fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:37

烤迪克:”我们会进行评估,动视暴雪已经进行了实验,我不认为订阅服务(这个multi-subscription service没太明白是什么意思)是让玩家投入的最佳方式

FTC pushes Kotick on multi-subscription services.FTC points out that Activision’s core business is making games. It doesn’t make a console, doesn’t have a subscription service like Xbox Game Pass, and doesn’t offer a cloud streaming service. What this all means is Activision has the incentive to be everywhere.
FTC: Activision hasn’t signed deals to offer COD first on other platforms, right?

Kotick: It’s possible.

FTC points out that Activision hasn’t made a formal decision about not putting its games on subscriptions. “We’d evaluate,” says Kotick and that Activision has experimented. “Generally speaking I don’t believe that a multi-subscription service for games is the best way to enable players to make their investments.”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:42

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 00:50 编辑

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:18
烤迪克:动视对XGP(和其他订阅制游戏服务)没有兴趣,讨厌订阅制游戏服务,不会把COD放到订阅制游戏服务上 ...
烤迪克说这些的时候,法官插话:那你为什么同意微软收购案 烤迪克说:我要对股东负责

ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-29 00:45


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:49

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 00:50 编辑


qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 00:51


HATENA 发表于 2023-6-29 00:51


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:53

Why did Activision remove games from GeForce Now?
Kotick discusses the removal of Activision games from GeForce Now after the brief beta period. “When they launched the service commercially we removed our titles,” says Kotick.In an internal Activision 2020 email, Kotick discusses a potential commercial agreement to Activision games back on GeForce Now. The email is full of talking points for a meeting with Bobby Kotick and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. Kotick says he never used the talking points.The FTC is painting a picture here that Activision would put its games on subscription services and cloud services if the price was right, if it could negotiate favorable commercial terms.
为什么动视暴雪从Geforce Now中删除了游戏,FTC给出的动视2020年邮件中,烤迪克讨论了Geforce Now相关协议,邮件中充满了烤迪克与皮衣黄会面的谈话要点烤迪克:我从来没用过这些谈话要点
FTC:如果价格合适,如果能够协商对动视暴雪有利的商业条款,动视暴雪会把游戏放在订阅制服务和云服务上(来源:the verge 翻译充满个人主观情感色彩,建议看原文)

ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-29 00:55


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:55


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 00:57



qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 01:00

ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-29 00:55
有可能,考迪克看COD和暗黑四卖得这么好,股价也涨得差不多了,把收购搅黄还可以赚微软30亿 ...


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:01

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 01:02 编辑


(the verge太久不更新了,我在推上找了个看起来还算靠谱的信息搬一下吧,别完全当真,图一乐)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:04

又开始前几天的剧情 拉扯NS是否能表现良好地运行COD了,不想看了, 有别的再搬了

ultraseven 发表于 2023-6-29 01:07


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:10


原来Florian Mueller有在文字直播

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:14


BadYanL 发表于 2023-6-29 01:16


Dr.bright 发表于 2023-6-29 01:20

BadYanL 发表于 2023-6-29 01:16
只有被微软收购了玩家才会受 ...


—— 来自 Xiaomi M2103K19I, Android 13上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2-play

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-29 01:20

本帖最后由 陈词与芍药 于 2023-6-28 13:22 编辑


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:28

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 01:30 编辑


动视暴雪和任天堂之间有过一些接触, 谈到了下一代任天堂主机

烤迪克:“相当令人信服的是,我们也可以为下一代 Switch 制作一些东西”



(来源:Florian Mueller)

qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 01:29

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-06-29 01:20:32

-- 来自 有消息提醒的 Stage1官方 Android客户端

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:33


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:34


烤迪克滚了,接下来是微软的经济学家Dr. Elizabeth Bailey环节


zris 发表于 2023-6-29 01:34


—— 来自 S1Fun

日日日日日野 发表于 2023-6-29 01:35


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:37

FTC律师问《COD MW2》和《COD战区》手游之间的区别
烤迪克:在手机上玩COD MW2就像用冰箱当保险箱

“Like using a refrigerator for a safe.”The FTC’s attorney asks Kotick the difference between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Call of Duty: Warzone — Warzone, of course, being the one with a mobile version. Regarding MWII, “it will get to the point where a lot of that content will be playable on the phone,” says Kotick, but not now — the FTC cites previous statements where Kotick says playing it on a phone would be “like using a refrigerator for a safe.”

