fffffred 发表于 2023-6-27 23:46


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:10




3.FTC和微软一直在争论任天堂Switch是否是一款主机,以及它是否与PlayStation和Xbox竞争。索尼PlayStation首席执行官Jim Ryan表示,“我们认为任天堂将参与与Xbox和PlayStation不同的细分市场。任天堂的硬件技术远不如PlayStation或Xbox复杂。它的硬件零售价格通常更便宜,受众也更年轻。”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:15

4.索尼PlayStation首席执行官吉姆·瑞安表示,第三方开发商签署PlayStation独家协议是有益的,因为“制作该游戏所需的开发工作量减少了。” FTC一直认为,独家游戏不利于竞争,微软收购了贝塞斯达,并将《红霞岛》、《星空》和即将推出的《夺宝奇兵》等游戏从PS5中删除。(之前)Ryan预计这些游戏将保留在PlayStation上: “我认为,在收购之前,几乎每一款贝塞斯达游戏都是多平台的。”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:19

5.索尼对与微软共享PS6信息持谨慎态度。索尼PlayStation首席执行官吉姆·瑞安表示,该公司对与微软分享其游戏的开发套件和下一代主机信息持谨慎立场: “我们根本不能让一家直接竞争对手拥有的公司接触到这些信息。” 索尼决定推迟向微软提供《我的世界》的PS5开发套件: “开发工具包使开发人员能够看到我们新主机将要实现的新功能,并对其进行开发。(没有这些工具)开发人员可能会更晚将其内容带到新平台。将新功能的内容泄露给我们的主要竞争对手相关的商业风险不是我们依靠任何合同能控制的。” (用机翻再润色,可能会导致原文含义出现重大偏离,见谅)

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:20

6.Jim Ryan和Phil Spencer的电子邮件。Xbox首席执行官Phil Spencer去年向Jim Ryan发送了一份游戏承诺清单,这些游戏将在动视暴雪拟议交易完成后保留在PlayStation上。 这份名单包括《守望先锋》,但没有《守望先锋2》。Ryan在电子邮件中表示:“PlayStation上的其他动视游戏必须足够广泛,才能完全符合玩家的期望。”他在证词中称之为“没有意义的清单”。

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 00:21


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:33

7.Sony’s alarm bells started ringing in August, apparently.Jim Ryan says an August August 26th, 2022 from Phil Spencer “really set alarm bells ringing” inside Sony. Up until that point Sony hadn’t negotiated an access agreement. Microsoft argues Sony didn’t have any initial concerns after a January 31st proposal email and calls to the Sony CEO and Jim Ryan. “I wasn’t particularly happy with the January 31st proposal, but hoped that it was an opening salvo,” said Ryan. “I believe this transaction is bad for competition.”显然,索尼的警钟从 8 月份开始敲响。吉姆·瑞安 (Jim Ryan) 表示,菲尔·斯宾塞 (Phil Spencer) 于 2022 年 8 月 26 日发布的消息“确实给索尼内部敲响了警钟”。 直到那时索尼还没有就协议进行谈判。 微软辩称,在 1 月 31 日发出提案电子邮件并致电索尼首席执行官和吉姆·瑞安 (Jim Ryan) 后,索尼最初并没有任何担忧。 “我对 1 月 31 日的提议不是特别满意,但希望这是一个开放保留条款。”瑞安说, “我认为这项交易不利于竞争。”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:35

8.What does Sony think about Starfield? Jim Ryan is asked if there’s anything wrong in Microsoft doing exclusives like Redfall. He says “I don’t like it but I fundamentally but have no quarrel with it.” What about Starfield? “I don’t like it, but I don’t view it as anti-competitive.” 索尼对《Starfield》有何看法?吉姆·瑞安 (Jim Ryan) 被问及微软制作《Redfall》等独占游戏是否有什么问题。 他说:“我不喜欢它(被独占),但从根本上来说我对此没有异议。” 《星空》呢? “我不喜欢它(被独占),但我不认为它是反竞争的。”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:36

