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发表于 2024-8-20 21:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:50 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 幽香 于 2024-8-20 21:52 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Vneeto 于 2024-8-20 21:53 编辑
meltykiss 发表于 2024-8-20 21:48


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发表于 2024-8-20 21:52 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:54 | 显示全部楼层
Vneeto 发表于 2024-8-20 21:48



看了下不是全打隐藏boss, 第一回是三个钟全敲, 第二回有购买关键道具和NPC对话之类的RPG要素

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
高町城管 发表于 2024-8-20 21:53


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:54 | 显示全部楼层
高町城管 发表于 2024-8-20 21:53



参与人数 1战斗力 +1 收起 理由
mlxzdfx + 1 思路广



使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
usodakedo 发表于 2024-8-20 21:54
那我大胆猜测,一周目青师假扮二郎,二周目白象假扮玉帝,然后三周目街上你的大鹏假扮如来 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:56 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 1 secret area guide - Ancient Guanyin Temple
To gain access to the Chapter 1 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong, you need to ring the three large bells in the region. We've organized our guide to outline their locations based on how we progressed through the level, as well as the closest fast travel point.
要进入《黑色神话:悟空》中第 1 章的秘密区域,您需要敲响该区域的三个大钟。我们整理了我们的指南,根据我们在关卡中的进展情况,以及最近的快速旅行点,概述了它们的位置。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 nubia NX729J, Android 14上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.2-play

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Man-in-Stone quest guide (Chapter 2)
The Black Myth: Wukong Man-in-Stone quest takes place in the Yellow Wind Ridge in Chapter 2. Here's how you can reach this unfortunate fella:

From Sandgate Village, go through the gate at the open area to your right. This is where you'll do battle against the King of Flowing Sands and Second Rat Prince.
从桑盖特村(Sandgate Village)出发,穿过右侧空旷地带的大门。在这里,您将与流沙之王和第二鼠王子进行战斗。
Cross the rickety bridge to the opposite canyon, and keep going straight ahead until you see the Squall Hideout shrine.
穿过摇摇晃晃的桥到对面的峡谷,继续直行,直到您看到 Squall Hideout 神社。
While facing the shrine, look to your right to spot a sloping path down a ravine. The Man-in-Stone is at the end of this short pathway.
面对神社时,向右看,可以看到一条沿着峡谷向下的斜坡小路。Man-in-Stone 就在这条短路的尽头。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Man-in-Stone rewards Man-in-Stone 奖励
After beating down the Man-in-Stone, you'll receive the Rock Guai: Azure Dust spells. It's actually one of the transformation abilities in the game. When activated, it turns you into a Rock Guai that's immune to all negative status effects, and you can ram into enemies to deal damage.

The Man-in-Stone will also start selling some notable items (limited to only one in quantity):
Man-in-Stone 也将开始销售一些值得注意的物品(数量仅限一件):

Blood of the Iron Bull - A spirit form upgrade material; costs 3,280 will.
铁牛之血 - 一种灵形升级材料;费用 3,280 将。
Gold Ridge Beast - A high-value item; costs 12,800 will.
Gold Ridge Beast - 高价值物品;费用 12,800 将。
Iron Pellet - One of many drinks and soaks that modify the effects of your gourd/flask; costs 6,480 will.
铁丸 - 改变葫芦/烧瓶效果的众多饮料和浸泡剂之一;费用 6,480 将。
Goldflora Hairpin - A curio/accessory that increases the will you gain from defeating foes; costs 12,800 will.
Goldflora Hairpin - 一种古玩/配饰,可以增加你从击败敌人中获得的意志;费用 12,800 将。
Sobering Stone - An important quest item; costs 6,480 will.
清醒之石 - 重要的任务物品;费用 6,480 将。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area - The Kingdom of Sahali
黑色神话:悟空第二章秘区 - 萨哈利王国
The Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area can be accessed once you complete the Drunk Boar's side quest. In it, you have to give him a key item, before tracking him down to specific locations. Later, upon reaching the Kingdom of Sahali, you'll do battle against a gargantuan sand beetle.
《黑神话:悟空》第二章秘密区域在完成醉猪的支线任务后即可进入。在其中,你必须给他一个关键物品,然后再追踪他到特定地点。后来,在到达萨哈利王国后,你将与一只巨大的沙甲虫进行战斗。Secret area final boss: Fuban
When you're ready, it's time to face the main boss in this area: Fuban, the giant sand beetle. This opponent has slow but hard-hitting attacks, and it can jump to squash your character when it reemerges from below the dunes. Those at low HP might have trouble due to the high damage that it deals.

