战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-11-2
This month, US Assistant Secretary of Defense Ely Ratner spoke with his counterpart, Major General Li Bin of China’s Central Military Commission. According to the US readout of the conversation, Ratner suggested that both China’s southern and eastern theater commanders would be involved in regular calls. But if there must be only one channel, the United States hopes it will be with China’s eastern theater commander, which directs its military in the crucial areas around, rather than with the southern theater command, which focuses on the southern China Sea.
There are deeper structural challenges that need to be overcome. The U.S. military is relatively decentralized, giving commanders like Paparo the authority to make decisions. The Chinese military is much more centralized and important decisions are made in Beijing. Communication between the two parties therefore often bypasses each other. Simply put, the United States wants to use bilateral forums to discuss and resolve substantive issues. China often sees them more as a mechanism to complain about US behavior. A senior retired Chinese military officer spoke to me during a recent trip to China. “The Americans can hold their meeting and make their points,” the official explained, asking not to be named. “But our system is not like their system. All our man can say is: ‘Thank you. I will convey your concerns to Beijing. ”
他甚至直言, 建立常态军事沟通是负责任地管控竞争、降低风险、避免误判的关键。自己会随时准备与东大军方高层会面,定期进行坦率和公开的对话。
但帕帕罗在事后表态称,由于PLA对 两军之间的事情没有“决策权”。同时,帕帕罗自己主要面对的是东部战区,与南部战区司令的共同话题只有南海。