战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2018-11-25
本帖最后由 Midnight.Coup 于 2024-9-11 19:25 编辑
我知道,我说的是支持 Rog Ally 的手柄,其他按键都是通用,支持特色按键就是支持手柄了,更新补丁后类似 ChimeraOS、HoloOS、bazziteOS 就可以在 Rog Ally 上用了
"The note about ROG Ally keys is related to third-party device support for SteamOS. The team is continuing to work on adding support for additional handhelds on SteamOS," Yang tells me. Valve is “making steady progress,” Yang tells me, but it “isn’t ready to run out of the box yet.”
G胖这边自家的 Win-SteamOS 双启动还一直拖着没做,蓝牙驱动之类的也发布不久,主要精力还是在改进 SteamOS 和 Proton 上,新功能和 Bug 修复都挺快的 |