战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2024-1-7
本帖最后由 气旋 于 2024-12-14 12:24 编辑
感染率: 疫苗组12.5%, 对照组5%;
重症率: 疫苗组26.35%, 对照组8.3%.
可能又是ADE导致的, 不过好消息是没像60年前的疫苗一样导致接种者死亡.
In September 2024, Moderna announced that the clinical trial of its mRNA vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children aged 5–24 months was abruptly halted.
The clinical trial, conducted in the UK and other countries, ended after alarming data suggested that the vaccine might not just fail to prevent severe RSV disease, but could potentially worsen it.
Until now, the data was kept secret.
This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disclosed that vaccinated children in the trial experienced higher rates of severe RSV compared to those in the placebo group.
The data was striking: 12.5% of vaccinated children developed severe or very severe RSV disease, compared to just 5% in the placebo group.
Moreover, among those who developed symptomatic RSV, 26.3% of vaccinated participants progressed to severe illness, sharply contrasting with the 8.3% in the placebo group.
The FDA, which granted the vaccine Fast Track designation in 2021, said the data has “uncertain implications for the ongoing and future pediatric development of other non-live attenuated RSV vaccines.”
顺便请教下, 这种针对婴幼儿的临床一期实验是从哪找的志愿者啊? 你说成年人缺钱去当实验对象, 愿打愿挨很合理; 这才出生的去做实验, 是爹妈缺钱? 按新闻里的说法, 实验是在带英做的, 之前搞新冠攻毒实验的也是带英吧?
此外, 按文中说法, 该疫苗的失败可能对整个mrna疫苗路线造成严重影响. mrna新冠疫苗没有经过严格验证就大规模上市已经影响很坏了, 这下又要给疫苗阴谋论提供素材了.
For parents, the idea that a vaccine could worsen the disease it is meant to prevent, is profoundly unsettling. For scientists, it calls into question the long-term reliability of mRNA as a platform for combating diverse diseases.
The stakes are high—not only for the future of RSV vaccines but for the reputation of mRNA technology as a whole.
Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against RSV takes a tumble | Canberra Daily |