像CMA公布结果之前那样开香槟

闽明 发表于 2023-6-30 10:37


RookieTnT 发表于 2023-6-30 10:38


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