9.Jim Ryan confirms he told Activision he wanted the deal blocked. Microsoft’s lawyers bring up Jim Ryan meeting with Activision CEO Bobby Kotick on the same day as the European Commission on February 21st. We’d previously heard Ryan had said to Kotick “I don’t want a new Call of Duty deal. I just want to block your merger.” Jim Ryan confirms the meeting and what he said: “I told him that I thought the transaction was anti-competitive, that I hoped the regulator’s would do their job and block it.” 吉姆·瑞安 (Jim Ryan) 证实,他告诉动视暴雪他希望阻止这笔交易。微软的律师提到吉姆·瑞安 (Jim Ryan) 与动视暴雪 (Activision) 首席执行官鲍比·科蒂克 (Bobby Kotick) 于 2 月 21 日与欧盟委员会会面的同一天。 我们之前曾听说瑞安对科蒂克说:“我不想要新的《使命召唤》交易。 我只是想阻止你们的合并。” Jim Ryan 证实了这次会面以及他所说的话: “我告诉他,我认为这笔交易是反竞争的,我希望监管机构能够履行职责并阻止它。”

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:38

9补充 Ryan says Kotick wanted to “cover himself” by extending a marketing collaboration with Sony if Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal was blocked. 瑞安表示,如果微软与动视暴雪的交易受阻,科蒂克希望通过扩大与索尼的营销合作来“掩饰自己”。

Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-28 00:43


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:44

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-28 00:47 编辑

10.The Sony bombshell email is back.Microsoft’s lawyers bring up the email between Jim Ryan and Chris Deering, former CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, discussing the announcement of Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal last year. “It is not an Xbox exclusivity play at all. They’re thinking bigger than that and they have the cash to make moves like this. I’ve spent a fair amount of time with both Phil Bobby over the past day and I’m pretty sure we will continue to see Call of Duty on PlayStation for many years to come.”Deering replied.“This deal would cement Microsoft as a player in mobile games. It strikes me as more of a king play than Call of Duty.” Ryan didn’t disagree. The Sony bombshell email is back.Microsoft’s lawyers bring up the email between Jim Ryan and Chris Deering, former CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, discussing the announcement of Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal last year. “It is not an Xbox exclusivity play at all. They’re thinking bigger than that and they have the cash to make moves like this. I’ve spent a fair amount of time with both Phil Bobby over the past day and I’m pretty sure we will continue to see Call of Duty on PlayStation for many years to come.” Deering replied. “This deal would cement Microsoft as a player in mobile games. It strikes me as more of a king play than Call of Duty.” Ryan didn’t disagree. 索尼爆炸性电子邮件又回来了。微软的律师提到了吉姆·瑞安(Jim Ryan)和索尼计算机娱乐公司前首席执行官克里斯·迪林(Chris Deering)之间的电子邮件,讨论了微软去年宣布的动视暴雪交易。 “这根本不是为了Xbox 独占游戏。 他们的想法远不止于此,而且他们有足够的现金来采取这样的行动。 在过去的一天里,我和 Phil Bobby 一起度过了相当多的时间,我很确定我们将在未来的许多年里继续在 PlayStation 上看到《使命召唤》。” 迪林回答道。 “这笔交易将巩固微软在移动游戏领域的地位。 在我看来,它更像是为了King(也就是为了移动端, 注:原文说的king game不太确定说的是字面意义还是说的是King这个部门),而不是《使命召唤》。” 瑞安没有反对。

D-JoeII 发表于 2023-6-28 00:45

Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-28 00:43

—— 来自 S1Fun


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:48

有点困了 原链接放这里了 感兴趣的朋友自己看吧 https://www.theverge.com/23768244/ftc-microsoft-activision-blizzard-case-news-announcements

