战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2008-7-13
本帖最后由 Illidan 于 2025-1-9 22:52 编辑
We lost our house in the Marshall Fires in 2021. Hopefully, you will not need this but if you are potentially at risk (but not evacuated) I strongly suggest videoing with your phone the interior of your house/apt to document your contents and general house layout. If you do have to file a claim this will help immensely because documenting everything in your house is way harder than one would think. It was a complete slog for us after our fire. Sending good vibes to everyone in Los Angeles. I'm sorry you are going through this.
我们在 2021 年的马歇尔大火中失去了我们的房子。希望您不需要这个,但如果您有潜在的危险(但未疏散),我强烈建议您用手机拍摄房屋内部的视频/记录您的物品和一般情况房子布局。如果您提出索赔,这将非常有帮助,因为记录您房子里的所有东西比人们想象的要困难得多。火灾发生后,这对我们来说是一次彻底的艰难。向洛杉矶的每个人传递良好的氛围。我很抱歉你正在经历这一切。
https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAnge ... e_strongly_suggest/
I work in the Commercial Real Estate industry and have already seen disgusting comments from brokers and investors who are calling this a “big opportunity”. When you’re contacted by these vultures please put them on blast. They did the same thing to the victims of the Maui fires. It’s absolutely horrific behavior.
To keep it simple, say you owned one of the homes that just burned down. Prior to the fire, your home and the land it was on was worth $1M. Knowing you just lost everything in a fire I give you a call and offer you $250k cash for your land. As a developer I know I can build a new, bigger home and sell it for $1.5M in 3-5-7 years when the area recovers.
为了简单起见,假设您拥有一栋刚刚被烧毁的房屋。火灾发生前,您的房屋及其所在土地价值 100 万美元。知道您刚刚在火灾中失去了一切,我会给您打电话并为您的土地提供 25 万美元现金。但作为一名开发商,我知道我可以建造一栋更大的新房屋,并在 3-5-7 年内当该地区恢复时以 150 万美元的价格出售。
https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAnge ... ost_their_homes_in/
Not from the area even remotely, but this exactly what happened to large amounts of the beach homes after hurricane sandy in NY and NJ. These investors were relentless while the insurance companies and FEMA made people jump through hoops to try and get their money. This happened over 10 years ago and some people are just getting their insurance money now. Lots of people just gave up even trying to get a payout.
这正是纽约和新泽西在飓风桑迪之后大量海滩住宅的遭遇。当时,投资者们锲而不舍(骚扰灾民),而保险公司和联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)却设下各种繁琐的流程。这件事已经发生了十多年了,有些人直到现在才拿到保险赔偿款。而许多人甚至在尝试争取赔偿的过程中就放弃了。 |