If China
can't get millions of chips, we'll (at least temporarily) live in a
unipolar world, where only the US and its allies have these models. It's unclear whether the unipolar world will last, but there's at least the possibility that,
because AI systems can eventually help make even smarter AI systems, a temporary lead could be parlayed into a durable advantage[color=var(--color-a-default)][size=1em]
10. Thus, in this world, the US and its allies might take a commanding and long-lasting lead on the global stage.
如果中国无法获得数百万芯片,我们将(至少暂时)生活在一个单极世界中,只有美国及其盟友拥有这些模型。尚不清楚单极世界是否会持续,但至少存在一种可能性,即由于人工智能系统最终可以帮助制造更智能的人工智能系统,暂时的领先优势可能会转化为持久的优势 10 。因此,在这个世界中,美国及其盟友可能会在全球舞台上取得主导地位并保持长期领先。