Eventually, another cutscene will trigger, whereupon Fuban will be incapacitated. Hop on its head and press the button prompt to steal the crystal that's stuck to it. After this part, the Yellow Wind Sage will also join you to bring down your foe.
最终,将触发另一个过场动画,届时 Fuban 将失去能力。跳到它的头上,按下按钮提示,偷走粘在它上面的水晶。在这部分之后,黄风圣者也会加入你,打倒你的敌人。

Once you've defeated Fuban, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area objective. Your rewards include:
一旦你打败了Fuban,你将完成Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2秘密区域目标。您的奖励包括:

Vessel: Wind Tamer - A special item that massively improves damage reduction. It's one of several vessel items that you can find in the game.
船只:驯风师 - 一种特殊物品,可以**提高伤害减少率。这是您可以在游戏中找到的几种船只物品之一。
Armor set: Fuban Set - You can craft three out of four insect-themed Fuban Armor Set pieces. The chestpiece comes from a secret boss in Chapter 4.
盔甲套装:Fuban Set - 您可以制作四件以昆虫为主题的 Fuban 盔甲套装中的三件。胸饰来自第 4 章中的一个秘密 Boss。
Material: Sky-piercing Horn - A high-tier crafting material.
材质:穿天号角 - 一种高级制作材料。
Achievement: Shifting Sands

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:02 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 与天争锋_L 于 2024-8-20 22:03 编辑


—— 来自 鹅球 v3.0.87-alpha

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:02 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:03 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 S1Fun

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area - The Kingdom of Sahali
黑色神话:悟空第二章秘区 - 萨哈利王国
The Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area can be accessed once you complete the Drunk Boar's side quest. In it, you have to give him a key item, before tracking him down to specific locations. Later, upon reaching the Kingdom of Sahali, you'll do battle against a gargantuan sand beetle.
《黑神话:悟空》第二章秘密区域在完成醉猪的支线任务后即可进入。在其中,你必须给他一个关键物品,然后再追踪他到特定地点。后来,在到达萨哈利王国后,你将与一只巨大的沙甲虫进行战斗。Secret area final boss: Fuban
When you're ready, it's time to face the main boss in this area: Fuban, the giant sand beetle. This opponent has slow but hard-hitting attacks, and it can jump to squash your character when it reemerges from below the dunes. Those at low HP might have trouble due to the high damage that it deals.

Eventually, another cutscene will trigger, whereupon Fuban will be incapacitated. Hop on its head and press the button prompt to steal the crystal that's stuck to it. After this part, the Yellow Wind Sage will also join you to bring down your foe.
最终,将触发另一个过场动画,届时 Fuban 将失去能力。跳到它的头上,按下按钮提示,偷走粘在它上面的水晶。在这部分之后,黄风圣者也会加入你,打倒你的敌人。

Once you've defeated Fuban, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area objective. Your rewards include:
一旦你打败了Fuban,你将完成Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2秘密区域目标。您的奖励包括:

Vessel: Wind Tamer - A special item that massively improves damage reduction. It's one of several vessel items that you can find in the game.
船只:驯风师 - 一种特殊物品,可以**提高伤害减少率。这是您可以在游戏中找到的几种船只物品之一。
Armor set: Fuban Set - You can craft three out of four insect-themed Fuban Armor Set pieces. The chestpiece comes from a secret boss in Chapter 4.
盔甲套装:Fuban Set - 您可以制作四件以昆虫为主题的 Fuban 盔甲套装中的三件。胸饰来自第 4 章中的一个秘密 Boss。
Material: Sky-piercing Horn - A high-tier crafting material.
材质:穿天号角 - 一种高级制作材料。
Achievement: Shifting Sands

