战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-2-22
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发表于 2025-2-5 02:17
本帖最后由 woaini11152 于 2025-2-5 02:20 编辑
Biggest reason: It's about x100000 easier to simply play through the game and talk over it than write a document of any real length and try to describe what's going on. Gamefaq writers still had to play through games a lot — but now you can just play it a few times, stitch together best runs (or hell, don't!). And video is better at conveying a lot of the info you really need for a game guide anyways. Think how tortured some gamefaqs writers would get with like ASCII maps of rooms, or trying to decipher of "in the northwest corner of the room, about 45 degrees to the left of the fountain, there is a grenade launcher — you MUST run towards that spot as soon as you enter in order to survive." Text is great for a lot of stuff, but especially as games started transitioning over to mainly 3D space that suffered from needing to be precise in what to do where, video can is arguably a better tool for the job and an easier one for the maker to boot.
YouTube guides can monetize, and gamefaq writers never could. (Though from what I tell from Social Blade, very few making game guides are making much more than beer money — majority of money seems to be flowing to game commentary/LPers, which I guess function as a form of walkthrough, though one that you'd have to be masochistic to use).
Train yourself for half a day on Adobe Premiere, and you can screencap and narrate over videos that looks very good. Spend two or three days learning the ins and outs and you are a god amongst men on YouTube.
(This is more me guessing) People born, say, post 1995 are much more habituated to watching video for answers to stuff, and would find it more onerous to dig through massive text file rather than just scrub through video to get to relevant gameplay section.
1)和写文字攻略相比,直接玩通关游戏 要简单的多。gamefaqs的攻略作者,要完成一篇攻略要玩很多遍游戏。 上传视频攻略的up主,可以玩少一些,录制好的视频甚至可以剪切连接,把玩的最成功的流程分别拼接起来,哈哈。
视频画面可以传递很多大家需要的有用的信息,而gamefaqs攻略作者有时会遇到用文字ascii符号绘制 rpg地图的麻烦事,或者用冗长的文字描述 道具和房间的相对位置,之后要去的地方和现在的标志物是成什么方向角度。文字有时对其他许多内容是很准确的表达方法,但随着游戏进入3d立体时代,在表达接下来去哪里找什么东西,视频要比文字要高效的多。
2)视频攻略up主能盈利,gamefaqs攻略作者盈利为0。虽然多数视频攻略up主赚到的钱只是买杯奶茶喝杯啤酒的钱。题外话,大多数钱被语音解说和露脸解说的up主挣了(LPers=Someone who engages in making 'Let''s Play' videos)。