战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2023-11-27
本帖最后由 adretyu67. 于 2024-9-14 11:20 编辑
**Info**: Early Access will be starting in winter this year. **Follow-up**: Early Access will happen, that is correct. The final date will be confirmed soon. 剧透:EA将在本年冬天开始 跟进:准确,后续确认EA时间
**Info**: There will be full English and German language support, no information on other languages yet. **Follow-up**: In general, we will support many languages, but for Early Access start we might even start with only English. 剧透:完整支持德文与英文,其他语言无消息 跟进:总的来说会支持很多语言,但是EA刚开始只支持英文
**Info**: The beach is the official starting area after the TQ 2 intro cinematic. **Follow-up**: No, the game has an entire introductory chapter/act before that area, with a playtime of 30-40 minutes. 剧透:开场CG后,正式开始区域是沙滩 跟进:错误,该区域前游戏有一个完整的介绍章节,大约游玩30-40分钟
**Info**: the story will be independent from TQ 1, but it's set in the same universe. **Follow-up**: The story is set in Greek mythology, but it is a whole new plotline using established characters and concepts of Greek mythology. 剧透:剧情与TQ1独立,但是设定在同一世界 跟进:剧情基于希腊神话,但是是一条利用已存在角色与希腊神话概念的全新故事线
**Info**: The base attack icon changes depending on equipped weapon type. **Follow-up**: Yes, that is correct. 剧透:基础攻击符号根据装备武器类型变动 跟进:是的,正是如此
**Info**: The game speed will be slower than that of the average ARPG-type game to complement challenging fights which require you to think before you act. **Follow-up**: The time to kill is slower than the genre standard, but there is plenty of player input, and many enemy actions to react to. 剧透:为完成战斗,在需要进行思考再操作时的游戏速度比同类型的ARPG游戏平均值要慢 跟进:相较同类游戏击杀时间会更长,但是玩家种类又很多,也有很多敌人动作要处理
**Info**: The game will have adjustable difficulty settings. **Follow-up**: We have an in-game ritual system that will allow you to manipulate the level of enemies (and thus the loot they drop). This will give you a greater challenge and also more reward via higher level item drops. You can also revisit prior areas and get valuable loot exclusive to those areas, so long as you opt in to increase the difficulty, or to raise the minimum level to your own. 剧透:游戏会有不同难度设置(俗称一张图跑3遍) 跟进:有游戏内仪式系统让玩家调整敌人等级(同样影响掉落)。通过高物等掉落这也会给与玩家更大挑战与更多更多奖励。你也可以重新访问之前区域并且这些区域的珍稀掉落,只要你选择增加难度,或者把最低等级调整至玩家自己的。
**Info**: It's planned to give at least 6x the amount of skills to masteries on Early Access, compared to the demo version. **Follow-up**: That is correct. A lot more active and passive skills as well as modifiers are coming to the EA. 剧透:相对演示版本,EA中计划每个专精至少有6个技能 跟进:准确。EA中将添加更多主动与被动技能与技能模块。
**Info**: Every skill has modifiers, of which you can pick up to 5 per skill.
**Follow-up**: That’s correct. The modifiers also have a capacity cost. You gain capacity by investing skill points into the skills. Thus, you can’t immediately activate 5 modifiers, but the maximum is indeed 5.
**Info**: The horse will be with us through the whole story and continue talking to us.
**Follow-up**: That is correct as far as the Early Access goes. We aren’t looking to give story spoilers beyond that point.
剧透:整个故事种马将会陪伴故事全程并且不停和玩家聊天 跟进:整个EA确实如此。后续不能再说因为涉及剧透
**Info**: Respecing skill points is possible, but masteries are set in stone once you picked them.
**Follow-up**: Yes, that is correct.
剧透:技能点数重修可能,但是专精一旦选取无法修改(类似1代) 跟进:是的
**Info**: The world is completely handcrafted
**Follow-up**: That is correct for the main campaign. However, we might introduce endgame content that is using different concepts.
剧透:世界是纯人工绘制 跟进:主线战役是这样的,但是终局游戏部分可能会引入不同概念。
**Info**: Story events throughout the world have been added to the game. The more you explore, the more interactions you can find.
**Follow-up**: Yes, that is correct.
剧透:游戏中添加了世界内故事剧情。你探索的越多,就有越多的交互 跟进:是的
**Info**: The developers are brainstorming on how to further improve the inventory for players, hinting at a reduced chance of overloading your inventory in the future.
**Follow-up**: That is correct. We will be introducing a loot filter and a stash system during the Early Access.
剧透:就如何改善玩家背包,开发者正在头脑风暴,要点在于未来如何减少背包过载的风险。 跟进:正确。EA中我们会加入一个过滤器和储藏系统
**Info**: Target farming enemies will be possible again.
**Follow-up**: Crafting will be added during the Early Access, and target farming will be mostly relevant when it comes to collecting materials.
剧透:可以反复刷特定敌人 跟进:EA中会加入工艺系统,并且刷特定目标主要是为了收集材料
**Info**: A 12 hours campaign is planned for Early Access.
**Follow-up**: The Early Access content takes between 10-15 hours in one playthrough. 剧透:EA战役时长设定为12小时
**Info**: There is no info on how big the fully released game will be. It will depend on how the Early Access goes. The update will bring a lot of new content.
**Follow-up**: The content we are targeting for full release is at least around 50 hours. 剧透:完整游戏多大暂且没有信息。它取决于EA反应如何,更新将会带来大量新内容。 跟进:目前预计完整版的游戏内容在大约50小时左右
**Info**: Multiplayer is planned, not on Early Access though - only for the full release.
**Follow-up**: The game will feature multiplayer, but not on initial Early Access release.
剧透:有计划制作多人练级,但是EA没有,只存在于完整版 跟进:游戏会面向多人联机,但是EA没有
**Info**: The amount of additional content after the Early Access will partly depend on player feedback and wishes, so talk to the developers and they’ll do their best to listen.
**Follow-up**: In the past, Grimlore’s general approach has been to work on meaningful addon chunks if desired by the players, and that continues to be our plan.
剧透:EA后额外内容会部分参照玩家反馈与医院,所以与开发者交流并且他们会尽可能听取 跟进:过去(反正就是一大堆客套话)
**Info**: After the Early Access there will be additional masteries to increase replayability.
**Follow-up**: Additional masteries depend entirely on feedback and demand. 剧透:EA后会有额外专精增加可玩性跟进:额外专精完全基于反馈与要求