You can complete various quests in Black Myth: Wukong. A few of these tasks might be straightforward, while others have clues that are quite cryptic and hard to discern. One of them just happens to take place during the game's third chapter. Here's our guide to help you with the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
您可以在Black Myth: Wukong中完成各种任务。其中一些任务可能很简单,而另一些任务的线索则非常隐晦且难以辨别。其中一个恰好发生在游戏的第三章。这是我们的指南,可以帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》中的宝塔王国守卫和囚犯。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner guide - Chapter 3 quest
黑色神话:悟空塔境守卫和囚犯指南 - 第 3 章任务

Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner conclusion
Once you've obtained all four captain spirits, you should be able to complete the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner quest in Black Myth: Wukong. Simply return to the Lower Pagoda waypoint and chat with the prisoner (i.e. the guy in the cell near where you originally spawned when you got teleported to this area). The door should be open now.

For your efforts, you'll receive the Chubai Spearhead, which can be used to craft the Chu-Bai Spear. This weapon has +75 attack, and its unique perk integrates spear techniques into your light attacks, while also increasing the damage of Thrust Stance. Moreover, you'll obtain the "Corrupted Captains" achievement.

Last but not least, try to check the other cells now that the wards are gone. You're going to find a few treasure chests, as well as some spirit forms, too.

That does it for our Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 3 Pagoda Realm quest guide. If you're out and about exploring other regions, you might want to look into the game's secret areas, such as Chapter 2: Kingdom of Sahali, Chapter 4: Purple Cloud Mountain, and Chapter 5: Bishui Cave.
我们的《黑色神话:悟空》第三章宝塔境界任务指南就是这样。如果你外出探索其他地区,你可能想看看游戏的秘密区域,比如第 2 章:萨哈利王国、第 4 章:紫云山和第 5 章:碧水洞。

Very few objectives in Black Myth: Wukong can hold a candle to the one that unlocks Purple Cloud Mountain. From plumbing the depths of a massive cave system in search of a deadly foe, to tackling multiple tasks for certain denizens, it's really something to behold. The good news is that this arduous trek leads to some cool rewards. Here's our guide to help you complete the Chapter 4 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
《Black Myth: Wuk空》中很少有目标可以举起蜡烛来对抗解锁紫云山的那个。从在一个巨大的洞穴系统的深处寻找致命的敌人,到为某些居民处理多项任务,这真的是值得一看的。好消息是,这次艰苦的跋涉会带来一些很酷的回报。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area - Purple Cloud Mountain

Secret area final boss: The Duskveil
When you're ready, proceed up the steps at Cloudnest Peak to fight the Duskveil, a corrupted calf-buzzard hybrid. Its attack animations are rather slow, which makes it easy enough to hit. However, phase two of the battle is where things get tricky, since many of its abilities are infused with cursed blood.

After defeating the Duskveil, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area objective. The Snake Lady will thank you for your help, and you'll receive the following amazing rewards:
击败黄昏面纱后,您将完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章秘密区域目标。蛇夫人会感谢你的帮助,你将获得以下惊人的奖励:

Vessel: Weaver's Needle - This is one of several Vessel items that you can obtain. It's a needle that flies around and homes in on enemies to strike them. Think of it as akin to Yondu's homing arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy.
器皿:织工的针 - 这是您可以获得的几种器皿物品之一。这是一根针,可以飞来飞去,落在敌人身上,打击他们。可以把它想象成类似于《银河护卫队》中Yondu的寻箭。
Armor: Iron-Tough Set and Material: Duskveil's Horn - You should now be able to craft the complete Iron-Tough armor set.
盔甲:Iron-Tough 套装和材料:Duskveil's Horn - 您现在应该能够制作完整的 Iron-Tough 盔甲套装。
Soak: Double-Combed Rooster Blood - This gourd drink/soak item removes the poison status effect and boosts your movement speed and critical hit chance.
浸泡:双梳公鸡血 - 这款葫芦饮料/浸泡物品可消除毒物状态效果,并提高您的移动速度和暴击率。

