战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2009-2-12
本帖最后由 الطائر 于 2025-1-13 14:00 编辑
The SBU said the two captured North Korean men had told interrogators they were experienced soldiers, and one said he was sent to Russia for training, not to fight. It said one PoW carried a Russian military ID card “issued in the name of another person” while the other had no documents. The SBU showed an ID issued to a 26-year-old man from Russia’s Tyva region bordering Mongolia. The SBU added that he was a rifleman born in 2005 and had been in the North Korean army since 2021. The other man, who wrote his answers because of his injured jaw, said he was born in 1999, had joined the army in 2016 and was a scout sniper, the SBU said.
Ukraine has released a rare video of two captured North Korean soldiers under interrogation, in which one of them said he wants to remain in Ukraine when asked if he wishes to return home.
The soldier with bandages on his hands made the remarks in the nearly three-minute footage released by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on X on Sunday, a day after he announced the two North Koreans' capture in Russia's western Kursk region.
During the interrogation, the soldier asked in Korean if Ukrainians were all good people, to which an interpreter replied, Ukraine is a good place to live.
"I want to live here," the soldier, lying down on a bed, said after a brief pause.
The soldier said he would go back home if he was required to but nodded when asked if he would stay in Ukraine if he was told to do so.
The soldier also indicated that he was unaware of being deployed for the war against Ukraine, turning his head from side to side when asked if he knew he was fighting Ukraine.
When asked what his commanders had told him, he replied, "(They) said we were going to be training like actual combat."
He said that he had been on the front line since Jan. 3 and that he had hid in a dugout.
"After seeing my comrades die, I hid in a dugout, and I was injured on Jan. 5," the soldier said.
The second captive had bandages over his jaw and appeared to be unable to speak properly.
When asked by the interpreter if he wished to return to North Korea, the soldier was initially unresponsive, but when the interpreter asked again, using "Joson," the North Korean term for the country's name, the soldier nodded.
The soldier also appeared to indicate that his parents did not know where he was when asked.
In his post on X, Zelenskyy said Ukraine is prepared to hand over captured North Korean soldiers in exchange for Ukrainian captives in Russia.
He also said that there may be other options for captured North Korean soldiers who do not wish to return.
Ukraine's security service said Saturday that the soldier with an injured jaw was born in 1999, while the other was born in 2005.
It said an interrogation of the two soldiers took place through a Korean interpreter in cooperation with South Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS) as they did not speak Ukrainian, Russian or English.
South Korea and the United States have accused North Korea of sending more than 10,000 troops to Russia to support Moscow's war with Ukraine. The NIS told lawmakers last month that at least 100 North Korean soldiers have been killed, with around 1,000 others injured. (Yonhap) The military ID card found on the prisoner bears the name of Antonin Aranchin, a resident of Tuva, born in 1998. The document indicates the place of birth (Turan in Tyva) and civilian specialty (tailor) but lacks a photo, signature, and dates.
The journalists found that the data on the ticket belonged to a real person. The publication found a resident of Tyva with the same last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth.
The only difference is the place of birth: the military ticket indicates the city of Turan, while Aranchin's passport shows the village of Erzin, also located in Tyva.
However, there is no mention in open sources of Aranchyn's connection to the tailoring profession. In 2020, he worked in the Tekh-Khem forestry, and in 2023, he indicated different positions in his applications for microloans: a grocery store security guard and a pensioner.
According to the information, he was repeatedly denied loans due to his low solvency.
下巴受伤的不排除可能是朝鲜侦察兵,没有任何身份证件。躺床上看不出是自己说话还是配音的填线步兵有身份证件,可能是刚上战场的无业图瓦人,因为借不到钱还债而参军。俄军可以直接为朝鲜士兵伪造不存在的身份,冒用真实存在的图瓦人身份的可能性不大,除非打算发两份抚恤金。 |