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注册时间 2018-4-8
本帖最后由 112zero 于 2024-12-9 23:21 编辑
流出的信息暂定女主名字为PRIYA或PAVI, 她还有个双胞胎姐妹叫NIKKI,NIKKI是否也是神通还不确定。二人自小被分开,NIKKI被白莲教带走,PRIYA则和自己的宠物大猫(坐骑)流浪。
https://web.archive.org/web/2024 ... tbox.moe/cc684z.pdf
>Can I get a full QRD on what we know?
>Not much is known about this next Avatar series; however, we at Knight Edge Media can exclusively tell you that two episodes are finished as of July 2024 in the storyboard/animatics stage with voiceovers. We teased this series over the summer on Twitter and can verify that the next Earth Avatar will be female again, following Avatar Korra. She will first be seen as a homeless young girl alongside her animal guide, who looks like a large feline-type creature (the artist’s image above is for reference only and not associated with Avatar Studios or Paramount). She is also an amputee, missing her left leg. The series also takes place sometime in the future as the storyboards look like people ride on hoverboards, though it could simply be someone air surfing as the Airbenders should be pretty well established by this time.
>Now, our source has given some additional context on the stage of the Avatar Universe by the time we meet this new Avatar. As we couldn’t verify these additional plot details, we labeled them as rumors for now until officially announced. Jumping right in, the four nations do not exist anymore. The series will establish that some unknown cataclysmic event will occur that Avatar Korra will be forced to stop. She will, in turn, be forced to reshape the entire world from the original four nations to seven new locations/countries or “havens.” (Which I am told could be the subtitle of the series). This would effectively make Avatar Korra the most powerful Avatar known in the lore due to her ability to break and remake the world on her own. I’m speculating, but I assume this event is what ultimately kills Avatar Korra, leading to the reincarnation of the Earth Avatar.
>Once the new Earth Avatar is born, we learn she will actually be from a set of identical twin sisters. This has long been a fun fan theory on what would happen with twins. The recent novel The Reckoning of Roku played with this idea of establishing Roku had a twin who died sometime before he was announced as the Avatar. Nevertheless, these twins will be the focal point of the series. The White Lotus is expected to have taken one of the twins and raised her in wealth, as she is seen as the more powerful of the two. It’s unknown if they are separated at birth or as toddlers, but the second twin somehow ends up cast aside and forgotten. She grows up on the streets of one of the new “havens” with her animal guide. Eventually, the two twins are reunited and begin training together, as the non-Avatar twin is still very powerful and has actual training from The White Lotus. Again, this is speculation, but the series could eventually introduce both having a part of Raava in them; thus, technically, both are “the Avatar,” but that is unknown. They could also play with the Dark and Light Avatar stories again, but that seems like a retread of Legend of Korra season 2 and extremely underwhelming. Though I suspect they will keep it simple with one as the Avatar and one not the Avatar.
>Some extra info from The Avatarist
>he saw animatics of the new show
>the working title of the show is Avatar: Seven Havens
>havens are big, city-like settlements
>It's unclear whether both twins are Avatars, but the poor one is definitely an Avatar, while the rich one who grew up with the WL seems to have "Avatar-like" powers
>The WL knows Korra lost her connection to her past lives
>There's a Sokka-type character who has a hoverboard
>The first episode ends with a giant, eye ball looking spirit who attacks the haven the Avatar lives in and kidnaps the mayor.
>This is what kicks off the story, the twins reunite to save the mayor, going on a "training arc" kind of journey