Exploration is key in Black Myth: Wukong. The game doesn't have a map, and many objectives aren't made clear to you at the start. As such, you might find yourself wandering around to complete certain tasks. One of these quests takes place in the Flaming Mountains, where you'll go from underground lava flows to scorching peaks in search of a hidden realm. Here's our guide to help you with the Chapter 5 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
探索是《黑色神话:悟空》的关键。游戏没有地图,许多目标在开始时并没有告诉你。因此,您可能会发现自己四处游荡以完成某些任务。其中一个任务发生在火焰山脉,在那里你将从地下熔岩流到灼热的山峰,寻找一个隐藏的领域。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》第 5 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 5 secret area - Bishui Cave


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area - The Kingdom of Sahali
黑色神话:悟空第二章秘区 - 萨哈利王国
The Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area can be accessed once you complete the Drunk Boar's side quest. In it, you have to give him a key item, before tracking him down to specific locations. Later, upon reaching the Kingdom of Sahali, you'll do battle against a gargantuan sand beetle.
《黑神话:悟空》第二章秘密区域在完成醉猪的支线任务后即可进入。在其中,你必须给他一个关键物品,然后再追踪他到特定地点。后来,在到达萨哈利王国后,你将与一只巨大的沙甲虫进行战斗。Secret area final boss: Fuban
When you're ready, it's time to face the main boss in this area: Fuban, the giant sand beetle. This opponent has slow but hard-hitting attacks, and it can jump to squash your character when it reemerges from below the dunes. Those at low HP might have trouble due to the high damage that it deals.

Eventually, another cutscene will trigger, whereupon Fuban will be incapacitated. Hop on its head and press the button prompt to steal the crystal that's stuck to it. After this part, the Yellow Wind Sage will also join you to bring down your foe.
最终,将触发另一个过场动画,届时 Fuban 将失去能力。跳到它的头上,按下按钮提示,偷走粘在它上面的水晶。在这部分之后,黄风圣者也会加入你,打倒你的敌人。

Once you've defeated Fuban, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area objective. Your rewards include:
一旦你打败了Fuban,你将完成Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2秘密区域目标。您的奖励包括:

Vessel: Wind Tamer - A special item that massively improves damage reduction. It's one of several vessel items that you can find in the game.
船只:驯风师 - 一种特殊物品,可以**提高伤害减少率。这是您可以在游戏中找到的几种船只物品之一。
Armor set: Fuban Set - You can craft three out of four insect-themed Fuban Armor Set pieces. The chestpiece comes from a secret boss in Chapter 4.
盔甲套装:Fuban Set - 您可以制作四件以昆虫为主题的 Fuban 盔甲套装中的三件。胸饰来自第 4 章中的一个秘密 Boss。
Material: Sky-piercing Horn - A high-tier crafting material.
材质:穿天号角 - 一种高级制作材料。
Achievement: Shifting Sands

You can complete various quests in Black Myth: Wukong. A few of these tasks might be straightforward, while others have clues that are quite cryptic and hard to discern. One of them just happens to take place during the game's third chapter. Here's our guide to help you with the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
您可以在Black Myth: Wukong中完成各种任务。其中一些任务可能很简单,而另一些任务的线索则非常隐晦且难以辨别。其中一个恰好发生在游戏的第三章。这是我们的指南,可以帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》中的宝塔王国守卫和囚犯。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner guide - Chapter 3 quest
黑色神话:悟空塔境守卫和囚犯指南 - 第 3 章任务

Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner conclusion
Once you've obtained all four captain spirits, you should be able to complete the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner quest in Black Myth: Wukong. Simply return to the Lower Pagoda waypoint and chat with the prisoner (i.e. the guy in the cell near where you originally spawned when you got teleported to this area). The door should be open now.

