战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2015-10-15
本帖最后由 Ein·Dalton 于 2025-2-27 15:09 编辑
Disease proved more potent than muskets, swords and cannon.
On average, one in ten soldiers was sick, even if most generally
recovered. Logistical failure or epidemics increased this proportion
signicantly. A form of typhus known as ‘Hungarian fever’ (morbus
Hungaricus) killed 14,000 Liga soldiers during the 1620 campaign,
compared to only 200 shot or hacked to death at White Mountain.22
However, Liga losses at White Mountain were exceptionally light
and armies that were routed, like their Bohemian opponents,
suered far greater casualties, especially if they were pursued. It is
likely that three men died of disease for every one killed in action,
suggesting that up to 1.8 million soldiers died during the war.
The Saxon town of Naumburg had 8,900 inhabitants in 1618, falling to 4,320 by 1645, yet only 18 citizens were listed as killed by soldiers, despite the place being sacked by the Swedes who plundered it for a week in 1635.
Only 5 of the 699 deaths recorded in the Westphalian parish of Elspe were directly related to military violence, and though 241 people died in the Hohenlohe town of Ingelngen during 1634, just 7 of these fell during its capture after the battle of Nördlingen, compared to the 163 who died of plague that year. ——PETER H. WILSON Europe’s Tragedy A History of the Thirty Years War Ch. 22-The Human and Material Cost, THE DEMOGRAPHIC IMPACT
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