战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2022-5-24
Headphone Ranking
Headphones ranked by Harman headphone listener preference scores.
Tables include the preference score (Score), standard deviation of the error (STD), slope of the logarithimc regression fit of the error (Slope) for both over-ear and in-ear headphones and average of the absolute error (Average) for in-ears headphones. STD tells how much the headphone deviates from neutral and slope tells if the headphone is warm (< 0) or bright (> 0).
Keep in mind that these numbers are calculated with deviations from Harman targets and you're preferences might differ.
Over-ear table includes headphones measured by oratory1990 and Crinacle using GRAS systems. Measurements from other databases and systems are not included because they are not compatible with measurements, targets and preference scoring developed by Sean Olive et al.