For your efforts, you'll receive the Chubai Spearhead, which can be used to craft the Chu-Bai Spear. This weapon has +75 attack, and its unique perk integrates spear techniques into your light attacks, while also increasing the damage of Thrust Stance. Moreover, you'll obtain the "Corrupted Captains" achievement.

Last but not least, try to check the other cells now that the wards are gone. You're going to find a few treasure chests, as well as some spirit forms, too.

That does it for our Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 3 Pagoda Realm quest guide. If you're out and about exploring other regions, you might want to look into the game's secret areas, such as Chapter 2: Kingdom of Sahali, Chapter 4: Purple Cloud Mountain, and Chapter 5: Bishui Cave.
我们的《黑色神话:悟空》第三章宝塔境界任务指南就是这样。如果你外出探索其他地区,你可能想看看游戏的秘密区域,比如第 2 章:萨哈利王国、第 4 章:紫云山和第 5 章:碧水洞。

Very few objectives in Black Myth: Wukong can hold a candle to the one that unlocks Purple Cloud Mountain. From plumbing the depths of a massive cave system in search of a deadly foe, to tackling multiple tasks for certain denizens, it's really something to behold. The good news is that this arduous trek leads to some cool rewards. Here's our guide to help you complete the Chapter 4 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
《Black Myth: Wuk空》中很少有目标可以举起蜡烛来对抗解锁紫云山的那个。从在一个巨大的洞穴系统的深处寻找致命的敌人,到为某些居民处理多项任务,这真的是值得一看的。好消息是,这次艰苦的跋涉会带来一些很酷的回报。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area - Purple Cloud Mountain

Secret area final boss: The Duskveil
When you're ready, proceed up the steps at Cloudnest Peak to fight the Duskveil, a corrupted calf-buzzard hybrid. Its attack animations are rather slow, which makes it easy enough to hit. However, phase two of the battle is where things get tricky, since many of its abilities are infused with cursed blood.

After defeating the Duskveil, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area objective. The Snake Lady will thank you for your help, and you'll receive the following amazing rewards:
击败黄昏面纱后,您将完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章秘密区域目标。蛇夫人会感谢你的帮助,你将获得以下惊人的奖励:

Vessel: Weaver's Needle - This is one of several Vessel items that you can obtain. It's a needle that flies around and homes in on enemies to strike them. Think of it as akin to Yondu's homing arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy.
器皿:织工的针 - 这是您可以获得的几种器皿物品之一。这是一根针,可以飞来飞去,落在敌人身上,打击他们。可以把它想象成类似于《银河护卫队》中Yondu的寻箭。
Armor: Iron-Tough Set and Material: Duskveil's Horn - You should now be able to craft the complete Iron-Tough armor set.
盔甲:Iron-Tough 套装和材料:Duskveil's Horn - 您现在应该能够制作完整的 Iron-Tough 盔甲套装。
Soak: Double-Combed Rooster Blood - This gourd drink/soak item removes the poison status effect and boosts your movement speed and critical hit chance.
浸泡:双梳公鸡血 - 这款葫芦饮料/浸泡物品可消除毒物状态效果,并提高您的移动速度和暴击率。

Exploration is key in Black Myth: Wukong. The game doesn't have a map, and many objectives aren't made clear to you at the start. As such, you might find yourself wandering around to complete certain tasks. One of these quests takes place in the Flaming Mountains, where you'll go from underground lava flows to scorching peaks in search of a hidden realm. Here's our guide to help you with the Chapter 5 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
探索是《黑色神话:悟空》的关键。游戏没有地图,许多目标在开始时并没有告诉你。因此,您可能会发现自己四处游荡以完成某些任务。其中一个任务发生在火焰山脉,在那里你将从地下熔岩流到灼热的山峰,寻找一个隐藏的领域。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》第 5 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 5 secret area - Bishui Cave