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:55

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-28 00:57 编辑

11.Sony’s hedge against Game Pass.We’re now looking at notes from a meeting with Fidelity investors in February 2022. Jim Ryan discussed the important of first-party content to fend off competition from Game Pass:“One of the reasons why we are investing massively in first-party development and publishing is to provide us with an edge against pressure on a historic business model. Having a business model where you own elements from the top to the bottom increases your ability to be self-determinant.”Microsoft lawyer: Do you think it would be better for Microsoft Activision games to remain on PlayStation?Ryan: Yes, I doMicrosoft lawyer: So you do believe it’s in Microsoft’s best interests to make Activision games available on multiple platforms?Ryan: I don’t agree with thatMicrosoft lawyer: So if you were running Xbox, would you recommend making Call of Duty and other Activision games exclusive to Xbox and PC?Ryan: That’s a hypothetical questionMicrosoft lawyer: So you don’t have an answer?Ryan: I don’t have enough knowledge
索尼对 Game Pass 的对冲。我们现在正在查看 2022 年 2 月与 Fidelity 投资者的一次会议记录。Jim Ryan 讨论了第一方内容对于抵御 Game Pass 竞争的重要性:“我们大规模投资第一方开发和发行的原因之一是为了让我们在应对历史商业模式的压力方面拥有优势。 拥有一个自上而下拥有要素的商业模式可以增强你的自主能力。”
微软律师:你认为微软动视游戏留在PlayStation上会更好吗?瑞恩:是的,我同意微软律师:那么您确实认为在多个平台上提供动视游戏符合微软的最佳利益吗?赖安:我不同意这一点微软律师:那么如果你经营的是 Xbox,你会建议把《使命召唤》和其他动视游戏变成 Xbox 和 PC 独占游戏吗?Ryan:这是一个假设问题微软律师:所以你没有答案?Ryan:我的知识还不够

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 00:59

12.Ryan says publishers don’t like Game Pass.
Jim Ryan speaking to those Fidelity investors said publishers don’t like Xbox Game Pass:
“I talked to all publishers they unanimously do not like Game Pass, because its value destructive.”
He defends the comments saying it’s a “very commonly held view by publishers.”
Microsoft lawyer: So you had no reason to think Mr. Kotick would put Call of Duty on Game Pass.. if this transaction was not completed?
Ryan: Correct.
Ryan also said to investors he was expecting more than 25 million Xbox Game Pass subscribers and that Sony’s 50 million PlayStation Plus subscribers during the investor meeting.

Ryan 表示发行商不喜欢 Game Pass。
Jim Ryan 在与 Fidelity 投资者交谈时表示,发行商不喜欢 Xbox Game Pass: “我与所有发行商交谈过,他们一致不喜欢 Game Pass,因为它的价值具有破坏性。”
微软律师:那么如果这笔交易没有完成的话,你没有理由认为科蒂克先生会将《使命召唤》放在 Game Pass 上?
瑞安还在投资者会议期间向投资者表示,他预计 Xbox Game Pass 订阅者数量将超过 2500 万,索尼 PlayStation Plus 订阅者数量将达到 5000 万。

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 01:02

13.Xbox beat PS5 sales for three months in 2021.
Jim Ryan confirms that Sony had some shipping constraints in 2021 that means Xbox Series S / X sales beat PS5 for around three months. He says there’s no other time during this latest generation where Xbox sales have materially exceeded PS5.
Xbox 在 2021 年的销量曾经三个月超过 PS5。Jim Ryan 证实,索尼在 2021 年有一些出货限制,这意味着 Xbox Series S / X 的销量在三个月左右超过了 PS5。 他表示,在最新一代产品中,Xbox 销量从未大幅超过 PS5。

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-28 01:03

Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-28 00:43

—— 来自 S1Fun

"Microsoft lawyer: Do you think it would be better for Microsoft Activision games to remain on PlayStation?

Ryan: Yes, I do

Microsoft lawyer: So you do believe it’s in Microsoft’s best interests to make Activision games available on multiple platforms?

