战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2007-4-27
The imprisoned Strelkov continues to write letters from prison, offering his analysis of current events. In his characteristic style, he argues that Trump is merely “stringing Putin along” in an attempt to secure any deal that would push Russia out of the game. If the negotiations fail, the U.S. will further strengthen Ukraine for another offensive. Moscow is likely aware of this and will try to delay talks for as long as possible, making escalation all but inevitable, according to him.
翻译自 英语
被监禁的斯特列尔科夫继续在狱中写信,分析时事。他以自己一贯的风格认为,**只是在“欺骗普京”,试图达成任何将俄罗斯排除在外的协议。如果谈判失败,美国将进一步加强乌克兰的实力,以发动另一场攻势。他表示,莫斯科可能意识到了这一点,并将尽可能拖延谈判,这使得局势升级几乎不可避免。 |