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area - The Kingdom of Sahali
黑色神话:悟空第二章秘区 - 萨哈利王国
The Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area can be accessed once you complete the Drunk Boar's side quest. In it, you have to give him a key item, before tracking him down to specific locations. Later, upon reaching the Kingdom of Sahali, you'll do battle against a gargantuan sand beetle.
《黑神话:悟空》第二章秘密区域在完成醉猪的支线任务后即可进入。在其中,你必须给他一个关键物品,然后再追踪他到特定地点。后来,在到达萨哈利王国后,你将与一只巨大的沙甲虫进行战斗。Secret area final boss: Fuban
When you're ready, it's time to face the main boss in this area: Fuban, the giant sand beetle. This opponent has slow but hard-hitting attacks, and it can jump to squash your character when it reemerges from below the dunes. Those at low HP might have trouble due to the high damage that it deals.

Eventually, another cutscene will trigger, whereupon Fuban will be incapacitated. Hop on its head and press the button prompt to steal the crystal that's stuck to it. After this part, the Yellow Wind Sage will also join you to bring down your foe.
最终,将触发另一个过场动画,届时 Fuban 将失去能力。跳到它的头上,按下按钮提示,偷走粘在它上面的水晶。在这部分之后,黄风圣者也会加入你,打倒你的敌人。

Once you've defeated Fuban, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2 secret area objective. Your rewards include:
一旦你打败了Fuban,你将完成Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 2秘密区域目标。您的奖励包括:

Vessel: Wind Tamer - A special item that massively improves damage reduction. It's one of several vessel items that you can find in the game.
船只:驯风师 - 一种特殊物品,可以提高伤害减少率。这是您可以在游戏中找到的几种船只物品之一。
Armor set: Fuban Set - You can craft three out of four insect-themed Fuban Armor Set pieces. The chestpiece comes from a secret boss in Chapter 4.
盔甲套装:Fuban Set - 您可以制作四件以昆虫为主题的 Fuban 盔甲套装中的三件。胸饰来自第 4 章中的一个秘密 Boss。
Material: Sky-piercing Horn - A high-tier crafting material.
材质:穿天号角 - 一种高级制作材料。
Achievement: Shifting Sands

You can complete various quests in Black Myth: Wukong. A few of these tasks might be straightforward, while others have clues that are quite cryptic and hard to discern. One of them just happens to take place during the game's third chapter. Here's our guide to help you with the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
您可以在Black Myth: Wukong中完成各种任务。其中一些任务可能很简单,而另一些任务的线索则非常隐晦且难以辨别。其中一个恰好发生在游戏的第三章。这是我们的指南,可以帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》中的宝塔王国守卫和囚犯。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner guide - Chapter 3 quest
黑色神话:悟空塔境守卫和囚犯指南 - 第 3 章任务

Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner conclusion
Once you've obtained all four captain spirits, you should be able to complete the Pagoda Realm wards and prisoner quest in Black Myth: Wukong. Simply return to the Lower Pagoda waypoint and chat with the prisoner (i.e. the guy in the cell near where you originally spawned when you got teleported to this area). The door should be open now.

For your efforts, you'll receive the Chubai Spearhead, which can be used to craft the Chu-Bai Spear. This weapon has +75 attack, and its unique perk integrates spear techniques into your light attacks, while also increasing the damage of Thrust Stance. Moreover, you'll obtain the "Corrupted Captains" achievement.

Last but not least, try to check the other cells now that the wards are gone. You're going to find a few treasure chests, as well as some spirit forms, too.

That does it for our Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 3 Pagoda Realm quest guide. If you're out and about exploring other regions, you might want to look into the game's secret areas, such as Chapter 2: Kingdom of Sahali, Chapter 4: Purple Cloud Mountain, and Chapter 5: Bishui Cave.
我们的《黑色神话:悟空》第三章宝塔境界任务指南就是这样。如果你外出探索其他地区,你可能想看看游戏的秘密区域,比如第 2 章:萨哈利王国、第 4 章:紫云山和第 5 章:碧水洞。