Ryan: I don’t agree with that"


—— 来自 S1Fun

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 01:05


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 01:05

14.PlayStation chief on cloud gaming.PlayStation Now had a subscriber base of 3 million users, Ryan says. He predicts that cloud gaming won’t be a meaningful thing until at least 2025:
“Cloud technology will become a meaningful component of how gamers access games between 2025 and 2035. We’re making significant investments in cloud in anticipation of it becoming a very meaningful way of how gamers access games.”
Sony recently started testing cloud streaming for PS5 games, with plans to add this as a feature to its PlayStation Plus Premium subscription.

Ryan 表示,PlayStation Now 拥有 300 万用户。 他预计云游戏至少要到 2025 年才会成为有意义的事情: “从 2025 年到 2035 年,云技术将成为游戏玩家访问游戏的重要组成部分。我们正在对云进行大量投资,预计它会成为游戏玩家访问游戏的一种非常有意义的方式。” 索尼最近开始测试 PS5 游戏的云流媒体,并计划将其作为一项功能添加到其 PlayStation Plus Premium 订阅中。

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-28 01:10

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 01:05

—— 来自 S1Fun ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 01:22

FTC’s economic expert testimony.We’re now hearing a deposition from the FTC’s economic expert, Dr. Robin Lee.
Lee agrees with the FTC’s market definition of Xbox Series S / X and PS5 consoles as “high performance” instead of the broader market including consoles like the Nintendo Switch. Lee ran models on competitive analysis between Xbox Series S / X and PS5.

Lee同意FTC对Xbox Series S / X和PS5游戏机的市场定义为“高性能”,而不是包括Nintendo Switch等游戏机在内的更广泛市场。 Lee 对 Xbox Series S / X 和 PS5 之间的竞争分析建立了模型。

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 01:23

Jim的时间结束了 懒得看了 剩下的等明天早上起来再看了

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 01:23


—— 来自 S1Fun

Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-28 06:00

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-28 01:03
"Microsoft lawyer: Do you think it would be better for Microsoft Activision games to remain on Pla ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 06:11

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-27 13:23
Jim的时间结束了 懒得看了 剩下的等明天早上起来再看了


—— 来自 S1Fun

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 07:42

本帖最后由 fffffred 于 2023-6-28 07:43 编辑


陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 07:56

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-27 19:42
nv对微软的协议很满意(n ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

r1r2r3 发表于 2023-6-28 09:49


fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 09:50

r1r2r3 发表于 2023-6-28 09:49

烤迪克也会来 感觉今晚可能会有好戏看

cmyk1234 发表于 2023-6-28 09:52


zid99825 发表于 2023-6-28 10:14

cmyk1234 发表于 2023-6-28 09:52


—— 来自 S1Fun

zid99825 发表于 2023-6-28 10:15

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 07:56

—— 来自 S1Fun ...


—— 来自 S1Fun

日日日日日野 发表于 2023-6-28 11:35


日日日日日野 发表于 2023-6-28 12:34


ppa11 发表于 2023-6-28 12:53

陈词与芍药 发表于 2023-6-28 01:05

—— 来自 S1Fun ...


—— 來自 Xiaomi 22041216C, Android 12上的 S1Next-鵝版 v2.5.4

tophunter99 发表于 2023-6-28 13:48

fffffred 发表于 2023-6-28 14:42

tophunter99 发表于 2023-6-28 13:48
外网多数认为这几天的法庭辩论微软方的优势是碾压式的,ftc和索尼可以说是丑态百出。要是真能阻止收购倒也 ...


Rowen233 发表于 2023-6-28 14:48

不是微软碾压对面吗 怎么感觉国内新闻下面都觉得微软是小丑

ナルバレック 发表于 2023-6-28 14:59

tophunter99 发表于 2023-6-28 13:48
外网多数认为这几天的法庭辩论微软方的优势是碾压式的,ftc和索尼可以说是丑态百出。要是真能阻止收购倒也 ...

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查看完整版本: 吉姆游说欧盟阻止微软收购.更新:烤迪克之间的互相吸引