(the verge)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:39

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 01:44 编辑

贝利博士表示,她分析了 Switch 推出后 10 周的数据。 她发现 Xbox 和 PlayStation 游戏机上的游戏玩家数量以及游戏时间都有所下降。
FTC 和微软每天都在争论 Switch,因为 FTC 不想将 Switch 视为 Xbox 的竞争对手,但微软却坚称它是。 贝利博士的分析表明,Switch 会影响玩家的注意力以及他们的时间花在哪里。

贝利博士表示,如果将 Switch 纳入全球游戏机市场,“无论我们使用哪个指标,Xbox 都是第三位”,并且在过去五年中一直如此。

Mark your bingo card, it’s Nintendo Switch argument time.
It’s day four and it only took a couple of hours and Microsoft is back on the Nintendo Switch beat.Dr. Bailey says she has analyzed data of the 10-week period that the Switch launched. She found a decline in the number of gamers on Xbox and PlayStation console and game time hours.The FTC and Microsoft argue about the Switch every day because the FTC doesn’t want to count the Switch as a compe** to Xbox, but Microsoft argues it is. Dr. Bailey’s analysis shows that the Switch has an affect on gamer attention and where they spend their hours.If Switch is included in the global console market, Dr. Bailey says “no matter which metric we use, Xbox is the third place” and has been for the last five years.(the verge)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:41

微软经济学家Dr. Elizabeth Bailey展示了微软在NS上提供的第一方游戏数量(有2列)

qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 01:42

zris 发表于 2023-06-29 01:34:31
考迪克作为abk的ceo,他也说了,他自己的一些看法,但是同时要对股东会和董事会负责,所以作为他本人对于云 ...皮特嘴巴真欠,杯赛盈利能和cod比吗,而且cod还是多人需要社区规模的。

-- 来自 能搜索的 Stage1官方 Android客户端

何处分可 发表于 2023-6-29 01:42

何处分可 发表于 2023-6-29 01:45

zris 发表于 2023-6-29 01:47

qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 01:42

-- 来自 能搜索的 Stage1官方 An ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:48

- PS/Xbox上排名前15的游戏都可以在PC上玩
- 法官询问Dr. Elizabeth Bailey主机和游戏PC之间的切换的信息
- 法官询问游戏PC(1500刀)和主机(500刀)之间的价格差异

qappip 发表于 2023-6-29 01:51

何处分可 发表于 2023-06-29 01:45:06

-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 01:54

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-29 01:56 编辑

Dr. Bailey展示了Xbox游戏时间和云游戏时间,云游戏时间占比非常少
以下来自The Verge

有多少 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 用户真正使用云游戏?这对微软来说是一个关键点,特别是考虑到CMA似乎已将所有 Game Pass 用户都算作云游戏用户。
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 包括 Xbox Cloud Gaming,但 Bailey 博士声称使用它的人并不多:我发现,在 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate用户中,只有极少数人使用云游戏功能。 他们通过云游戏进行游戏的时间比例就更小了。 当他们访问云游戏功能时,绝大多数人都是进行一次尝试
这与 Xbox 的 Sarah Bond 所证实的情况相符,即大多数 Xbox 云游戏用户在下载游戏之前都会使用该服务来尝试游戏。 科利法官插话询问这是否与邦德的证词相符,贝利博士表示同意。

How many Xbox Game Pass Ultimate users actually use cloud gaming?This is a key point for Microsoft, especially given the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the UK appears to have counted all Game Pass users as cloud users.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate includes Xbox Cloud Gaming, but Dr. Bailey claims not many people used it:

What I found was that of those Game Pass ultimate gamers, a very small fraction of them access the cloud gaming feature. Their proportion of game time hours through cloud gaming are even smaller. When they access that cloud gaming feature, the overwhelming majority of them are accessing it at least once through a console

This aligns with what Xbox’s Sarah Bond testified that most Xbox Cloud Gaming users are using the service to try games before they download them. Judge Corley cuts in to ask if it aligns with Bond’s testimony and Dr. Bailey agrees.

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-29 02:00


新庄運切 发表于 2023-6-29 02:01


TheCyrodiil 发表于 2023-6-29 02:05


karastar 发表于 2023-6-29 02:11


m98626 发表于 2023-6-29 02:13

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