Very few objectives in Black Myth: Wukong can hold a candle to the one that unlocks Purple Cloud Mountain. From plumbing the depths of a massive cave system in search of a deadly foe, to tackling multiple tasks for certain denizens, it's really something to behold. The good news is that this arduous trek leads to some cool rewards. Here's our guide to help you complete the Chapter 4 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
《Black Myth: Wuk空》中很少有目标可以举起蜡烛来对抗解锁紫云山的那个。从在一个巨大的洞穴系统的深处寻找致命的敌人,到为某些居民处理多项任务,这真的是值得一看的。好消息是,这次艰苦的跋涉会带来一些很酷的回报。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area - Purple Cloud Mountain

Secret area final boss: The Duskveil
When you're ready, proceed up the steps at Cloudnest Peak to fight the Duskveil, a corrupted calf-buzzard hybrid. Its attack animations are rather slow, which makes it easy enough to hit. However, phase two of the battle is where things get tricky, since many of its abilities are infused with cursed blood.

After defeating the Duskveil, you'll complete the Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 4 secret area objective. The Snake Lady will thank you for your help, and you'll receive the following amazing rewards:
击败黄昏面纱后,您将完成《黑色神话:悟空》第 4 章秘密区域目标。蛇夫人会感谢你的帮助,你将获得以下惊人的奖励:

Vessel: Weaver's Needle - This is one of several Vessel items that you can obtain. It's a needle that flies around and homes in on enemies to strike them. Think of it as akin to Yondu's homing arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy.
器皿:织工的针 - 这是您可以获得的几种器皿物品之一。这是一根针,可以飞来飞去,落在敌人身上,打击他们。可以把它想象成类似于《银河护卫队》中Yondu的寻箭。
Armor: Iron-Tough Set and Material: Duskveil's Horn - You should now be able to craft the complete Iron-Tough armor set.
盔甲:Iron-Tough 套装和材料:Duskveil's Horn - 您现在应该能够制作完整的 Iron-Tough 盔甲套装。
Soak: Double-Combed Rooster Blood - This gourd drink/soak item removes the poison status effect and boosts your movement speed and critical hit chance.
浸泡:双梳公鸡血 - 这款葫芦饮料/浸泡物品可消除毒物状态效果,并提高您的移动速度和暴击率。

Exploration is key in Black Myth: Wukong. The game doesn't have a map, and many objectives aren't made clear to you at the start. As such, you might find yourself wandering around to complete certain tasks. One of these quests takes place in the Flaming Mountains, where you'll go from underground lava flows to scorching peaks in search of a hidden realm. Here's our guide to help you with the Chapter 5 secret area in Black Myth: Wukong. Likewise, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.
探索是《黑色神话:悟空》的关键。游戏没有地图,许多目标在开始时并没有告诉你。因此,您可能会发现自己四处游荡以完成某些任务。其中一个任务发生在火焰山脉,在那里你将从地下熔岩流到灼热的山峰,寻找一个隐藏的领域。以下是我们的指南,可帮助您了解《黑色神话:悟空》第 5 章的秘密区域。同样,请注意,本文包含剧透。

Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 5 secret area - Bishui Cave


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发表于 2024-8-20 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
安姆闲人 发表于 2024-8-20 21:49
有一个人好像没人提过,我总觉得游戏里面光源太亮了,整体亮度可以接受,但光源总是晃眼看得有点累 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:05 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
与天争锋_L 发表于 2024-8-20 22:02

—— 来自 鹅球 v3.0.87-alpha


—— 来自 鹅球 v3.0.87-alpha

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
与天争锋_L 发表于 2024-8-20 22:05


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发表于 2024-8-20 22:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2024-8-20 22:08 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2024-8-20 22:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2024-8-20 22:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2024-8-20 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
Vneeto 发表于 2024-8-20 22:09


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发表于 2024-8-20 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
Vneeto 发表于 2024-8-20 22:09


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发表于 2024-8-20 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
哈扎马 发表于 2024-8-20 22:14
不如这样,片头有可能全假,根本就没有围剿花果山不然主角和老猴不会存在,二郎神有可能是青狮变的也可能青 ...

草 这可能性也太低了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 vivo V2324A, Android 14上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.5.4

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-8-20 22:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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